This is not 1.12 this is Classic

Umm… the legacy achievements specifically track things that are no longer obtainable including things like old pvp ranks which were certainly not obtainable in wrath.

and i did. this character was created after wrath was already live.
just because it is now my main doesn’t mean it was my main in vanilla and bc.

and thus if this character was in fact, created after bc, because my original account got banned, i would in fact, not have any of those on him would i?

Yes they were dude JFC you obviously didn’t play before then so you are getting confused. If you got hand of adal pre wrath, you would have the achievment the day you logged in in TBC when achievs came out, but you don’t even have that. You have nothing.

Oh and I did a quick search for your character under some archives. Wouldn’t you believe it… they never existed? Isn’t that crazy?!?

Actutally, Achivments came in the pre patch. not the day 1 of the Expack, i remember getting the bear mount during the pre patch aha.

Ahh so you admit you want to pick and choose aspects of the game you want in it and are going to complain like a child when it’s not how you want it. But other people can’t do that - even if you KNOW there’s no chance? I see now. Toxic elitist vanilla community at its finest.

funny because it totally existed. you know that whole ban thing sucks? i was in the guild Eclipse, on Gilneas, for the majority of Wrath. i also went under the name Marcelos for a time.

Well then the question becomes what did you do to get banned.

the account got hacked?

‘It got hacked’

Lol sure.

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here’s my shaman. who also got hand of a’dal.
who also has several pre wrath achievements.

my account got hacked. complain all you want. that’s what happened.

How do we know that’s your account?

do i need to log in game? i can.

Seems to me a lot of people want a faithful recreation of their favorite private server.


well should i get in game to prove a point?

there are only two BG’s available by this patch.
So the question becomes, does Classic provide the experience that PvP players want from them?
I think the responses speak for themselves.
The PvP part of the game was that important for me and what I thought was a forgone conclusion of coming back to the game, is now up in the air because of their decision.

Did you… did you actually buy your account lol wtf… what was your rogues name that got banned again? That rogue never existed. I actually think I found proof that this guy bought his account. Or at the very least plays on a connected account with someone who actually did these things.

it existed under a couple different names on different servers.
marcelos, rebekah. and no. i didn’t buy my account.
i had two accounts back in the day. one that i did most my stuff on. one i started in bc with my shaman.
the rogue one got banned so i started a new rogue later on.
might have also used teh name instinctz.

So you only play one rogue now huh

i’ve played rogues multiple times throughout the years. i retired my first rogue in vanilla when i went to play on a new server with friends from work.
kept the new one until the account ended up banned.
now i have multiple rogues on this account both alliance and horde side.

would you like me to log into game on either my rogue or shaman and show you my achievements and titles?