This game will be killed the same way they're killing HotS

Yeah barrier meta is fun and balanced :eyes:

But making it more of a point than the balance of your game is. It’s being carried by an audience that thrives on the pandering more than actually wants to play a game.

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Remember folks, his original argument was a haircut made the game a shill for the SJWs.


Now we’re talking.
Can Blizz just modernize and implement sliders. Especially chest/glutes sliders :eyes:

Worse! I don’t know what they are. Maybe all of leftwing American 20s-30s.

A majority of the country in the 20 to 30 year old bracket is bad?

This is a business that tilts toward that age demographic. If they pander at all, it’s probably fiscally responsible.

Remember guys, I’m a shill and will attack OP with illogical comments.

I gave you 3 examples which are guidelines for recognizing other examples without bloating my OP into a wall of text.

Mei is the most annoying character I’ve ever seen in any game ever

She’s like over watches demon hunter

I remember they banned for her a week from competitive and everyone cheered and I’m pretty sure some people cried of happiness

Looks like I’m never playing hots ever again

By the way she has the smallest head hit box in game and has one of the smallest character models

Fiscally responsible

False. As you can see, HotS is dying or dead already.

I get it man, I really do. But I have a balanced opinion on it, I think.

I play a lot of pnp rpgs, so this is the way I see it:

DM homebrews a world and story, he puts a lot of thought and passion into it. It has limits, politics, high concepts etc. He creates hooks for players and curtails some crazy player wants. It’s the DM’s passion project and has a lot of internal consistencies.

Over time, however, with enough player begging and growth, he relents on a few player wants, and they stack up over time.

Until eventually, the new additions and changes overtake the original, it’s not even the same guy running it anymore. Now there’s fox people, spaceships, and other things that seemed entirely out of place of the original concept. But it can still be a fun distraction despite how silly it’s become.

That’s what’s happened to warcraft. What once was a well thought out limited fantasy world with so much potential has become the world of warcraft we have today. Very little resembles the original, but it can still be fun and even cool at times.

Basically the original Warcraft games were a well written fantasy novel. Over time it’s become an amusement park and playground loosely based on the orignal.

This game is not warcraft. It’s world of warcraft. There’s a difference. And that’s ok. The original works still exist and can be played through. That can never be taken from you. But you can still find distraction in the silly world that shares little resemblance to the original, because despite it bearing little resemblance to the orignal, it can still be fun.

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The reason HoTS failed was because blizzard was trying to force it to be a competitive MLG game, which it was at best a casual MOBA.

They are doing the same thing to Overwatch, if anything i would say overwatch is at more risk to failing due to the same issues as HotS.

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I would guess HoTs wasn’t supposed to be successful by commercial measures. It was supposed to peel off some of the immigration to LoL. By doing that, it was successful for the overall Blizz plan.

I doubt she’ll be as bad as release genji, maiev or tracer, but i’ll probably skip actually playing her. I’m personally more excited for the Nexomania 2 skins.

Li Li finally got a decent skin :clap: :clap: :clap:

That’s only indicative of other faults not listed which I’m trying to list.
Esports can emerge on their own, but if they’re given a platform to appear successful before the market has made it so, it’s indicative of short term gain decisions which means a lot of bait to capture a specific market. Analyze the content, and you see it targets certain people. If that’s the bait market, and they believe certain politics as pandered, it’s indicative of who is running the game to identify that and support it in the first place.

It’s a systemic problem at Blizzard and is seeping into WoW.

I don’t care I hate mei with every part of me

I played hots to get away from stupid meis

And those heroes weren’t even OP on release, if you wanted OP on release you should have gone for Zarya and if you really wanted an OP hero on release go for Li Ming

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I don’t understand this outlook on things at all.

Everything people do now has to be somehow associated to political views and labels. It’s insanity, much like this thread.

They should pander to real Americans because they’ll be the only ones voting soon enough :us:

You’re not supposed to. This guy has lost it.

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Yet you’re here trying to understand it. Perhaps it’s too highbrow for you. I’ve stuck around to try to help, but time is running short.

Okay you seriously need to stop editing people’s quotes, it makes you look disingenuous as all heck and just makes your responses to it look silly since your not responding to real quotes.

And you also need to include people’s name in there. I no longer believe you left them out accidentally. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Also, good job ignoring my post where i asked you to explain what point i missed here. :confused:

If it was dead, it wouldn’t be getting the updates it is. The updates aren’t as often, and generally the updates are smaller - but it’s certainly something.

It still has a relatively decent community. just not a super active comp scene.