This is beyond ridiculous. how do you allow this?

bots log in after server up.
video removed

do you have to automate everything to the point of ineffectiveness? cant have one person to manually ban these bots?

im dumbfounded.


As noble as ur intentions are this kinda thing isnt allowed on the forums right click and report and move on blizzard never drops the ban hammer immediatley they ban in waves and usualy in big batches the last batch was over 200 000 accounts bots being one of many reasons.


i see nothing in the Forum Guidelines that says this post is against the guidelines. i just looked to make sure.

and i find it shocking that complaining about botts running rampant is something CS frowns upon. False flagging though, is.


Yes, they look like bots. If you find a suspected bot in game, right click and report. Nothing can be done about it on the forums. Posting videos with character names showing is considered a form of harassment called naming and shaming, which is against the Forum Code of Conduct.


The thing is that this forum is one for players to assist other players. It is NOT a point of contact for Blizzard staff. Sure, you’ll see our SFAs posting throughout, but they’re not GMs or Devs or anyone who can do anything about this. They’re not even ones who can be the mouthpieces for what Blizzard allows or disallows. So posting here really doesn’t get you anywhere for things like this.

The intention of this forum is to help direct folks in policies or where to go to find or accomplish something. It’s not a feedback forum or one where they’re even accepted or seen by the staff who can do anything with it.


Cleaning up old posts! :slight_smile:


how does it effectively stop them if they are allowed to play long enough to turn a profit even if eventually banned?

and the difficulty to click and report each one is not even possible. you might get 3 out of that 100 bot conga line. not to mention they intentionally stack to avoid it. they flyhack pretty quick from log in as well.

blizzard cant expect us to do all of the work. if they do, please give someone trusted the power in game to ban anyone they see flyhacking like this.

they let them play for far too long that getting banned is a minor inconvenience to the botters, yet the damage botters do the the server is a major issue for so many of us players.

Cleaning up old posts! :slight_smile:


k i didnt know that, i’ll send this in.


Naming and shaming. The names of the alleged bots are clearly visible in the clip you’ve posted. You can remove it yourself, or risk forum penalties when a moderator removes it for you.

Harassing or Defamatory

This category includes both clear and masked language and/or links to websites containing such language or images which:

  • Insultingly refer to other characters, players, Blizzard employees, or groups of people
  • Result in ongoing harassment to other characters, players, Blizzard employees, or groups of people

If a player is found to have participated in such actions, they will:

  • Be given a temporary ban from the forums, depending upon severity

You don’t have to click them all. A handful of them is sufficient. Blizzard will see the pattern and can pull up the details on the back-end of things.

You’ve posted several times on this forum about how you don’t believe things are being addressed as you believe they should be. Orylia’s response is just as valid here as it was in the other more recent thread.

Continuing the discussion from Social Contract:

If this is a deal breaker for you? There are other games out there if you don’t like how Blizzard handles things here. Not a single soul is holding you here if this eats at you so.

Report and move on. That’s all you need to do. Bots suck, everyone admits it. But what people fail to remember is that Bots exist because of the players who buy illegal services. Kill the business, kill the botting empires. It’s a problem that begins and ends with us players. Blizzard does the best they can to combat it, but every game out there has the same problem because there will always be idiots who want to cheat to get ahead.


that works but its slow, and they effect so many players every hour they are allowed to farm and ruin the efforts lots of players put into the game.

if complainers like me are support to be squelched and reported for being frustrated about the blatant obvious flyhacking bots, then so be it. i fight for the user.

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You can complain and give feedback without violating the code of conduct, and without forfeiting your ability to use the forums. How will you fight for the user then?


Look, it’s a marathon, not a sprint. Don’t get angry. Remove the video link as the others are not wrong, the SFA’s will be able to see that link if they need it. Send in the video to and continue playing.

And, right click report, it works!


You fight for yourself, you only speak for yourself. Not a single other soul, just as I mentioned in that same post I linked. You’re not a matyr for any cause.

Breaking the rules to report other people breaking the rules doesn’t make you any better than those that cheat. Blizzard works on their time - not yours. You and all of those who may think like you do that insta-banning supposed bots is the answer, but how would you respond to the fact that there would absolutely be legitimate players no doubt caught up in that mix? Folks already rage about the handful of people who get mistakenly caught up in banwaves as it is. Instantaneous bans (that are not the more black-and-white social sanctions) would be far more devastating on the true playerbase than swatting down the bots - who have hundreds of thousands of accounts that they’ll just swap to when one is banned. It is not so clean and easy as people seem to think it may be.


No matter what the issue is, if enough people are looking to buy something, there will be someone who finds a way to sell it.


That is unfortunately the truth. There is only so much any business can do to combat them, but with it being a multi-million (though likely multi-billion) dollar industry, it’s just a straight fact that they will always find some way around whatever fixes or roadblocks put in their way to keep operating. The businesses exists because there will always be a market for it.

But it’s easy for players who don’t know and who don’t care to know that their idea of “oh it’s easy to fix if you do X!!! And if you don’t, you don’t care about us players or this game!!!” isn’t realistic.


They don’t


Just correct me, if Blizzard takes this “slow” time to analyze, be it days, weeks or months, it gives the cheater a chance to earn the gold needed to acquire a new account, or purchase illegally.
Now, if the process were faster “we are in 2024!!!”, there are much faster and more capable processors than in 2013-2014.
Frankly, giving this excuse that you need to do a full, detailed investigation is a little frustrating.
The community tries to collaborate, but I clearly see that this type of slowness only encourages more and more bots.
We’re always posting feedback on the forums, but the fact that we don’t include names of potential “cheaters” makes us seem protective of “cheaters.”
We know this is boring.
By saying that we are not comfortable with the processes, are you inviting us to leave the game and leave only the bots, cheaters?
I understand that the forum team does not have direct powers to do this, but passing on reports would be enough to make the game more balanced and with less cheating.

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I’m assuming that these things would be tracked, and that illicit currencies would be removed during the suspension process.

Everything you need to report is included in the game reporting system, reports on the forum would not speed up the process, and would not include this vital information.