This game will be killed the same way they're killing HotS

Mei is overt.
The SJW aesthetics of new human females and homestuck aesthetics of Fox people are subversive.

Well then, explain your point to me please. You say iā€™m missing the point, so bring the point over to me if you care about me missing the point.

And without disingenuously editing my quotes.

I just googled Mei. Explain to me how she isnā€™t Velma from Scooby Doo.


Nobody is talking about blackfaces, at least that wasnā€™t addressed in my OP. I donā€™t know why black skin was removed from the game or if it was. I havenā€™t played enough Retail to notice.

Overwatch is terrible for pandering and blatant tokenism.

Warcraft has done pretty well with not forcing anything, I think.

Letā€™s be real though. WoW can be releasing an entire expansion on a murloc empire and weā€™d still buy it and come to the GD after 5 days to complain about it.

explain to me why copying an archetype from a cartoon show depicting modern day is bad

Mei represents SJW politics where overweight nerdy girls can be combat specialists as they fight for the liberal agenda which is to push Global Warming as a truth and to fight against opponents that arenā€™t convinced by the media blitz or arguable propaganda.

Stop moving the goalposts. Mei being ā€œoverweightā€ is no different than the Kul Tirans. Do you hate the Kul Tirans as well?

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Yes because thatā€™s why the game is at a hard point. Itā€™s because it has a diverse cast from tons of different countries. Totally not because the developers have been working on Overwatch 2 and the game is experiencing a content drought.

Speak for yourself. Iā€™d love that. :stuck_out_tongue:

Mei is only overt is you consider being chubby, or Asian overly politically correct.

What is a ā€œSJWā€ aesthetic?
How do Vulpera in anyway, have a ā€œhomestuck aestheticā€?

Wait did they put mei in hots?

Yes. I think they can work, but itā€™s too overt. Why are all island people fat? We had a fat expansion with Pandas. Now we have another fat expansion.


Ngl half way through I was thinking Iā€™d enjoy it but you know what I mean lol

What is even going on with your argument

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Yeah, sheā€™s a ranged tank.
Itā€™s pretty neat.

So by your logic, the Kul Tirans are environmental studies majors?

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lol the game has had way more of a focus on appealing to Reddit long before Overwatch 2 was announced.

The gameā€™s balance has been absolute dogcrap since the introduction of Brigitte to counter dive.

Have you played for a while? Brig got reworked. Anyways that proves my point. Having a diverse cast isnā€™t the problem with the game.

Why were pandas made to be fat and now why are second humans made to be fat?
Itā€™s ridiculous! Why not add weight as a customization and make it different for different races so you canā€™t have obese gnomes or obese Stormwindians.