what makes the most sense also heavily trivializes a lot of what made vanilla what it was.
do you understand what i am saying?
this is why i have never been a fan of them just using 1.12 as the base of the game.
you trivialize ZG/BWL/MC/Onyxia
you make the leveling experience a lot easier.
you use an inferior version of battle grounds.
Yes, it just makes no sense. You don’t even know what vanilla was, you never played it.
1.12 AV is vanilla.
1.5 AV is vanilla
1.7 AV is vanilla
Pre bgs vanilla is vanilla.
Nothing is more vanilla than the other.
Yeah and we all accepted this as okay. Why do you care so much anyway? This is going to be a very first experience for you. You clearly were not around in vanilla so this is not going to be ANY skin off your back.
yeah no. i didn’t start in wrath at all. i was on the crushridge server and then the eonar server during vanilla and moved to gilneas during BC.
I still have my hand of a’dal title for the love of god.
the only thing that stinks is my original rogue is banned because it got hacked.
I understand arguing with people on the internet can be exhausting, especially when you’ve been doing it for a couple of hours straight and you’re “losing”, but if you want me to keep replying to you I expect you to tone down on insults, actually read and try to comprehend the arguments the other side is making and offer better rebuttals than just stating the opposite. If I wanted to partake in /v/ style funposting I’d do it on /v/.
You don’t have a single thing pre wrath under you and this is clearly your main. I don’t even see this hand of adal your speaking of and to which point you can actually still get it today if you wanted to… All you had to do was accept the quest in wrath and still have it.
Show me otherwise friend, not that I need proof to tell me what I already know.
I’ve said many times, my favorite version of AV was the first one. This was Blizzard’s original interpretation of the Battle of Alterac Valley, and it must be the one we get to play in Classic.
If you played pre-Wrath you would recall that when Wrath first came out and you logged in for the first time you got a bunch of achievements flash up on the screen all at once.