This has to be the worst Blizzard comment I've ever seen

No. The first thing I brought up was how it’s the same thing they did back in BFA.
I’ll quote myself because you seem to be getting lost:

That’s literally the first sentence I typed. Literally the first.
So how is me relating it to Azeirte gear a tangent to what I was originally talking about?

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they listen to the few who theyve hand selected.
ive done this play testing thing early on before in other games guy…I KNOW how it works. They want a bunch of YES men to stroke their egos and tell them how great the work is…while a huge part of the player base is going nuts hearing about the forthcoming garbage thru the grapevine.

Just like BFA and PF…this WILL blow up in blizzards face yet again if they dont pay attention to what the MASSES of paying customers want


Lets walk this back.

With Azerite, you stated they dismissed all feedback completely. Am I correct? That is the feeling I got from your post.

You are saying that they completely dismissed the feedback concerning Azerite.

Now you are saying they are doing the same thing in Shadowlands due to the statement

Where there does it say they are dismissing all feedback?


Alpha forums are filled with people complaining about various issues. Not yes men. Your theory just got completely sunk.

of course they did.
I was right here listening to the playtesters saying they were TELLING blizzard about certain things being a problem and were basically told to stifle.
Ive had the same thing happen when I play tested other game products. Its the reason I dont bother anymore. they ARENT listening until it Wile E Coyotes in their faces.

Well I am on alpha and I would like a real timer (not just some pretend one that doesn’t affect everyone) in that content. I guess I should be crying they won’t listen to me.

What a joke. Its almost like you WERENT here when BFA was in alpha listening to this EXACT same crap, guy.
take off. I couldnt care less about your defending this joke. I’ll be the guy in the corner with a bag of popcorn laughing my rump off when this crap goes live and 20% of the player base unsubs over it

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What does that have to do with anything I said.

You said they only allow “yes men” into Alpha. People that won’t complain.

You can look at the alpha boards right now and see that isn’t true.

No wonder people never bothered with your feedback in those other things you “play tested”. I never have any clue what you are talking about.

good for you. You keep telling them that subjecting a huge part of the player base to a timer they WONT like and WONT play (thus defeating the purpose of making a GAME to PLAY entirely) is a good Idea…lets see how that works out for them when it goes live…yet again. :wink:

They did, they admitted to dismissing feedback on Azerite.
They are doing the same with Shadowlands concerning Torghast.
They are not addressing the feedback, they’re saying it isn’t valuable.

So where is the tangent here? They’re comparable scenarios.

I don’t understand why you’d even want to defend Blizzard on this.

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It is better to have a timer and not fall asleep in there than fall asleep and never get anything done.

so youre saying they ARE complaining and yet some here are pretending like its a good idea to ignore those complaints?

heh…yeah…you know how that went down?
EVERY STINKING POINT I made about went live and it RUINED that game for people who even had high end gaming rigs.
its GOOD when game companies dont listen to long time, seasoned gamers.

what a joke.
Dont ever start a company.
Making the MoST paying customers happy is what pays the bills.
But we all can see the MILLIONS of sub losses this company faced when they insisted on doing things their way, now didnt we :wink:

Being bored to death makes people happy?

They will perpetually…under any circumstances…regardless.
And the game CONTINUES to suffer for the masses because of it.

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They did not say it holds no value at all.

Once again, you are twisting what is said, to turn it into something that was not said.

And they said this only applies to people that have not run Torghast. It still holds value, but not as valuable as people who have run it.

By default, this means the people that have experience, they are listening more to.

I don’t understand why you can’t atleast to be honest in your statements. Why you insist on pushing straight up lies and twisting things.

You are also straight up saying that people leaving feedback with no experience in Torghast are the ONLY ones leaving feedback. And “dismissing them” (which they aren’t) means they aren’t listening to any feedback at all.

When that still leaves the people giving feedback that actually know what they are talking about/with experience.

Why are you dismissing people with experience and not valuing their feedback?

No. Not what I said at all. I am saying there are people complaining about various aspects of Shadowlands.

And just because someone complains about something, doesn’t mean that something should be changed.

You keep saying “most”. I find that interesting.

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If youre bored without a timer RPGs just arent your thing.

There is nothing RPG about that content.

Thats just asinine.
Complaints are THE REASON WHY things should be changed :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

you’ll also find it interesting that Ive run my businesses since 1985 or so and have YET to have customers complain and go elsewhere.
But you keep telling blizzard to ignore the masses of paying customers yet again…lets see how that works out.

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lol - right. The only way that happens is if you have no business or a monopoly so that people can’t go elsewhere.

the entire game is an RPG :face_with_raised_eyebrow:
you think that changes when your fighting in game?
It doesnt.
people play this game to enjoy it…not to be stressed