This has to be the worst Blizzard comment I've ever seen

In BFA? This idiocy has been parroted since MMOs/use of betas in gaming began, I used to shake my head listening to this whole “it’s just beta” or whatnot during the EQ days all the way up to listening to the same derangement with Bioware’s Anthem. Same result every time, devs don’t change, disaster goes live, 6-12 months later game fixed with painful patches in time for next expac disaster.

It’s not just WoW or Blizzard, devs as a breed are beyond arrogant and immovable. It also doesn’t help that they are supported by some weird Stockholm-syndrome players who can’t seem to handle variant opinions. You could literally copy paste some of these same posts from the Division forums or Black Desert forums.

There are some “design integrity” decision points where devs should ignore players because they don’t get it but equally as many where that doesn’t apply. IMO after 15 years the players have a prrrrrrretyyyyyyyyy good feel for what works and what doesn’t in this game.

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This is been happening for years and effecting everyone from leveling to mythic/ Gladiator. I have questioned this multiple times but end up with ppl being ignorant.

This requires a community to fix , sadly not many care to bother about it .

I don’t know why the OP is upset. They don’t listen to us nor ever read our posts on this forum. Unless it’s a safe space subject.

“We have to pass the bill,” she said, “so that you can find out what is in it" -P

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Did you bother to listen to what he had to say past his first joke sentence?

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This is such a big problem Blizzard has. They think there is a solution they can tune this to and fix it but it simply doesn’t work with that design. It’s not about whether this feels balanced with the in-game experience it’s about how punishments based around time make players feel. Even a tuned down minor punishment will feel bad because it’s literally punishing you for not rushing. They are absolutely tunnel visioned when it comes to psychological aspects.

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I think I see where this might be going.

“You haven’t played it, you haven’t experienced it so your opinion is not as informed”
This actually sounds fair enough.

Beta phase is now almost over, getting close to SL release

“We appreciate all your valuable feedback, however at this stage of deep development we can’t make any significant changes, we’ll have to wait until the next expansion”.



I have been reading the feedback and this is good. But I am afraid Blizz may be accelerating due to some hard deadlines which is why they suddenly slapped a timer on Torghast. It seems they feel that time is running out to progress the alpha into beta soon.

got a feeling that Torghast will end up like warfronts and Island expeditions.

Not really. They are asking for specifics. And it only makes sense to listen to feedback from people who have experienced it over those that haven’t.

All people can say on this subject if you haven’t played it is you don’t like timed content, you want to proceed at your own pace. They already know that there are people like that.

They stated what they are trying to do in that post and want feedback on how to achieve those specific goals - you can’t give them useful feedback if you haven’t done it.


Yup which is why shadowlands is iffy right now.

If they really intended to say that they would have said.

Instead of prefacing that with

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heh…that is pretty stinking stupid, LOL.
I guess if Ive not driven the new Toyota model Toyota shouldnt take my input on my current model having a shimmy at 75MPH and maybe doing something to make sure it doesnt happen again. :roll_eyes:

yes…it is…from our SIMILAR experiences we’ve had already.
Im really having a hard time believing even a single person defended blizzard on this absurdity.

if I hate timed content…I hate timed content…it WONT MATTER if Ive played the new content yet or not. If its timed, I’ll still hate it.

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People defend Blizz with this non sense because if enough people opt out of Torghast that undermines most of shadowlands structure.

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I’m not afraid of difficulty, But timers are not difficulty. Make the floors harder, add more mobs, traps, mechanics. All the timer will do it make it a race to the end. No time to explore must get to the end faster, faster faster. We have mythic+ for the race, the skips, the faster faster faster, we don’t need another.

The race is not fun, I don’t run mythic+ because of the timer, I refuse to do visions because of the timer. I never found either that hard but the race ruined the fun, at least for me. We have race dungeons, now let us have a exploration dungeon.

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I got what your post was about, bud. Reading comprehension is just difficult for a lot of people.

We’ve seen Blizz taking feedback from the playerbase at large. Didn’t work out too well.

If anything, I’d like to see them start using some sort of poll system so we have a more tangible way of measuring the playerbase consensus.

I find it more interesting how many people attack Blizzard with made up lies and misinformation.

Like you.

I know you won’t respond, as you seem to have people that call you out on your misinformation on ignore. Must be nice to live in a bubble where you don’t interact with people that are able to clearly show you don’t know what you are talking about.

They did the same with Azerite, they even admitted to doing it and that’s why it sucked.
I don’t understand why they’re not open to feedback.

I don’t think it’s a timer at all, and I think the change is good.
But to see them saying they’re closed off to the feedback is good for neither “side”.

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Where did they say they are not open to feedback?

They didn’t. Anywhere.

Even in what you are quoting.