How the hell could Blizzard think that a 3rd dwarf race was a good idea! And to make them a neutral race at that! No Horde player had never ask for Dwarves in the Horde. Hell, some of us play Horde just because we don’t have to deal with any of those races on the Alliance side. But to force this garbage on us is that last straw.
We been asking for Vrykuls, Tuskarr, Ogre and other different races thats not just another version of a race we already have. We ask for Tuskarr in BfA and we gotten Mechagnome, one of the worst playable race they pull out from their dark ends. Then they release the Dracthyre, only to made them a one class race. And now this pile of pure lazyness that is the Earthen Dwarf. For gawd sakes!
I’m done with this outdated game. No housing, no dyeable armors, no races that we the paying fans been asking for years. If they want people to come to this wornout horse, DON’T ADD the dirt dwarves! And replace them with neutral Vrykul!
Alliance get the Stormhien Vrykul
Horde gets the Northrend Vrykul
I’m not going to disagree that another dwarf race is silly…but having separate races for alliance/horde at this point is. Making the new race available to both factions was a good move and should be what we expect from now on.
Well then.
I wonder what a playable Vrykul would look like…maybe a human with slightly different hair options. lol. Because that’s what the NPCs look like.
I agree with your thoughts on the neutral portion but I would love more dorf races (and more Gnomes of course).
I am just glad it’s not another elf race. I mean I like elves but it’s too much at times.

It is a surprise, to be sure, but a welcome one.
Here is a counterargument, majestic beard.
Everything I see here is strictly your opinion. You don’t speak for EVERYONE. Evidently someone does, or they wouldn’t have made them a thing to be played.
A lot of Horde players asked for Dwarves. Particularly of the Dark Iron flavor.
Whether or not that was on books after a certain MoP scenario is anyone’s guess.
I think they added them so they can check a box and have a female with a beard. Tolkien dwarven females have beards, but if they were going for that, they would’ve given normal dwarf females beards a long time ago so I don’t believe they care or perhaps even know Tolkien. I havn’t seen anyone excited for them. In full armor you can’t even tell they are any other dwarf. They are somehow even more boring than lightforged draenei. Nothing against lightforged, but they are not even a reskin. Possibly they ran out of ideas for an allied race. Can’t do nerubian, can’t do naga, can’t do anything the playerbase has asked for probably for technical gameplay or aesthetic armor reasons. But yeah, they suck. Sorry to the devs who put lots of effort into them, but they suck.
Not gunna say its a landslide majority, but i have seen plenty of horde players saying Dark Iron should be horde and wishing for them.
Vrykul are everything people complain about with new races. They are just tall humans with a viking accent. Thats it. Nothing new aestheticly.
At least Earthen are our first stone based race.
Tuskarr was not the ask in BFA, at least not that much, it was Sethrak which just dont work as a playable race. And people did ask for Mechagnomes as well, me included, and i still love them.
I dont understand people obsession with player housing as some game saving feature.
Armor dying doesnt work because too many sets rely on alternate colors for challenge modes or major rewards. What could work is maybe a “align colors” option like SWTOR. Make everything match my current chest piece or shoulders or something.
Anyway if your done with this game, dont let the door hit you on the way out and ill see you in War Within.
I reject my dirt cousins for joining the horde cause
If you think about it, Dwarves and Orcs have a similar vibe. They just happen to be on opposite factions.
They’re both reskins. Same model, slightly different traits.
And if you think about it, Earthen will probably have more unique narrative than LF Draenei.
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I also want playable Vrykul, have since wrath. But being a overdramtic Karen does not help your cause
I haven’t been asking for any of that…
tbf dirt is more acceptable in Orgrimmar
How do you open with this, and close by asking for humans? Lmao.
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I read the first few posts because I wanted to find out who “Commu” was.
The search for Commu rages on, brother.
The race itself is fine. Granted it isn’t in my top five picks for a new allied race, or even a thought at this time but it does seem to fit based off the next expansion. My only wish would have been more than just a skin change for the new race. I would have preferred them to be more Crystaline in form.
The Earthen in its natural state looks interesting but how often will that be. Once it is covered in armor and a helmet, I fear that it will look no different than a standard dwarf.
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