This game is so broke now

Not even close.

But these statements:

Who is “people?” I ask because in no part of life can you please everyone all of the time. Nowhere. So just because there will always be dissatisfaction spread across millions of people doesn’t somehow mean that “all people complain about everything” despite what blizzard does.

That statement is made a lot and it is such a general statement that it doesn’t make sense. We’re not all robots. We’re not all the same people that “complain regardless.” Accepting that nowhere in life will everyone be satisfied with you is just a part of life.

It’s a statement that holds no significance.


My thread was also taken down too. I wrote the same thing about this expansion not being done. I also wrote some of the classes weren’t even remotely done.

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Its so hard to play right now. Im just waiting on Blizzard to fix things and addon authors to fix their things. Nobody bothers to do any prep after months of test realms. And asking for communication on anything is like talking to a wall.

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I seem to recall Ion saying that this is a massive change to the code and that there will be many unforseen issues popping up, sooooo, he did warn us.

That’s all well and good, but um.

Why do we have PTR, then?

You let it bake on PTR until it’s well and darn ready, especially if you KNOW that there are going to be issues.

You don’t spew it out onto Live when it’s still infested with bugs.

EDIT: I suppose that would mean they would have to LISTEN to the PTR players, which… they don’t, like, ever.


Didn’t Microsoft lay off something like 2k Blizzard customer support personal?

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honestly even playing on the PTR that didn’t cover all of these…you don’t have piles of unused characters sitting on the PTR for the last 2 decades.

There’s other issues too, but it’s just too much to type that you cannot find EVERYTHING on a PTR…just some of the things.

I get people are frustrated, but other than just shutting the game down for a few weeks, what would you do in this situation? They still are trying their best to offer a service you paid for albeit a janky mess, at least t’s there.

Just seems like a thankless job in the grand scheme of things.

I’m not cool with it. I’ve just grown numb to it.

Ten expansions now, and the game’s been broken on prepatch every single time. Not really a justification, only that I expect it.

Having said that, my personal opinion on the matter is that there will probably never come a time in which an expansion’s prepatch doesn’t break the game. WoW is old. There’s a lot of gears underpinning the game’s very functionality, and a whole lot of spaghetti code, I imagine. I don’t really envy the developers working with it.

There’s plenty of bugs that got on Live, and you go to the PTR forums, and oh look.

They were reported several weeks before the Live update. Sometimes a month+ before.

That’s why I laugh at people who hate “Sky Swimming” because it looks silly… Skyriding animation on non winged mounts looks much much worse.

That’s why for the rare occasions I use Skyriding I use this.

I get that, but I don’t think you do.

Its been a bit hectic. But overall been a pleasant experience for me.

Skyriding has been the most fun i didn’t think id have.

I love to level alts, speed level alts, and i love dragonflying but i never found any tokens to increase the amount of flying i could do.

Now that its maxed out for me holy smokes i am having a blast! Getting it at lvl 10 makes leveling even more fun and exciting.

I can’t even properly withdraw gold from my guild bank… Tindral and Raz get stuck in the air… wth is going on

Reputation has been extremely nerfed atm… I know its a bug but it’s making Remix progression unplayable as well.

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bro has never played any other expansion lmao it happens every single time my man

Nah, it’s way worse this time than previous expansions.

Previous expansions, 90% of the issues were because of severe congestion because of events.

I remember DF’s prepatch and events… the only time I had issues is when I attempted to participate in the event when things got so laggy that everybody stood still and suddenly the boss would die and/or I would die to something I never even saw.


It’s nerfed? I’m getting like 250-300 per world quest, lol.

My fps even with all addon turned off, hovers around 35 - 40. Before updates I was at 120ish fps

Last major patch in S4 broke many things as well, such as Dungeon Group Finder.

If they are able catch major problems right away after updating such as Warbank not working properly, why couldn’t they have caught it before going live?

I know people always joke that players are the beta testers. But, it has become a reality.

In Remix it has. Plus combining the warbands has caused some reputations to significantly decrease instead of doing the opposite if exalted on one character.