Really dumb to get a new dwarf race i agree, especially with dark iron dwarves already in existence. Vast majority of people probably would have prefered to get Nerubian humanoids of some kind or basically anything.
It was just laziness on their parts. They can change the skin color and eyes on existing models and call them a new dwarf race.
If you are going to do some kind of Dwarf… make it for Horde and give alliance some kind of version of Orc, or Vulpera or Nightborne etc.
Literally the only ones who benefit even a small percentage in this deal are horde.
I think if Blizzard are going to introduce a new Dwarf race, it should be Horde only. Then, they need to write them as morally grey to kind of evil, and THEN do some interesting things with them. Alliance players don’t need a 3rd Dwarf race, realistically, they don’t, they do however need any of the 50 playable races they’ve been begging for for the last 20 years.
Putting them in both factions means they’re going to be another neutral panda race, and that’s boring, we already have a neutral panda race. Putting them exclusively on the Alliance side means they’ll be written as morally upright, and that adds nothing to the Alliance because they already have that, and that’s a loss for the Alliance… the only way to fix this, in my opinion, is to make them Horde exclusive and semi-evil.
How hard would it be to write a earthen, rock Dwarf race that has little emotions or compassion for living fleshy beings? It’s already established in game to some extent, and would be a nice springboard into more interesting stories regarding their morality or goals.
Absolutely agree. I mainly play Alliance and this race is hands down one of the worst abominations I’ve ever had the misfortune of dealing with. Horrible transmog options. Just another reskin of a classic race. Mechagnomes, Highmountain, Lightforged, Mag’har, and Dark Irons should have just been CUSTOMIZATIONS for the already existing races.
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I do love dwarves.
I love that they had the same base strength as tauren back when that was a thing because I adore the image of my dwarf ladies just demolishing any given orc in an arm wrestling contest. I enjoy going for everything with gusto and ENTHUSIASM. I also enjoy beards, beverages, and explosions.
Dwarves are the best and I look forward to having MORE DWARVES.
As long as it’s not more prissy dainty blood elf xerox copies. I’ll drink to that Sledgehammer
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Way back in the day when Dark Iron were getting bandied about as a request when allied races were announced, that was the main argument.
Because, you know, somehow the Horde doesn’t have enough “like the Alliance race, BUT EDGY!”
It’s all about variety.
And some of us want to open doors skull first in our power fantasy.
(It’s me. I’m some of us.)
Fair. I’d be lying if I said I’d not play a tauren race made of stone and earth. ![:beers: :beers:](
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Actually, this is about the only thing I’ve ever asked for, race wise.
That and Sethrak, but that’s never happening.
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I still want ogres and Revantusk trolls (one way or another), but I’m not upset to expand my rocky headbutting boozy ways to my Redside toons.
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Yeah dwarfs for the Horde is just… gross. I’ll never look at any of them the same. Likely they’ll just be Pandaren 2.0 the unplayed race. I guess I didn’t realize they were for both factions. Man, does that mean more hand holding going forward?
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I’d love to say this was just a traditional view, but traditionally people thought Dark Iron should go Horde, so you’re really just being contrarian for the sake of it.
I totally agree with you.
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No I’m genuinely disturbed that what made Warcraft Warcraft is being eroded by loud JRPG MMO fans that likely never played WC as an RTS. The lack of war, the let’s be friends, dwarves for the Horde? We shouldn’t even have factions. Why are bgs even a thing? Nothing needs to make sense, I guess. Hence why I’m holding out on preordering. Not sure why chipping away at the faction identities is considered wise but then again it’s the same movers that brought us the botched BfA, SL, and DF.
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I’m indifferent to the new races being horde/alliance exclusive or available to both, but in this case Alliance didn’t really gain anything new. We got the same old model, same old animations, most likely with a slightly different racial.
It really doesn’t feel like anything new. Once you put armor on the earthen you won’t be able to tell them apart from dwarves.
They have a hunched posture and very different animations. Blizz could also make them tall like Worgen/tauren. But I will agree that another human race is just meh.
Personally I’d trade Kul Tiran for them. KTs were the “sea Vikings” nobody asked for.
Well in that case. Allow me.
I’m okay with the Earthen Dwarves just wish they were Dark Iron Dwarves instead since I always wanted them on Horde side and well I’ll still always lowkey wish it was Dark Iron Dwarves on Horde side instead of Earthen Dwarves on Horde side.
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Its like no one remembers Uldaman at all, or recognized that WoW is trying to get back to its roots and explore content from the original release, or that they’re tying up loose ends before they go in a new direction or something.
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“3 Dwarf races is too many!”, says people who play a game with 4 Elf races.