This game REALLY needs a CPU overhaul

What “rankings”? Weren’t you, literally one post ago, complaining that we are talking specifically about World of Warcraft and not “gaming in general”? Then you immediately retreat to talking about generalized “rankings” that in many cases use things like Cinebench to derive their numbers - perhaps the farthest you can get away from something that accurately represents WoW performance.

Sit down son, you don’t have any idea what you’re talking about.

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Who is running on a 5 year old cpu? most likely very few or none. I don’t know if the cpu is the main reason or if its the code, most likey both, however upgrading the cpu is the quicker solution. The code, well… lets say upgrading the cpu is the quicker and cheaper to some, solution.

You’d be surprised.

I used to run Wow on a Core i7-2600k until very recently, when I changed o a 5700G.
Later this year/next year I’ll be running a Ryzen 9000-whatever X3D with 64 GiB RAM.


yes i’m kinda surprised. I try and eke out as long as I can through xpac releases. So grats to you for max’ing.

Ive had issues were I had to underclock my cpu to get wow to run in a stable manner. I think eventually they will be aged into a new engine. It is gonna suck when it happens though.

yea, i have 2 rigs rate now one with i5-6500 and new one with i9-13900 and the older one run wow just fine to be honest, things get a lil choping with the massive crowds and coming into valdrakken. Definitely on the blizz server side but not sure what they can do even if the code was perfect and had the best servers at some point all the people and p2p data just adds up and you get those studders/lag.

mostly it is gpu not cpu. try nvidia geforce cloud gaming -50% off now. i have good pc, but discount was too good to not try. rtx 4080 max settings 4k HDR raytracing. You can see and feel the difference.

I was talking to someone about this the other day. They said it had something to do with cache I believe. I forget the details. I’ve always been an Intel fanboy and I won the silicone lottery with my 12900k. It hits 5.4mhz easily with my mobos AI overclock software. I’m curious how much better an AMD processer would do in Valdraken compared to my CPU. I might try out an AMD CPU for the first time in my next build since I mostly play WoW.

Quoting myself here for stats:

Yea…what the heck? lol

Win 11
ROG Strix z690e mobo
32GB DDR5-5600
LG c1 monitor

I run a mobile Ryzen 7940HS and use the integrated Radeon 780m and aside from Valdraken I get fantastic frame rates. I framerate cap the refresh rate of my monitor (100hz/100fps) Settings aren’t maxed of course but they are comfortable. I don’t think wow is CPU bound at this point. maybe 4k or higher res.

i had an ssd so nah

A 4090 is overkill for most games in general, but DLSS is hardly a bad feature. There are budget GPUs that can get great value from it. Additionally, Frame Generation isn’t a bad feature for WoW, since frame latency is not a defining factor in gameplay for most players. It’s a nice option for reducing heat and total usage, and I like running it when casually doing things if I want to keep my GPU restrained in the Summer usage.


I agree for the most part. My 4090 needs DLSS 3.5 (frame gen) to run some games at max settings with RT on at 4k@120hz so I’m curious what the future will look like. I do notice the slight delay with frame gen in some games. I think it would mess with me during my rotation. I can feel the latency when I start hitting 100ms+ ping in some situations.

I’m all for options. I have no experience with a 4060 which I believe is the slowest GPU that utilizes DLSS 3.5. I’m assuming it can run WoW with no issues making frame gen irrelevant aside from the points you listed. Good talk :slight_smile:

I better leave this thread before I start looking at PC parts and going down the money pit…

It’s a world of warcraft forum It’s not that serious man

Userbench isn’t reliable, and EXTREMELY and openly biased towards Intel. Also, I’d be wary of Intels 13th and 14th gen CPUs right now due to their instability crashing, and no reliable fixes determined.

Look up actual benchmarks through places like Gamers Nexus or Hardware Unboxed. WoW isn’t a benched game these days, but the increased cache on the X3D chips helps a lot in games where it’s utilized, which includes WoW.


It isn’t much better on a 7800x3d. I’ve got one. The game does need an overhaul, but it’s likely either so difficult, or so expensive they just won’t any time soon.

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I have an ancient i7-2600 with a 1050 ti. Game runs fine except for some lag in Valdrakken. Experienced huge framerate drop in Waking Shores last night; turning off TomTom fixed it (and reduced Val lag.)

Blah blah blah

no problems at all with intel CPU’s over the span of 30 years and many PCs.

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vast majority of people dont upgrade everytime the newest and shinest piece of hardware comes out.

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WoW’s engine is ancient and was designed at a time when multicore CPUs and multiple GPUs were not a thing for regular consumers. It was designed for a single core CPU and a single GPU. They also didn’t expect the game to actually last more than a year or two, they’ve said multiple times in retrospective pieces that they felt like they’d be extremely lucky if it made it two years. So A LOT of the coding was done fast and loose with little to no regard for future features. This has caused a lot of problems over the years. Some of they’ve worked around, some they haven’t.

They’ve upgraded and extended the engine over the years, but at its literal core it cannot and will not ever be able to take full advantage of modern hardware.

The only way to fix this would be to completely rewrite the engine from scratch. And that will never happen.

It’s not the only Blizzard game that suffers from this. StarCraft 2 was developed for single and dual-core CPUs and struggled with performance issues because by the time it came out, multicore CPUs were the norm. Heroes of the Storm inherited this issue since it runs on the SC2 engine.

Userbench explicitly states they are fair and that AMD spends a lot of money to slander them on various sites including Reddit because intel CPU’s bench better. They state they will not take money from anyone. Whether or not they are telling the truth who knows. I personally don’t use it.

I don’t think they’ve updated their stance on cpus since AMD’s x3d chips.

I try not to take sides and competition is good. I might build a rig with a x3d cpu since I mainly play wow and it would be sweet to have 120 fps in towns and world bosses.

I use 3dmark and cinebench. I forget where my “I won the silicon lottery” 12900k ranks on cinebench. It was in the top 4 I believe as of last week.

Rereading userbenchs website it does seem they hate AMD.