This is a cruel joke to us!

Agreed. It’s a little over the top. lol


I’m going to name one Rockford, and she will be a slick, rebellious private investigator that uses her previous thieving ways to solve crime


I requested it. Unfortunately for you I hold some level of sway over such things.

You need a normal dwarf to be your best friend, Angel.

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I am with you OP. I don’t even plan on leveling more characters, but when I read that the new race was these dwarves, I couldn’t comprehend WHY!

Blizz always manages to give you the ONE thing you did NOT ask for.

Keep yer feet on the ground!

I already DO! /point “Elisiana”


I don’t know why people are still making these threads. It’s the underground expansion and earthen are on theme.

Every single race “that people want” has no business anywhere near the expansion. I don’t think they have any plans to add things just for no reason, even if high elves are in midnight and people asked for them, well it’s also the elf expansion.

And so on, some of the bfa ars have very little ties to that expansion but people complained about that and I doubt they will do it again.

Quick question, is this a real quit or a Preach quit. If it’s a real quit can I have your teeth? I have dredger friends in Revendreth that are always asking.

If it’s a preach quit, see you back in a few months. Oh and don’t forget to slam the door on your way out.


I’m of the belief most of the “I quit” posts are Preach quits. All attention no follow through.


Neutral races are not good. They will never have the level of connection a factional race can have to it’s faction.

You want a horde underground race then use the nerubians. We helped their northrend counterparts during wotlk.

I’m not shock to see many of you are defending this. Just shows how some people will accept any dumb ideas that Blizzard can get away with. These past expansions are proof.

Also it’s not just about them not listening to us about playable races that we want. It’s also other stuff they refuse to give us just to release it as content to patches down the line.

  • Breads option for the Trolls
  • Better visual on Nightborn tattoos
  • Tails option for Worgen
  • Upright position for Forsaken
  • Sub race options (which dirt dwarves should’ve been)
  • Housing
  • Dyeable gear
  • Gears thats not painted on
  • Invisible pants (wtf, still not available! )
  • Sliders (for anything, not just boobs)
  • Having last names (how can NPCs can have last names but we have to struggle with not able to use common first names?)
  • not updating fightpaths in older areas
  • not fixing game resetting bugs that’s still in the game since it expansion released. (Happens a lot in older battleground maps and in the Outlands)

I’m in favor of troll bread.

Not mutually exclusive with dwarves, though. You could probably even throw in troll beards!

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Maybe Blizzard is preparing to make all the races open to both factions?

Idk, just guessing here.

NGL I’d play a Gnoll or a Kobald or a two headed ogre before I’d even want to play a dwarf.

I’ll even take a googly eyes murlock with a wedgie.

And that’s playing as a horde toon. If I were alliance sure dwarf all the way.

But roll a dwarf and call it horde? Psh Wolvarr are more horde.

Everyone is allowed to have their own (wrong) opinion.

I’m genuinely pretty hyped to have some dwarves on redside. I wasn’t sure about the Dark Iron when that was getting bandied around as a Horde request, but this? I like.

You’re a dwarf. Clearly bias.


Even if I have to look down a bit.


xD well if a dwarf it’s only looking down on gnomes otherwise it’s eye to eye or up lol

it makes me want to level up a horde earthen just to spite all the hordies who are against the idea. then I will do my dance in the middle of Orgrimmar.

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