This has to be the worst Blizzard comment I've ever seen

That stands to reason. But, if experience is superior to observation, then how does most of the content that Blizz puts out seem so crappy?

No way that Blizz play tests most of their content; they probably “pass” the bill before they know what’s in it.

What that says to me is Blizz does value spectator opinions over real experience, because even though dev favor the horde, I’ll be damned if they really even play their own horde classes. No way some of this stuff gets to live if real Blizz people are playing it.

For example; you think that there was really a Blizz employee playing visions and 5 masks with all the crap, annoying stuns and cc and saying, “my god this is fun content, I’m pushing this to live!”.

My guess is it went like this, “ok team, no need to play test it except for GLARING bugs; the players will find the other bugs for us. Just make the content as annoying and long as possible to increase time played metrics. Remember, we are Blizz, and the only metric we care about is fun! Dismissed.”


Yeah, sorry. Players actually testing and experiencing the content will always trump randoms on the forum getting upset every time they hear the word “timers” and giving emotionally charged feedback laced with literally nothing constructive towards the experience itself.

The only “feedback” the forums are giving is how the content doesn’t cater to them and how they should scrap it and redesign it so it fits their personal play style.

Only a absolute buffoon would listen to the people on the sidelines whining constantly like petulant children instead of the people actually engaging with the content and providing valuable feedback that Blizzard can actually use.

This forum is the absolute last place they should be seeking any level of feedback for pretty much anything, especially Torghast.


Most of the alpha testers are against timers if any of you have read the alpha forums.

Blizz is ignoring a large majority of testers and non testers.


Who has access to alpha?

  • blizzard staff, friends, family.
  • streamers, youtubers, some websites, top mythic raiders.

What is new here? 50% of alpha is already completed classes needs still so much work I’m not sure how it’s going to puzzle everything out with covenants… the GCD change hubris that they constantly refuse to remove because macro usage.

The buzzword “borrowed power” that everyone is using these days and the “unpruner” while in fact isnt really unpruning anything adding a bunch of generic skills to specs that barely will see play (SotR for ret for example)

I feel like classes and covenants are going to be a huge issue for SL… there’s just not enough being done for what some players have issues with.

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So don’t take an hour and 40 minutes to clear the floor, problem solved. I seriously doubt that it will take anywhere near that long to casually clear it.


I get you OP, I just don’t agree… they are right from a dev perspective. A lot of misinformed individuals fuming over something 'cause they have shell shock from islands or horrific visions when that won’t be the case at all.

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Nice try, Ion.

The best indicator of future behavior is past behavior. Players can take past play experience and conceptually process it in order to compare it to crap content that seems similar in description/SL, even without stepping foot in it.

Sure, seeing is believing, but Blizz has lied and done so many bonehead mistakes that have cost them millions of subs, why would one not lean to conjecture?


I thought it was pretty awesome when they said that. First thing that came to mind was “that’s totally a subtle jab at all the whiners on the various discussion forums who haven’t even tried the systems yet”. And I knew people were going to whine about that particular statement too.

And they are right. The most valuable feedback IS from those who actually tried it. And this works both ways – you can’t say something is going to be amazing because it sounds great on paper and you have cooked up an image in your head of how it plays out (ie, hype). You don’t actually know how it plays or feels to you until you try it. Something that sounds awesome may end up being a huge disappointment once you get it in your hands.

They even said they appreciate all feedback, so I am not sure where you get the impression that your opinion doesn’t matter. You are also correct in the implication that they are looking for feedback on how the system works – rather than the system itself. That’s because it’s a big part of the expansion, as they said. They’re not going to scrap the idea – nor should they – based on what people assume in their heads on how it’s going to play out. It is their game afterall. They don’t need permission because some people might not think they like it.

Let’s face it: any time they announce or change anything, there is an uproar. Doesn’t matter what it is. The only exception is when something is made easier or given out with no effort involved. They have clearly realized this and launched a pre-emptive strike with that statement.


They are ignoring the alpha forum feedback.

Most alpha testers said they were against timers.


No idea what you’re even on about. Try to stay on track please, this is about putting more value into people actually testing the content vs people whining on the sidelines. Also, kind of hard to compare it to anything in the game since nothing like Torghast has been implemented before.

They didn’t listen to alpha testers in bfa even when they were pretty vocal and in unison.


Which not everyone is a fan of, especially when it goes against them. But alas.

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If you were bitten by a poisonous spider, you’d know it’s not those you have to worry about.

It’s the venomous ones.

Now if you bit the poisonous spider, you’d have to be concerned.

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Players on the forums are more informed than most players. In fact I have seen some alpha feedback that shows there are some first time testers but that doesn’t mean their feedback isn’t valuable.

But right now on the alpha forums the vast majority of testers were against adding any timers to Torghast.

If Blizz wants to ignore tester feedback, and non tester feedback that is fine. But shadowlands is their last chance as the same dev team or else it will be broken up by the higher up bean counters if they fail.

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I am not sure why anyone would be surprised they ignored all the Beta feedback for BFA.


Which again is nothing compared to the ability of the WoW plaerbase to take his joke out of context and ignore the lengthy description of why they nerfed it (regardless of if you agree or not).

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“Don’t comment on what we’re doing. Just tell us how good it is and how better we can make it.”

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Ok, Ion.

Ion and staff always think they are the smartest people in whatever room they occupy. Elitist jerks, indeed.

Blizz will do whatever they want, anyways. Since when have they listened to any testers? Oh weIl. If this doesn’t pan out, maybe another 2-3 million sub loss will finally wake them up.


I get the feeling that they aren’t even capable of losing that many.


Mmhmm, rather have people who’ve played it over armchair devs.

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