This has to be the worst Blizzard comment I've ever seen

… So I don’t know if you actually think your response was helpful or if you are trolling. But to randomly come out and open with “If your spec has it … get more rewards” and then follow up with this last reply? Its obvious we aren’t talking about the same thing. Good day.

Dungeons don’t scale as I play through them.

It wasn’t me mentioning Binding of Isaac, the rogue-likes I play (what I have on Steam now and older games in the past) are varied, and none have a timer. From what I can tell, there are a small handful of rogue-likes with timers, and they are designed with them in mind from the start.

Again, trying to tie MMO and rogue-like doesn’t make sense, as rogue-like is just a term for procedurally/auto generating content, in this case, the dungeon layout and the monsters that populate it, and not a type of game (MMO/strategy/etc.). That’s why I’m having such a hard time with that, seems like a non-sequitur to me.

If that’s the case, then the Dungeon will simply devolve into doing as little as possible, to get the most rewards. Contrary to being a “Test of Skill”

Torghast bosses drop epic gear. 3 bosses, so 3 pieces per run (per person?).

It’s all placeholders right now so we have no idea what ilvl we are talking about.

It also awards souls, needed for Covenant progression.

Was that question directed to me?

If so, I’m not, insofar as I’m expecting what content their procedurally generated coding generates, be it one or one thousand rooms/mobs/etc.

Ooo that’s interesting. Although if they drop souls for covenants and there isn’t a loot lockout there is no reason to avoid spamming the lowest fastest runs for rewards.

People who want the long trial can do the long trial and people who don’t have time can just do a low level 1-18 when they have one hour. Sounds good to me.

My concerns are summarized in this post.

And its not a matter of setting aside twenty minutes or not, its having set aside twenty minutes, and ten minutes into it the doorbell rings with a delivery or the baby starts crying or an emergency bathroom break or some other real-life thing that takes higher priority.

So…a rewards problem that they are attempting to use timers to fix, rather than balancing the rewards vs. time spent from engaging with the content in an unlimited way as was originally intended.

I cannot help but think Blizzard can and should do better here to maintain what makes Torghast unique. Throwing epics in as a reward didn’t save Warfronts.

Yes Grecko that was directed to you although I didn’t intend it as a question. You mentioned how Gnomeregan and Dire Maul were different because of layout, bosses, and etc. We already know there won’t be huge differences in aesthetic because it’s one tower with many different layouts. My point was what makes Torghast unique and why I expect most people will do it is because it offers old content most people can do (kill mobs get loot) with new and exciting powers. They don’t really need anything else to set it apart from the current dungeon dives.

No, you can only do 18bfloors at a time. You choose where you start, which determines difficulty (and rewards? Blizzard is being super cryptic here but I believe the intent is that you can get your mandatory progression done on any floors you like, and higher floors will offer prestige rewards like cosmetics you simply can’t get on lower floors).

If they give non-temporary power rewards past Floor 18 (and they scale to be better than Floor 18 rewards), there will be a problem with degenerate gameplay to get those rewards.

No idea why that point is relevant to the discussion at hand.

Yeah to quote a twitch streamer i heard of recently “this doesn’t track with me”. The idea of Torghast so far as I know is that if one run is ruined you can go again. Which means even if a baby crying bricks your run you can just go again when the babysitter or family is around. Obviously its not ideal but not every single moment of an online game needs to be safe.

This position of mine would flip if they come out with a currency and say you can only enter twice a week or something though. In that case I would say people should be able to chew through it very quickly for rewards or you know, make a sacrifice.

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Yes. This is 100% a rewards problem. Remove the incentive to do stupid things like Bloodlust every trash pull and you remove the need for Torments entirely.

Alternately, give an extra piece of loot from the boss if you did the whole 6-floor zone in under an hour. Or something.

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Has Blizzard actually said when Torghast launches it will be in 18 floor chunks?

From what I saw first they let you go from 1-72 or a few floors higher but always cap at 72 which helps them test how often we get powers and how scaling goes at the end point( obviously it was too easy if you started at 1). And now they are forcing you to do short runs so they can observe in just this run how do the powers stack up and is the time meeting expectations.

Again, over thinking it.

WHY should someone’s run be ruined because of an interruption?

Its a dungeon crawler, not a speed run (or at least it supposed to be). You can take as long as you want with a dungeon crawler, and not get punished for doing so, especially if you have to AFK and you get killed.

Edit: Curious, which Twitch streamer?

Just keep “Exhaustion” debuff up until the next level. Solved.

Why is there so much truth to this


World of Warcraft is not a single player game. All I am saying is you should not be able to leave for 20 minutes in the middle of doing a thing. If you step away for 5 minutes to pay a delivery driver I don’t think you should fail the run. If you need 10 minutes to feed your baby and put it back to sleep I don’t think you should fail the run. If you need to drive 30 minutes and go shopping you should definitely fail the run. Do you see the difference?

I ain’t saying Torghast should be a race, but I am saying you shouldn’t be treating it like an all day event.

Invaderzie or invadervie or something. Basically she said if you cant pay me $5 or $10 a month you’re too poor to watch twitch and everyone on youtube dragged her for it.

What a joke…