This is a cruel joke to us!

I’m not gonna even pretend I know how WoW’s coding works. But we do know there’s “flags” for if you play Alliance or Horde that shuffles your toon into this line of quests or that line of quests in a zone. We know they can’t interact or speak to one another, etc. It’s part of the core code created with WoW.

Well they’ve been systematically woking around it. Racial languages, demonic and draconic, Pandaren, Elixer of Tongues, merc mode in pvp, cross faction grouping and guilds it all seems to be testing ways or taking steps to once and for all make those “flags” obsolete. So what if - and this is a huge if - this is the next step? Take an existing race pretty much nobody cares about and see if they can make it fit in both factions, use both cities, work through both sides of the quests and work with it until they figure out how to apply it to every player in an upcoming expansion where they can finally play We Are One from Lion King 2 at Blizzcon and showcase the races if Azeroth working together and sharing the whole world.

p.s. Doesn’t my tinfoil hat look cute? :dracthyr_love_animated:

For those who are saying there are people that wanted dirt dwarves, the awkward silents at Blizzcon when they announced them tells a different story.

There are only 2 people on this thread that are saying they wanted this. And those people are the kind of suckers that Blizz want to cater to. Copium fuelled loyalties that would pay $90 on any slop that Blizz sling in their faces.

People that thought DI Dwarves was going to be Horde are idiots. Definitely when they announced them along with MH Orcs!

It was suppose to be “Community” but I forgot to finish it. I just change it to “us”.

It a huge slap in the face and a even bigger “FU” to the troll players. They’re giving female dwarves beards before male trolls. WTF BLIZZARD!? :rage:

That means crap to us. Shadowlands was revolved around the covenants and those races. And yet not one races from the expansion wasn’t playable. Even thou there was tons of players wanting Venthyr and blue human to be playable.

We had Legion with Stormhien Vrykul. Instead, the only two races we got from that expansion was moose Tauren and wine elves. Both are lazy revisons of normal Tauren and Night Elves.

Vrykul are not humans nor do they consider themselves one. They’re descendent from giants so they are just proto giants. Human descendent from Vrykul not the other way around. And it been already proven that there are Vrykuls that are the same height as Tauren and Kul’tirans.

Because to many, it a great End game for them. People want their Malibu dream house for their Barbie doll (their character).

Because Vrykul are not human. They’re proto giants. Human themselves are descendent from Vrykul.

Because Dwarf races in WoW were designed to be Alliance only. The new devs are just forcing them to the Horde because they don’t want to work on another race for the Horde in this expansion. This is their way to cheat the Horde players out of a actual race for them.

It’s not sunday yet.

There’s just no way any adult with a life worth living is this worked up over dwarves on Horde. Go to work. Say hi to the kids. Pet the dog.

new models, too much work…thats my guess.

There was a push to get playable SL races? Are they even able to leave SL? Shadowlands would have been a great game… if it was replacing WoW as a brand new IP. It has 0 place in the Warcraft universe.

Yet here you are trying to make a counterpoint on why we should accept them in the Horde with no reason at all other than being a mindless loyalist and copium. Maybe you should take your own advise, buddy. :roll_eyes:

I’m excited to play an Earthen, and I’m excited to play it on Horde

people were begging for Dark Iron to go Horde before bfa came out

it makes sense though. these Dwarfs have been living under a rock…

they have no opinions on the past conflicts of the Horde or Alliance.

friend shaped faction is good enough. and since both factions help. both are friend shaped. :dracthyr_tea:

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I just wanted blue Goblins. That’s all I’ve been asking for for years.

I want you to think long and hard about what you’re saying.

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I doubt they’re self aware enough for that level of introspection.

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In what way?

27 years ago or whatever, they decided to put some dwarves in the human faction. That doesn’t mean that forevermore, dwarves are only allowed to go in the human faction.


I certainly agree with you.

I find it odd complaining about another dwarf race when we basically have five elf races, drakthyr being elvish in their visage form and most of the dragons in the game taking elven forms over the years with some special cases in between.

Oh look, more unnecessary internet rage! RAWR!

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In a West End town, a dead end world
The East End dwarves and West End Vykrul

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I would have been extremely happy with Furbolg race… and thought that might even be a possibility after helping the Winterpelts. But I’m not gonna rage quite because we got earthern dwarves instead… I’ve unlocked every race in the game already, so have my hands full just dealing with the ones I have now.

Can we just celebrate that it wasn’t a 5th elf? I’d take a third dwarf over another elf at this point. Heck, I’d accept tall goblins, and skinny orcs.