This has to be the worst Blizzard comment I've ever seen

I mean yeah the first hand experience is more important than people assuming it will be good or bad buuuuuut if thousands of people are saying no, this is a bad idea, we don’t want it, don’t do it…and those people are the people you’re trying to engage and get interested, maybe you should hear them out.

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Specifically why won’t you enjoy the experience? Specifically, what about being bit by a spider will be negative?

I bet a person that has been bitten by a spider can give a more clear picture on why they didn’t enjoy the experience.

Theres also a portion of the forums that feel they are the smartest person in the room, despite not even being in the room. Just generally knowing what the room is.


Yeah now you’re just letting your hilarious pessimism take over and literally not making any sense with your responses. Under normal
circumstances I’d suggest staying on track in future conversations and dialing back on meme responses, but for some reason I feel that is somehow out of reach for you.

Going a bit off the rails on your overall point, but: That doesn’t mean they are more experienced, fair, logical, selfless, etc in their mindset or opinions. And even them being more informed can be argued, since they spend more time away from the game.

A good chunk are more vocal, emotional, and attached to their character. That doesn’t automatically translate to better opinions or ideas.

I don’t think it’s wrong to weigh folks opinions differently, I’d still put 1 actual tester over a thousand GD folks in a sample.

Sure, everyone pays the same sub (Not on GD necessarily with the bug) but would you want to listen to someone who logs in to troll trade chat or someone who actually plays the game?

Why bend over for players who have already shown they have zero interest in the game?

Its like those people who protest for X or Y in a game and when the game comes out it flops, because they had no intention of supporting the game they just wanted to voice their opinion, just to hear themselves speak really.

cry more?


The forums has a very wide range of players.

Many of the more vocal players are not that informed/experienced. At all.


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I mean, duh?

How can you make an informed statement about something you have literally no experience with?

Berating your playerbase will get you nowhere, Ion. Do you not have more pvp to ruin, or have you already destroyed it as much as possible?

Historically, hyperbole was used to make points. Only the unimaginative embrace consistency as their last bastion of refuge.


They aren’t wrong.

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Threads like these are probably why they haven’t listened to feedback from GD in years.

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Whatever floats your boat Mr. “Imaginative” Edgelord.

Because that is what they said :wink:

It makes sense, actually. Aside from this thing, the Alpha is basically “advertising.” So people in the Alpha should actually be happy that they have a purpose.

We got that point, but this is not a case of that. The mechanic might sound terrible, but in practice it really isn’t and in game it might make sense. Your original “poison spider bite” analogy in no way works, since that is something “all bad” that a person would not subject themselves to on purpose.

This is a case more like that, since the tower isn’t “all bad”; it is not a poisonous spider bite. So the “timer”, to keep you from hanging out waiting for global cool downs on particular things, might make sense in actual gameplay.

There are plenty of people in the Alpha to weigh in on this. I’m not one of them, but I at least trust them that much.

Well, I could have said that about BFA. It turned out to be very casual, at least my flavor of it, with stuff like Benthic, Solo Horrific Visions, etc. that I could just “do” on my own in my own way.

Thank you, Ion.

I thought Ion had only 1 character? :rofl:

I bet Ion has hundreds of characters on hundreds of accounts so that he can anonymously post his drivel and viewpoints and show “support” for his bad ideas.

Many Businesses buy fake reviewers for their products and book reviews to make that product seem desirable. On that same note, I’d wager a ton that Blizz has many staged/fake posters here to push their view/agenda.


Alot of the feedback they got was torghast was too easy after a few floors and you can just sit and wait for long CDs like lust and aotd to trivialize it even further. They have done a lot of power testing now they are adding more difficulty. This is a good thing


the problem too is that the same thing happens EVERY alpha
streamers rant and rave how “awesome” everything is
as it equals mad views for them (and future invites into betas)
then we the people get it and its a buggy horrible no-fun mess
and streamers rage about it as THAT gets views :confused:
its a stupid cycle


That’s what Bethesda did at last year’s E3.

“We’re going to add NPCs.”
“YEAH!!! WOOHOO!! YES!!@! I LOVE YOU” :+1: :clap: :clap: :sparkling_heart:

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Not even close. Try again.

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