What a load.
OPs vid clearly showed that Blizzard doesn’t give a crap for players who aren’t hardcore, number crunching zombies.
What a load.
OPs vid clearly showed that Blizzard doesn’t give a crap for players who aren’t hardcore, number crunching zombies.
It’s not. It may not be content that you like but it’s there. I’m all for returning to a raid or die mentality.
Ops vid is pure junk and nothing but opinionated non informed junk.
I agree. But metrics exist. And if the metrics say “few people engage with this content”, and that content requires significant time and resources devoted to it to maintain, then either development for that style of content should be scaled back, or that content needs to be reviewed for possible adjustments to make it engaging for more players. It’s why LFR exists, to justify the time and resources devoted to raid content creation (by making it convenient and accessible to most players).
In the case of pet battles, the system was mostly a one time investment when created. Sure, new pets are added with each expansion, but the system itself has not changed in any dramatic way since it was added and few resources are devoted to maintaining it.
So if a significant number of players eschew certain types of content, then either that content needs to be scaled back (or outright dropped), or it needs to be reviewed and adjusted to be more palatable to a bigger percentage of the playerbase to justify its continued existence and upkeep.
It hits the nail on the head.
I think you just hate it since its so viciously true.
I agree metrics exist. When the majority of the player base don’t do solo content it makes it less of a priority which is something a lot of people don’t understand.
I was using that as an example as there are some people that think their fun dictates what is and isn’t content.
The issue is that depending on the solo content and the type of solo content it’s hard to get an accurate number of people that enjoy it.
Take Korthia or ZM as an example. People gearing up Alts or new mains may not enjoy it but are doing it to catch up gear wise.
Not at all.
Nah. I dislike it because it’s junk. I don’t hate it.
Not sure if there’s much creditability to anything you’d say but feel free to state what you think the issue with Shadowlands is.
You’re not worth the time. If you want an honest list of issues I think there are with shadowlands then you have to post on your main.
I’m not giving you ammunition just to enhance arguments surrounding mud flinging or personal attacks.
If you can’t provide a reason for the games failing other than the acts of individual players themselves then you’re just a madman, since you cannot dictate how people are meant to experience/use their leisure time playing the game.
He’s here to try to convince us that the game isn’t failing, that nobody has left, or the ones that left will be right back. Or that the game will be better off without the overwhelming majority he pretends are hardcore but simply aren’t. Like Blizzard, he appears to believe that there is nothing whatever wrong with the game. Mistakes were not made. The only problem is the playerbase and their refusal to do as told by their betters.
As long as Blizzard continues to blame the playerbase ie casuals for their own failure and the forum continues to be flooded with insincere posters who appear to believe they are blizzard employees being paid by the post to make the community look bad, the game will only continue to go downhill.
I agree fun is subjective. However, if enough people find content subjectively not fun and unsubscribe from the game, that leads a MMO from 12 million customers to 1 million customers. Is that a good thing?
Blizzard need more content I deem fun to keep me subscribed.
It’s not a personal attack to say someone with zero credibility has zero credibility.
I have multiple things I think they did wrong. I just don’t think you’re worth the time explaining it too.
You really don’t read a word I say. Literally every thing you just said is false.
Wow you’re that far out of touch. Blizzard couldn’t come close to paying me to post on their behalf.
Excellent video. I consider myself a casual, though I probably spend more like 8-10 hrs a week playing. I tried to get into the top-level content during MoP, Draenor, and Legion, but the focus on min-maxing and e-sports-like competition aren’t fun for me. I do use addons, not all of the ones mentioned in the video though.
There is a lot of good content for us solo casuals though, and I appreciate that.
Proof of said number decline?
Blizzard stopped publishing subscription numbers when they went from 12.5 down to like 4 or 5 million. It’s just guess work past that.
Do you think Blizzard retains as many customers as they did at their height?
So yea, WoW has lost millions of subscribers.
That’s why I asked.
Honestly there’s no way to tell. I generally found myself from after Cata through Shadowlands playing off and on.
Shadowlands is the first expansion since cata I have been active the entire time.
But there’s no way to tell what players came back or why they left. Can we agree that it wasn’t lack of solo content for the majority?
Saying something is just an opinion doesn’t make it not derogative. Keep grasping.
Yeah I get it. I called your repulsive attitude out and now I’m a “Karen” because I don’t put up with it.
What’s even funnier is how everyone here is telling you that you’re wrong and you’re still in denial. How pathetic.
I think customers left for many, many reasons.
I will stand by my opinion. Blizzard needs to create enough content that customers find subjectively fun or continue to lose player base.
Actually there is. You can look at the decline in subscription numbers Blizzard published in the article I listed.
So you admit, you got nothing.
But there’s no way to tell what players came back or why they left. Can we agree that it wasn’t lack of solo content for the majority?