This game is so broke now

I don’t think they have paid testers
and it shows

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Why isn’t Ion and Holly in trouble with Phil Spencer yet? If I was in charge heads would have been rolling by now.

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Phil doesn’t care about WoW lol. Blizzard was the smallest part of their Activision/Blizzard purchase.

probably not.

those are tiny testing environments.
(and let’s not kid ourselves, the people who engage with testing are generally more interested in finding exploits which they EXPECT to make it to live so they can do the “early and often” thing)

Beta doesn’t seem to be for testing anymore. They don’t listen to the feedback. Beta now seems to be another little something they can get more money from. Just an incentive to get people to prepurchase.


not at all.

people just have incredibly short and selective memories.

this is insane - i will be calling my lawyers immediately!!

If I was Phil Spencer I would move WoW under Zenimax. The Gold Road for ESO was playable at launch at least.

I noticed that when I use the barber and exit, my camera jumps and my character gets rubberbanded back to the chair after I walk away from it. Goodness. I just want a new hairdo and access to my bank. It’s rough out here.

Being able to be online during launch is a win for Blizzard. If you spent 3 hours waiting for a boat you are still in the got online metric lol.

DF was also rushed. Which is why it came out broken AF. A former Blizzard employee said in an interview that Activision demanded they rush both it and Wrath Classic.

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I wish they would go back to how everything used to be. I don’t know why everything has to be rushed out every few months. Personally, I don’t want new content every four months. I just want to enjoy what we have now. World of Warcraft is more bugged than ever. Even Cataclysm Classic has a ton of bugs, and I get errors and game crashes every so often. It feels like a private server. Rushing content over quality is not good idea.


Not really the devs fault, it’s the moneybags who are pushing for rushed releases.

I have not checked out anything since it went live - decided to work extra hours instead until I hear that things seem more stable lol

I keep getting put out of sync in raids in Remix.

I’m usually don’t complain about a bug here or there and I am not mad about this patch but it is definitely MESSED up for many players. Mail was unavaialable to some players today for example.

Fortunately not for everyone but it is pretty janky. I’ll give ya that.

We got one free day because of extended maintenance on Tuesday. Also I remember getting free time after WoD launched.

I sincerely hope they plan on doing more than just the one day. And again, I have been accused of being a white knight and a Blizzard shill because I excuse much.

This isn’t new. I can’t think of a single major patch that wasn’t bugged and broken. At least we aren’t falling through the planet yet.

So I wasn’t the only one that noticed the the weapon transmogs only show the type you currently have in your hand…good!

The entire purpose of releasing the pre-patch a month before the expansion is so that people have time to work out the bugs. You can’t make changes without creating bugs, so the only surefire way to never create problems is to never change anything. That wouldn’t work out very well.

Half of the issues people are having are actually caused by their addons. The only thing blizzard can do in that respect is give the addon authors time to update their addons, which is exactly what they are doing.

None of this is new. It happens every single expansion. If all of this is triggering your anxiety then take a break from the game for a couple weeks, get your head cleared up, and then come back ready for the expansion.

That was a real wakeup call for me - I’d expect it in Beta because they are still testing and adjusting things, but to put a graphic element into the live game which is so obviously unfinished cheapens the game experience, the experience that I and others pay to have.

When youhave a vaunted game addition like the warband bank, and it doesn’t work.
Or other aspects of it that are obviously and repeatedly bugged.
Or broken parts that require multiple and long maintenance downtimes to fix.

What it says to me is that they wanted to launch the expansion by a certain date and in order to do that, they decided to rush its prepatch and just fix it as they went along.

I’ve only turned off my sub once in 15 years and that was during the flight debarcle in WoD. I am now very close to doing it again because I have to ask myself how much of this broken game am I prepared to pay to…effectively not play.


Why couldn’t blizzard be honest and stage the release. Only release the features they are confident and delay the untested to a later time. I would rather accept fully tested late release than this broken untested release.


Of course these issues came up. Blizzard doesn’t listen to PTR feedback and hasn’t for a long time. Do you even know the number of things that’ve been found and reported for months and months on end just to end up being shipped live? You could write a book covering them.

A few years back they finally admitted they only use PTRs for one thing: Client-server compatibility testing. That’s it. They admitted this after they held a PTR for an upcoming Overwatch patch and hyped that fact up and asked people for feedback. And when the Overwatch forum filled up with feedback with how the upcoming balance changes literally did the exact opposite of what they were supposed to do (nerf Roadhog, buff D.Va) they completely ignored it for weeks then shipped the patch live and it did exactly what everyone said it would do, fixed nothing and wrecked the already terrible balance even more. The forum erupted in flames with people angry that despite asking for feedback they totally ignored everyone and demanding to know what was the point of a PTR then. That’s when they released a video patronizingly titled “What The PTR Is For” where they admitted it’s for a single purpose and not actually for bugs, issues, or balancing. Then later they mea-culpa’d on the Overwatch patch and told the forums they were right and reverted the changes.