This has to be the worst Blizzard comment I've ever seen

If you can’t even be bothered to check out the entire post that quote was taken from then any feedback you give actually is meaningless because based on your comments you really don’t understand what they are aiming for.

Pssshhh I’d be surprised if they cared what the alpha players have to say either, after the last couple expansions how many times have we seen passionate players who were in alpha come onto here and say… “we tried to tell you…”

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Just because someone doesn’t like something in alpha doesn’t mean they are going to change it.

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Are you unable to interoperate anything unless it’s spelled out exactly word for word?

That obviously means “To all you people crying who hasn’t gotten Alpha access, we don’t really care because we know better.”

Ion literally admitted to dismissing feedback back in BFA Beta.

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blah blah blah.
What I DO know is they have a LONG reputation of IGNORING the screams of players not liking something they INSIST in repeating over and over.

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Oh I am.

I am just intrigued how hard people will twist facts and straight up lie about a scenario to push a narrative.

Anyone who takes the statement “the feedback of a person with experience is valued more than a person with no experience” means “we are not open to any feedback at all” is being so dishonest, its comedic.


Yes, they do tend to ignore some people more than others. I wonder why that is.

because theyre clowns who have no idea how to keep paying customers happy.

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The “paying customers” dont have any idea either.

Ion literally said “We heard the feedback on Azerite, but we dismissed it because we thought we knew better internally. The players didn’t have the full picture yet.”

How can you interoperate that in any other way than “we hear you, but we don’t care”?

That’s not a twist of words of facts, it’s literally what Ion said.

I like Ion.
I like the Torghast changes.
But how they do their Alpha’s and Beta’s is terrible.


you are funny - have a nice day

Yeah…youre right…when my car shimmies at 70MPH since Im not a certified mechanic or anything I just ignore it…it’ll go away all by itself :roll_eyes:

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heh…imagine that…PAYING customers thinking they have any right to voice their opinions about the PRODUCT theyre paying for.
Savages :roll_eyes:

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the hysterical part about that being is that you just KNOW they thought trying to remove flight in the board room was a fantastic idea.
And we all see how that went down LOL.

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Now you are off on a tangent that has nothing to do with what you quoted or what I am talking about.

I am talking about the point of this whole thread, and what you quoted that caused my original response.

I am not talking about Legion, I am not talking about BFA.

I am talking about that specific statement and how people are placing a new meaning on it.

This does not mean “we will not listen to feedback”. If you have issues with their feedback listening skills and want to reference things that happened. Go for it.

But to try to tie that statement into it reeks of desperation.

Almost to the point that I hope Blizzard is following this thread and taking names on who not to listen to feedback from. If a person lacks basic reading comprehension skills, or is so paranoid they see malicious wording in pretty neutral statements, they don’t seem to be a person that can look at an event in game and give an honest assessment about it.

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None of your posts have provided them with any feedback that is of value. Change the way you post them might start listening to you.

was that clear enough this time?

Listen to ALL PAYING customers…not just the FEW you hand selected.

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What are you talking about?
It was literally the first thing I brought up in my first post I made in this thread that you replied to.

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Some people do like timed content and want more.

Now who does Blizzard listen to?

The first thing you brought up was the quote talking about how people with experience…their feedback is valued more.


no that is bad feedback again.

You can only speak for what you like. If you try to speak for what everyone likes or dislikes they ignore and move on to someone more sensible.