This game is so broke now

This game is so broke now. There’s so many bugs since the patch it’s completely unplayable. How did this make it past testing? I think I’m unsubbing this isn’t even worth money in it’s current state.


I know we say this every pre-patch so it means nothing, but the vibe I get is that this is genuinely just unfinished and rushed. It probably didn’t get past testing, but somebody higher up pushed it through anyway.

Beyond just the sheer amount of bugs, we also have blatantly placeholder stuff like the new mage teleport graphic and they’ve said that the new talents we have aren’t what we’re getting in TWW so those are placeholder too.


There is an easy answer to that, my good velf: testing has only just begun!

Some time ago, Blizzard made a management decision that the best way to test stuff was to release it live and let the players test stuff to find the bugs, which Blizzard will then track down and fix over subsequent weeks.

That process began Tuesday evening and is currently still in progress. Your contributions to this beta test that is currently underway will no doubt be greatly appreciated by the Blizzard development team!


/moo :cow:


Trying to get the meta achieve done and I’ve lost progress on some of the very few achieves I have left to do. Of all the kinds of bugs that had to happen, why achieves?


This is legitimately one of the roughest launches I can remember since the early days of the game. I’m partially not surprised though, when Cata Classic launched it was a complete crap shoot too. They seem to be rushing out products. TWW beta is also the shortest ever. I think they could have released in September or Early October and had a more polished product. No one seemed to be crying about no content either.





Yeah it definitely could’ve waited. I couldn’t even get on a mount for nearly 2 days


As somebody who was around for the year of ICC and the year of SoO, I would 100% go through that every expansion if it meant more polished launches.

Of all the things I miss about old school Blizzard, “Release date? When it’s ready” is solidly #1.


To play devil’s advocate, the scale is just a completely different ballpark, from testing to live. It’s impossible to account for everything.


Eh, only reason that people didn’t complain more about the lack of content in season 4 is that TWW was soon, pushing it back would have been not that great


I mean, people will complain no matter what they do. I’ve been around on and off since 2004 and that’s the single most consistent thing about this playerbase.

If they delay the content, people complain. If they don’t, people complain because it was rushed. I’m sure Blizzard could give each of of us a chest full of gold IRL and people would complain that it’s heavy.

but better to take a few extra months and have a polished product than push a live build with a bunch of placeholder content in it.


So what is it you need to do that you can’t do because of a bug? So far the only thing we have to do is the opening quests with Alleria and the three quests down near the Caverns of Time that unlock the Warband bank.

We have until Tuesday until we have to fight any pregame stuff and that probably won’t involve gear that is all that advanced. The actual game is a month away.

So what’s the big deal? What can’t you do that you need to do right now?

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I think it less about the fact that people will complain and more about whether people are right to do so. Its been fairly rocky on my end since patch hit. Raid bosses acting weird, mechanics not happening big lag spikes periodically. I’ll hold judgement for a bit since patches tend to be unstable and such, but even so I don’t feel I will ever care for the messy launch approach.

In all due fairness to Blizzard, the game has not yet launched. It’s launching August 26, 2024 and has not launched. I think it’s fair to say, we can complain all we want if the game is actually unplayable by then folks. Complaining about this a month before launch day is rather unfair and totally unnecessary. Cheers! - JJ -


What is this “testing” to which you refer?


I mean… prepatch has been great for me personally, minus the one missing feature. I’ve farmed so much Warband transmog, it’s great


The current game as it is right now is unplayable since Tuesday’s patch I didn’t say the expansion was unplayable.

In all due fairness to Blizzard, the game has not yet launched. It’s launching August 26, 2024 and has not launched. I think it’s fair to say, we can complain all we want if the game is actually unplayable by then folks. Complaining about this a month before launch day is rather unfair and a totally unnecessary. Cheers! - JJ -

I’m not sweating it but the obvious answer to this is we still pay $15 for a month of this


Really it’s working fine for me except for Warbanks and Cross-Realm trading. :person_gesturing_no: :rofl:

I can’t do the weekly quest I want to do. It keeps forcing me into the Zaralek weekly.