This has to be the worst Blizzard comment I've ever seen

Yeah…I find it funny they are saying they are going to ignore feedback from non testers when they are also ignoring feedback from alpha testers.

And most of the current alpha testers are friends and family + streamers. That should send a red alert at Blizz HQ that something is wrong or off. But they have tunnel vision with timers because they have to crunch for a hard deadline it seems. The sudden slapping of timers for Torghast when that wasn’t the original design intent shows that is probably the case.


I am starting to question if you even know what Torghast is at this point.

This is a great reason why feedback from a person with experience > feedback from a person “on principle”.

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It is a copy pasta of visions/island expeditions. Diablo B team has painted themselves in a corner once more.

Got it.

You have no clue what Torghast is.

All I really needed to know.

Feedback with experience > feedback of a person that has no clue what he is talking about because he hasn’t participated in the content.

While they may share a few base mechanics similar to Visions, they are nothing close to a copy/paste. And implying they are is so dishonest its almost hilarious.

Even the green MVPs on the alpha forums have been vocally against timers being added to Torghast.

It seems blizz can’t accept feedback from testers, non testers or even forum MVPs.

Oh well…shadowlands is looking like a repeat of BFA testing so far.


Once again. Wrong.

Did you even read the link/thread you posted?

Are you just seeing how wrong you can be in a single thread?

Reading the Alpha board feedback, I can only assume a ton of “casuals” are in Alpha.

I think you’re taking this way too personally, and way too harshly. Saying the best feedback will come from the people who actually test it isn’t inaccurate.

If you tried to give feedback on high rated arena mechanics without being high rated within arena, I would tell you the same thing. You should provide feedback on things you’ve actually done and been involved in, testing or otherwise.

Don’t be so quick to take something unnecessarily personally. Logically, expecting the best feedback from the people who actually play test the piece of content in question isn’t incorrect.

All they said was where the most valuable feedback would come from - not that they don’t care or won’t accept feedback from others. Read what is said.

Absolutely nothing in the above says: “We will not accept nonsensical feedback from schmucks complaining about something they haven’t tested” as you’re making it out to sound like. Read what is present, not what you think you should be offended about.


Yeah streamers have conflict in that they have to present hype but at the same time they can’t really be objective.

Patch 8.3 is a good example.

For patch 8.3 a lot of streamer were hyping up the patch when I went to test it out on the PTR I did not see the hype. Then asked other people for their opinions and they too did not see the hype.

Fast forward a month after patch 8.3 launches and those streamers and youtubers start to sour on patch 8.3 and actually degrade it as a bad patch.

That to me is a sudden and quick reversal of what they hyped a few months before.

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How did you make that determination?


How something works out on paper is usually not a good indicator of how it works in practice. They need feedback from people who can physically get their hands on it.

Feedback based on experience is infinitely more valuable than feedback based on an article or blog post you read about it.

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By what the feedback is focusing on.

It took pages of shaman class feedback, for example, before anything relevant to “high end” play was even referenced.

We had people talking about the mp5 stat. Sentry Totem. Etc.

Those are issues typically valued by the “casual” player. The “hardcore” feedback has been extremely sparse.

Saying you are only going to listen to some customers, and not others, when they all give you money, is never a good thing to do.

The feedback non-alpha testers are giving is relevant to the design choices that Blizzard is doing.

You don’t need to be shot to know that being shot is not a good thing.


Fortunately they never said that.

People need to stop twisting what was said.

That’s exactly what they said.


No, it was not. Please attempt to be honest.

"We appreciate all feedback, and the most valuable feedback for this feature will come from experience in Torghast, rather than discussions about time-based difficulty that aren’t informed by in-game experience."

They are not saying they are going to ignore feedback from non alpha testers. They only said that people with more information/experience will have more value placed on their feedback.

You changed your response to a youtube link. Need a time stamp. Not gonna watch a 25 min video.


I see you referencing a lot of other people’s opinions, but how do you know how YOU feel about it until you tried it? Not just assuming based on negative feedback that likely aligns with your perspective.

If you say so. Despite my occasional nitpicks and second-guessing from the bleachers, I’m in awe of the team’s ability to keep this whole spawling enterprise on track as it relentlessly barrels forward patch upon patch.

A part of me is sad I swirved away from the studies that might have put me in the gaming industry in my youth; a part of me has nightmares about what it would be like on the other side of this code.

Do you think someone could walk into your place of employment and know as much about the job as you because they read about it on Wikipedia? This is no different.

That paragraph excludes non-alpha testers.