It is if the others have literally no experience with the subject in question. Imagine if people who only played WoW to ERP on Moon Guard were dictating balance for mythic raids.
It says most valuable feedback, not only feedback. Read what is said and not what you think it says.
You don’t need to be shot to know that being shot is not good.
You don’t need to run Torghast to know that time pressures is not a good thing, as you have run lots and lots of others dungeons, both electronically and on table top, for many and many years.
They go out of their way to say you can’t comment along the lines of wanting changes to what we have done, but just tell them what parts of what the did is not good, and only alpha testers can even give that feedback.
No it doesn’t, unless you twist what they are saying.
They are not saying they are going to exclude any feedback.
They are not saying they are going to ignore anyone.
A 50 dollar bill is worth more than a 20 dollar bill. Doesn’t mean I am going to throw away a 20 if I find one in my wallet.
Don’t like timed content and never will!
I am a proud member of #Nocloakclub.
They didn’t say that. You are inferring that. Read it again:
Where in that sentence does it say we’re not gonna read feedback from other people? All it says is where the best feedback will come from. It, in no way, says it’s not listening to all feedback. It says the opposite. “We appreciate all feedback.”
Stop reading what you wanna be pissed about, read what’s actually present.
I am out of likes, so please consider this as a like haha!
I like your comment!
This. Please consider the context of the quote and realize that the most useful feedback is from… people who play the game. Incredible, I know. Shocking. Almost faux pas to mention, much like something-something Titanforging.
Are you comparing a WoW content format to getting shot?
Let’s not try to podium in the Victim Olympics here, let’s actually talk about this factually.
Why would your opinion on content you cannot play and have 0 experience with matter in the least bit? Do you think you’re prepared to write a review of a videogame you haven’t played? No, of course not.
Therefore - You’re not qualified to actually give any feedback on content you haven’t touched. This is a GOOD statement from Blizzard - They’re tuning all out the goobers on the general forums crying about timers (that they haven’t even experienced yet), and listening to the people they actually trust to test the content.
It’s about time.
It would not.
Yes, that’s corporate speak for they are going to ignore non-alpha testing, otherwise you would not have worded it that way.
They are giving (more/all) weight to those who have tested than those who have not, when the issue is at hand is the design they are having tested should be removed or not (time pressures), and not that how they can improve the design they have in place (keeping time pressures).
That’s corporate speak for “If you are not going to help us do it our way, F off.”
No timers in Torghast. Its not needed. At all.
Spider bites make it softer for you snowflake?
No truer words have ever been said.
Got it.
You just want to twist things into a narrative and rant and rave.
I will just move on. Its clear you’d rather be dishonest then give honest feedback.
When they specify weight values of opinions and divide into two groups, that’s corporate speak for they are going to listen to one and not the other.
So now not only can Blizzard safely ignore your opinions, so can I. Nice!
I would like to like this, I am out. Thank you.