This has to be the worst Blizzard comment I've ever seen

Having the ability to be able to control when you need to leave the keyboard, because you need to do something more important than play a VIDEO GAME, is a vital player agency.

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Yeah man, because as we all know raid bosses have those big pause buttons where you can go take the bins out during a burn phase.

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Which just goes to show how unchallenging and casual-oriented Blizzard games have become. They actually do allow what other games don’t in this regard.

But to the other guy’s point: torghast isn’t replacing dungeons. Nor does have it the same systems as one.

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Well, good news for you. The main benefit for torghast, acquiring legendary mats, is done on the first 10 floors where there is no “timer”

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Could I introduce you to many of the fine single player titles out there? They have a thing call pause, really handy for busy boys like yourself with rich, full lives.

need i remind you that you are currently standing in line for the “it’s time to get bitten by a venomous spider” roller coaster so you probably shouldn’t be surprised when you get bitten by a venomous spider

there is still some fine-tuning that can be done, such that when you get bitten by the venomous spider, you get superpowers and not tissue necrosis, but that requires you to get bitten by the spider in the first place to see what gives you superpowers and what makes your fingers fall off

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Between packs/bosses, and not during a fight, and you know it.

No online game allows you to pause the game whenever you want. You can’t just stop in the middle of CoD without getting slaughtered. If you got more pressing matters, then you tend to them. The video game is not that important like you’re implying afterall.


Mythic raiding and Mythic+ are very casual-oriented?

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Feeling very disappointment. If they want their timer… which is essentially what this is… make it optional. Don’t force it on everyone because of what some might do.

This game does.

Today, right now, if I’m in a dungeon with others, and someone needs to go afk, we can all stop in the middle (not the beginning) of the dugeon and wait for the person to come back from afk.

No attacks by mobs (assuming you’re standing between packs).

It basically is optional. Doing floor 10 and beyond is optional. 1-9 are the only floors required to get mats for character progression and don’t have the “timer”

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How about you quiz all of your customers before spending 2 years making a new bread and deciding if the gluten free guy likes the gluten free bread? Seems like you don’t figure that out AFTER you bake a couple million loaves of bread, unless you like losing money.

Timers seem to not be popular from a large part of the player base. From my experience, the more video gamey people like timers and things that in my opinion belong more on consoles.

It seems like the more traditional RPG players don’t want it and know it a timer is on it they probably will not do it.

It is possible to know you will not like something on principle. You may not be able to explain specific details on it to give more detailed analysis, but there are a lot of items I can say in or out of game I just will NEVER like.


Which is the entire point. Torghast is a different system with different rules, and it’s meant to be challenging and long-lasting. It’s not like regular dungeons as you keep implying. So don’t expect it to be like them.

From the sounds of it, it doesn’t effect people who want to get their mats and get out. This is perfect imo. Gives those that want to push for the fun it something to work against and those that want to get in and out a normal experience. Whats the problem?

Exactly. Its a rogue like dungeon, and everything in that genre has a mechanic that pushes you along through each floor. So far, wows implementation is the most friendly. They could do it like ff14 and give you a 1 he time limit to do 10 floors without dying or you have ro start over from scratch.

Then scale THE MOBS.

There are other ways to increase difficulty besides timers. Shocker I know. Mythic raids are a great example of that.

Good question. You can’t join a Mythic raid without a pre-established group and the proper ilvl, so why is everyone getting bent out of shape over other restrictions with a different system? That’s actually “how it is”. You can still run normal.

And it can be. Without time pressures.

Its a rogue-like dungeon crawler, that’s all it is. Its not the coming of the next great thing, its their version of a deep-dive dungeon crawler. That’s it.

Outside of wow most of what I play are CRPGs, timers on content dosen’t hurt me in the slightest.

Sorry I’m not the ADHD console kid villain you want here~ Just an old, opinionated man that enjoys challenges.