This is not 1.12 this is Classic

People acting like it’s some sort of late TBC rush drek strat every game is being just as disingenuous as people saying no one wants to play classic because it’s a 14 year old game.

I dont understand, are you implying that the way the game is played these days is not a rush to win from both sides? Because it is now just what everyone does. They join and they rush the boss. That won’t change just because it’s not retail. They will try to rush on both sides.

The elite mobs can help stop this from happening.

The disingenuous thing that is being argued by those of you that are pro 1.12 av is that people won’t be rushing. It’s just what people do now… that won’t change just because it is classic.

I’m sorry but are you from the future or something and you’re telling me how people are going to play AV in classic?

You mind staying in your lane?

Yeah 1.12 archers will also stop this from happening just as much as 1.5. It’s still hard to rush a 1.12 AV dude unless you are extremely organized.

It’s also disingenuous to act like it didn’t happen in 1.5 as well.

Go ahead and try to get your first AV group to rush in the 1.12 AV we are getting. See how far you get.

You’re just a troll… I see you in every forum post about getting it changed and you make sure to stop in and belittle and talk down to those who have a different opinion.

There is no need to get rude, but you do. Because you’re a troll…

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Say dumb stuff get dumb stuff said to you. If you want to have an educated discussion with no insults you have to start it off on a foot that leads me to believe you’re at least thinking for a second before you post.

If you aren’t going to look at both sides of the fence before posting I’m going to talk down to you. Sorry not sorry =D

I refuse to have a conversation with you, you’re such a troll its ridiculous.

Just an fyi, it doesn’t matter if you post 1000 posts you’re still just 1 person. When the forums are being flocked to by 1000 people all wanting a different version of AV.

This might be why you’re mad… you’re hoping around from forum to forum making sure to talk down on people and push your opinions. We got it dude, you dont agree. Now let the other 99% have their say.

Not a troll. Just because I hurt your feelings doesn’t make me a troll. =D

Nope not even close at all my friend. You see… comments like this is why you probably get insults thrown your way. So misinformed… so ignorant…

I personally love every aspect of AV so really… this is a win-win for me. I am just calling people out for spreading complete lies about one version or another to try and make it sound like THEIR version is correct. I don’t really have a version so I can’t really push an opinion on one as they are all good. But if you lie about one just to make yours sound better…well you’re a dumb dumb.


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Majat: Why you troll me and throw insults at me it’s so rude I’m not a child!!!

Also Majat: speaking in hashtags

This is what the pro-late vanilla AV people completely miss. You could make meaningful progress rep and honor wise without being at either the beginning or end of the BG. There was a constant flow of players into and out of the BG, doing objectives, doing the race kill quests, straight up PVPing.

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You choose to not capture objectives, not do the quests, not do the turnins, etc, that’s on you. “Winning” the BG is not the only thing AV is about, nor is it the only thing that gives rewards.

Thank you for bringing this up. Now use this logic with 1.12.

Peeling the Onion is the only “logic” needed. In 1.12 there will not be time to play the BG as that text outlined. Chess was not meant to be played by taking one’s forearm and moving all of the pieces across the board while your opponent did the same. AV was not originally designed so that players would simply ride unimpeded past each other on the field of strife.

Why won’t there be time exactly? You mind pointing out exactly what makes you say this?

Private server people will look very hard for Classic issues, so they can justify going back to w/e exploitable/glitchy/buggy private server they’ve grown addicted to. They’ll latch onto any change, even good good change, then cry because the sky is falling.

These folks say those servers are authentic…which is so far from true it hurts.
Nevertheless, they’ll use those non Blizz-like -trash servers- as the stick to measure Classic authenticity with. Then they’ll blame Blizz for going down the same dark ‘changes’ road they went before, the game is ruined blah blah blah…

Classic is going to be great. Good riddance to private servers and people that frequent them, 1.12 AV, sharding and loot trading don’t change hardly anything and chicken little was a tool.

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While some people are going to look for excuses(and probably use private servers to claim it’s “not authentic”), a lot of us are just voicing our disappointment in the decision to use 1.12 AV since it facilitates zerging a fair bit more than previous versions.

1.12 AV was a change from the original version. Not an objectively good or bad one, but just a change. That naturally leads to some people having the opinion it was bad and preferring the older version.

I also think they should use an older version of threat in the game because I think that 1.12 threat is too trivial. I’ve had no problem voicing that on the forums, and I’ll have no problems voicing it in the future.

but if they stick with 1.12 on that matter that doesn’t mean I’m going to run to a private server just because I didn’t get Classic precisely the way I wish it was.

When the later version is known for its players bypassing the entire BG and avoiding all PvP to kill the end boss, then there is an argument for that version being objectively worse.

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The players could not do that in 1.5 AV, could they?

Just ignore the folks typing 'WHY ARE YOU DEFENDING, PLEASE PUSH WITH US" and you’ll get a turtle. A non zerg. Easy.


Blizzard is building the experience for both, they are not focused on making a perfect copy of vanilla. There are many engine enhancements that we want to have. For example, being able to look at an item and have it automatically compare to what you have in inventory without the need of a mod.

What is the experience that we want from classic?

  • A game with depth. Retail has lost that with class homogenization.
  • A game where you everyone is not a Champion! . You are just a shaman, a warrior, etc…
  • A game where leveling is hard. Pulling 3 mobs in a ‘oh crap’ moment.
  • A game where the world is large. In retail we fly over the world and miss all the detail, in classic you appreciate it. Even though classic is tiny compared to retail, it feels much more immense.
  • A game where community is required. You can’t just LFG your way though levels.

Only by people who either don’t understand what the word objectively means, or are trying to use it to claim that their opinion is fact.

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