This has to be the worst Blizzard comment I've ever seen

This is exactly what a Square Enix fake poster would say.

Streamers aren’t even the primary testers. I am quite confident more non streamers are testing than streamers.


Opinions are like…

In the end, I’m just annoyed at myself that I’m too lazy to make my own game.

I agree that they should but that isn’t always the case.

You could just do like a lot of today’s developers. Inherit the good work of others and then just start changing it into a hammered pile of dogish


I have definitely noticed that most of the complaints (for anything) are when there is some kind of difficulty added, and most of the suggestions are to remove them or make them easier. Apparently everything is “not fun” unless they can run through everything with a few abilities and get the best gear out of it. This is “fair” for everybody.


I mean its about time they stop taking that kind of feedback into account , if you dont like the concept for said content , your opinion on it isnt valid , simple .

Thats what they commented , they want ACTUAL feedback on it and not opinion on the core concept of said content about wanting it to be like so instead of X feature should be less harsh or that one more challenging , etc .

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I wonder what percentage of alpha players represent the majority of the playerbase (average player), and how many are the cutting edge mythic raider/streamer types? If Blizzard only wants input from people actually playing in Torghast, is that feedback coming from people who represent the desires of the masses, or the desires of the 2%, whose in game experience in many ways is focused on a playstyle many of us cannot identify with?

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I asked in GD yesterday how many “casuals” were in the alpha. Got two responses.


If Torghast has I timer I will 100% not like it. I don’t need to run through Torghast, with a timer, to know that.

I thought it was going to be something like the Mage Tower, which would have been amazing.


Been there, done that ( in an old job, I inherited the codebase of an an entire department that had been let go and had to single-handedly muddle my way through keeping the project afloat despite not having anywhere near the required experience or aptitude )

But mage tower had timers. They were in the form of mechanics as opposed to a hard timer, but that’s also what Blizz seems to be aiming for with torghast.

So how long have you worked at Blizzard?

(it had to be done)

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Dumbest mistake and comment made was at Blizzcon “”" Don’t you have a phone “”"" that’s the attitude of Blizzard, and nothing we say or do will change things. They do as they please and believe me once SL is made they’re not going to reverse anything its set in concrete and again “” It’s their way or the highway “”" and people are now taking the highway.


Because when I want a really valid perspective on what pregnancy feels like, the first person I ask is a dude.


I think “Aren’t you thankful” was worse.

Please stay tuned for Akston’s What to Expect When You Are Expecting

“Don’t you have phones?”

Makes me laugh every time.

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Majority of players in alpha forums are against timers.

So now the goal posts are being moved.

  1. ignore feedback from non testers
  2. Ignore feedback from alpha testers
  3. Ignore feedback from streamers

What is next?


You moved your own goal posts.

First “the vast majority of testers”

Then its “majority of players participating in alpha forums”.

When its really “a few people in a specific thread”.


I just look at the thread you linked where you claim the majority of players are against timers.

I see 6 people total in that thread (of 55 total replies) stating they are against a timer of any sorta (soft or hard).

Most just dont want a steady ticking timer (like m+). Torghast does not have that.

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