This game REALLY needs a CPU overhaul

I’m confused. You’re saying your PC can hit 500 FPS in DF which I highly doubt unless you’re playing at 1080p @ lowest settings with some kind of pseudo frame gen, and you are also saying WoW’s engine needs work?

I can max my 4090’s usage if I enable RT @ 4k. I’d have to turn off my FPS cap to see how high it can get with it off. Meh…I’ll check now. Brb

**Gadgetzan I hit 150 FPS. 130 FPS with RT on. 4k max settings AA off.
***My mistake. You might be hitting 500 FPS. I am hitting 400 FPS in the Dalaran crater and I can hit 200 FPS in some DF zones. It would be nice if we got an engine overhaul again, but I don’t think that will happen any time soon.

This really doesn’t help with much. NVME is a very wide range. Tons of ram, is an infinite rage. 12700k has hyperthreading, I suggest you turn it off.

Also, what resolution are you playing at?

Don’t get me wrong WoW’s engine is pretty horrible and pushes systems far harder than it should, but this sounds like you have something configured oddly…or have a bottleneck somewhere. Hyperthreading off would likely help to give you a better cpu performance though, also you should check that the right cores are getting hit and possibly post usage.

Also I have seen some things that say disabling your e cores would help as well but there are ways to check if wow is getting dropped to an e core, and force it to the p cores.

I would also suggest maxing your fps at about your refresh rate to keep down energy waste and heat. If your have a 120hz monitor set it to 120 fps or 122 or something like that as anything above it is basically a waste. Vsync will hit fps hard but this will just keep your system cool.

Lot’s you can do to optimize and it will likely help in other MMOs as well as they are generally bad at multicore. Threads can help with some media things so you might need those, but for wow they suck.

I think this is both a windows and wow issue to be honest. Windows needs a better kernel scheduler and wow needs a complete rework of their engine to take advantage of newer tech…which I doubt we will ever see. Just do what you can.

Oh and what OS are you running?


They once said that about Atari and TRS 80s.


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you can have a supercomputer and wow will still frame drop in valdrakken

this wasnt a problem in legion dalaran nearly ten years ago btw


Sorry to burst your bubble but everything you said is completely wrong. Your CPU is actually pretty mediocre for WoW.

There is actually no context where any 12th, 13th, or 14th gen Intel CPU is better than ANY AMD X3D CPU for WoW.

Take a moment and look at these numbers, released directly from intel themselves (Intel obviously has no reason to exaggerate AMD’s CPU performance). It compares an older 5800X3D against a 13900K, and the 13900K gets absolutely spanked in WoW:

In fact, the 5800X3D puts up such a good showing against the 13900K that Intel felt the need to represent the numbers from the 5800X3D differently, using an awkward horizontal line instead of a regular bar like the other 3 CPUs use.

From these numbers we can infer a few things:

  • We see the 5800X3D coming out ahead of the 13900K by about 10-15%.
  • Given that the 14900K is only about 5% faster than the 13900K, we can confidently say that even the 14900K can’t beat an older 5800X3D in WoW.
  • The 7800X3D is a direct upgrade over the 5800X3D in every way, and so would be even faster.

The graph was released at the end of Shadowlands, but there has not been any fundamental changes since then that altered WoW’s strong preference for large L3 cache.

doing so would require a new engine.

Yeah, you just had a 2.5m loading screen!

I’m almost positive blizzard even came out and said even the highest end machines are going to have trouble running on the absolute max settings. I big part of your FPS will be your resolution. Even if you were to set your setting all the way down the game still looks fantastic compared to past expansions. If you’re having trouble keeping 60 frames at least just tweak your settings.

Im running an AMD 2600x with a 980ti graphics card. I only ever see frame drops when there are a good amount of people near me. Its odd, and it ticks me off.

Its not my temps, its not my SSD, its not my graphics. Its something about how WoW loads other players.

You’re a terrible troll, that worked on people 15 years ago but not anymore. My dead dog knows the human eye can detect and appreciate framerate far above and beyond 60 fps. It’s common knowledge for over a decade now. The 60fps bs was a lie created by someone that manufactured monitors.

Probably because they were potato monitors and didn’t go above 60fps, like your potato rig. But hey people like SoD, you like computers from 2005, there’s no accounting for taste.

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if i had this problem i would simply download new ram


It’s so fast you can see objects and events before they even appear

But yeah I upgraded my laptop. I don’t even have to limit it to 60 FPS anymore

:ocean: :milky_way: :ocean: :milky_way:

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Hol up. Why did this run you $800?

Yea, I think you missed the memo where we were talking about WoW only and not gaming in general. But thanks for the wall of text that I’ve seen a million times before all over the place. I got the 13600k on purpose and it’s doing a great job, super happy with my purchase.

I was talking about single core performance only, which a good analog for what you’ll get in WoW. I would love to know how they tested those CPUs for that chart, because no one includes WoW.

Did you biy it from a scalper?

You’re net throttled. The reason FPS drops in high population areas is that you need to receive information from other players in order to render them in the world. Sure, the server can help with some of it so you don’t have to P2P for mog and appearance data, but you still need coords and vector from every nearby character, and it adds up quickly.

The graph I posted shows specific performance benchmarks for World of Warcraft. Sorry that you are bitter about your fantasy being called out. I’m glad that you are happy with your slower CPU though. Too bad Intel had to push them so hard with voltage that so many of them ended up showing degradation issues, lol…

Yea, I bought mine in 2022 so I’m not in the window of CPUs that was effected by any of that anyway. And it’s not a fantasy lol. Go look up single core rankings and tell me how many Intel CPUs are ahead of the first x3d chip. Also, I own AMD stock, I am not a fanboy, I am trying to help solve a problem for someone on the forums with my experience from building 5 systems in WoW’s life, with 6 GPUs. You can disagree, but cut the attitude and act like an adult.

My new PC with an i7-14700KF is 19% faster on single core than the 7800X3D according to userbench

I agree no matter how strong your computer is there needs to be more work done to optimize the game better. I got a i9 13900kf and going into valdrakken no matter the graphics setting still bogs it down under 60fps when flying in ( and my cpu cooling goes into jet engine mode lol ) .