I have to find the quote, but I believe 18 floor chunks is the intent. In earlier build you could push higher in a single run, that isn’t the case anymore.
To be honest though, 18 floors is about 50 anima powers. You are stupidly broken at that point. Think D3 levels of broken. Letting you go all the way to 72 would mean you have literally every available talent for your spec, plus a ton of other completely bonkers powers. There would be no challenge from anything at that point unless they scaled it to instantly killed you.
Yeah I imagine the goal is to avoid needing to one-shot players. I guess 18 floor chunks is a good solution for it. Just confused about the marketing then. Maybe i read the wrong thing but that ain’t endless lol.
I don’t understand why you asked me this in two posts back to back.
Because WHY? Because It ain’t a single player game. I don’t think you should be able to pause multi-player games. It’s literally that simple. I don’t think you should be able to pause an online game mid-combat.
It ain’t about being hardcore, it’s about doing a thing when you say you are gonna do it. Even if the only person you tell is yourself.
I think if the Floor 18 boss drops cap out on par with (or worse than) whatever the current season M+ cap is (not the weekly chest, the actual dungeon rewards), it’s largely a non problem. There would be no power incentive to push the high floors, so the only people doing it would be those that want the challenge of exploration.
With how hard M+15 is do you really think Floor 18 is comparable in difficulty? Seems more like they should make your start at a higher floor like 13 for max rewards. Otherwise there is no run easy enough and dropping loot low enough for the people that struggle with combat to get good gear without making everyone else spam Torghast for easy loot.
This is standard blizzard mentality of “they know best” because they’re game designers that have worked very hard on making people addicted to their products.
How dare you not want to be forced into something you don’t want to do! Sarcasm
I want a chill mythic+ alternative personally, I don’t understand why we can’t have hard content that requires group coordination to do that isn’t gated behind arbitrary time limits.
It will always drop less loot overall than the same amount of time spamming M+. The strength of those individual drops determines how willing people are to game it.
They’ve been out of touch since ulduar, you can see a shift in the company around this time. The games and raids used to be kind of campy fun with silly humor, take starcraft for example. Rednecks in space doing red neck things, over the top silly.
Then take starcraft 2, super serious and very little humor. Look at Ulduar, theres ltierally a boss with a giant can opener as an arena. Everything post Ulduar has been too serious and all sense of campy humor has been removed. Thrall wants to focus on building a family and save the world. Then cata happens and even more serious tones, each expansion after that has been ultra serious and it feels bad. I want to be a random adventurer that no one knows.
I think blizzard was at it’s best when they focused more time on making jokes and inserting hidden easter egg humor for those that cared to look. They still do a little of the campy humor in some quests but overall the tone of their games has been serious and it kind of feels bad like the soul has been taken out of their games.
Too much time in spread sheets to figure out how to steal more and more wealth from their patrons. And not enough time providing a good service to the community they’ve developed
You can literally see the shift from everything blizzard has done post Ulduar if you bother to look at the raids and games objectively.
No it wasn’t a joke and it wasn’t taken out of context.
Also, the quote and time period I’m talking about wasn’t a “nerf” to Demonology spec. It was literally gutted, in anticipation of Demon Hunter being released and he was literally telling people not to play the spec until the rework.
Seems unprofessional to me. I mean, who’s doing the planning and such? To just tell people that have been playing a class/spec for 10+ years to just “don’t play this”, yeah, I don’t care what planet your from, there no defending that level of unprofessionalism.
Not everyone sure, but you can’t really hand out a handful of invites and then say “sorry, but can you guys shutup? We didn’t give you an invite so don’t get involved”
As long as people don’t have access we are going to discuss and speculate. If they don’t like that, then they need to give out more invites, it’s as simple as that.
You seem to think that you can extend that point ad infinitum to invalidate ALL their feedback.
If someone says “Torments feel bad for me because I will struggle towards the end of the floor” and they haven’t played it, then yeah, their opinion on that topic is worth little.
If someone says “I hate the idea of timers at all because XYZ from previous examples of timers in WoW content or my preferred playstyle” then their opinion is perfectly valid.