As Bellular phrased it “sometimes Blizzard has poor EMOTIONAL intelligence. AKA, the timer may not even be noticed, but knowing it’s there adds stress and makes the content less fun for a certain population of the game. Or may even encourage the imagined problem they are trying to solve”.
It reminds me of the water strider debacle. Some players in alpha just stayed on a mount earned in MoP, so there must be a problem and we need to design a whole “mount equipment” slot so that people don’t feel they have to use the water strider.
Waste. Of. Time.
You used it to cross the water, then you popped your cool mount again. Just like I use the yak to mog, then I switch back to the mount that matches that mog. It was a complicated solution to a percieved problem that wasn’t really a problem.
Do you know how many people have been playing dungeon crawler video and board games, and for how many years?
Hell, how many people have run WoW dungeons over the years.
You don’t need time pressure inside of a dungeon crawler. Just have the “Exhaustion” debuff stay until you move to the next floor.
People, especially the people on these forums, are expert enough in video game playing and enjoyment to be able to form some sort of intelligent opinion on the matter.
I run a bakery and I have a new bread I made… I am not going to ask the gluten free dude what he thinks about my new bread, I’ll quiz him on my gluten-free stuff though.
So you’re admitting Torghast is the new xpac’s Mythic+?
If you’re not, then what I said still stands, dungeon crawling is the experience needed by a player to be able to give an intelligent opinion on the matter at hand, and not just those who are in alpha.
The question being discussed is if “time pressures” should be used or not, the alpha testers can only answer the question “how well do the time pressures already coded and in the game work or not” (vs what the non-alpha testers could answer).
The vast majority of rogue-likes over the decades of their existence do not have timers associated with them.
I have a bunch in my Steam library, and not one has a timer. As far as I know, there’s a single handful of rogue-likes that exist with timers, and they were designed with them to start.
Edit: The dungeon would scale up in mobs and geography to make it harder the further down you go, like all other dungeon crawlers have been doing for decades.
Finally, Blizzard told us there would be no timers, and no timers of any kind are needed in a dungeon crawler.
you don’t need to be bitten by a venomous spider to know its gonna suck, but if you’re standing in line for the “it’s time to get bitten by a venomous spider” roller coaster then it implies you’re willing to endure some sort of suck and the alpha test is people’s way of saying “hey, when i get bitten by this venomous spider, X happens, but i would rather Y happen instead”
They don’t have a physical timer but they discourage standing around/wasting time… you can’t just stand around and pick your nose, enemies will constantly be spawning on you and overtake you.
I have never played a rogue-like with magical safe zones that you can sit in and wait until you’re ready to tackle the next floor.
What they’ve already offered is more than good enough (a soft timer).
At Blizzcon Torghast was marketed as a zone that “encouraged exploration” and “not a timed mode”. Many people were happy that there was a piece of content that wasn’t meant to be rushed through as fast as possible. Then Blizzard goes and announces a timer and people are rightfully angry about it.
The thing is that for most people, the timer doesn’t matter, they’ll clear a floor in 5 minutes and not worry about it but some people might want to fully clear floors and make sure they didn’t miss anything or just take their time and relax.
You can stand around and pick your nose in a raid or dungeon already today.
There’s no need to limit someone’s player agency of being able to AFK when they need to. You can just make the “Exhaustion” debuff stay on and not time out, only being cleared when reaching the next floor.