This game is so broke now

I can confirm, I played Dawntrail on release day and didn’t see a single bug or issue.

Well, outside of huge queue times. But then I world visited the newest datacenter and there was no queue there so I could get on and play.


Not one.

I log onto the TWW Prepatch and find a broken quest within 5 minutes.

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Honestly at this point the biggest thing keeping me from going full time on FFXIV is that stupid built-in input lag.

For whatever reason, none of the other hotkey MMOs I’ve played has had combat as responsive as WoW’s is.


You get used to it.

It’s there to put a bit of buffer and/or padding to account for latency because the game is HUGE on movement to avoid mechanics. They need to try their hardest to make sure that when you take a hit, that it feels as fair as possible.

It’s more of a me thing. I’m at level 56 right now and this isn’t even my first attempt to get into the game, and it still bothers me.

I also don’t like that they obscure how stats actually work, but that I can get over. Especially since I wouldn’t plan on doing super high end content anyway.

56 is getting into the game somewhat, but really, when you get 70+ you start seeing more abilities and more movement mechanics, and you have far less time to pay attention to things like input delay, which is why most players end up getting used to it and just accepting it and learning to account for it.

And yes, unless you’re doing a world first savage clear, all you need to know (and you probably don’t even need to know) is which materia you should put into your gear.

In fact, most of the time, you’re rather limited as gear has limits on how much of a stat they are allowed to have, and you only have 2-3 choices of what to materia for.

Heck, you don’t even need materia, like, at all if you’re not doing high end content.

I use the same mount on all my Paladins and the Skyriding animation is HORRIBLE. Not sure about rider animation I really haven’t noticed.


The riding animation is odd to me. And it carries over to the divine steed animation, too

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Yeah, they design Dragonriding for, uh, dragons. With wings.

Then they take that Dragonriding and apply it to mounts that have no wings.

Obviously it’s going to look stupid and silly. That was one of the first things that popped in mind when I read that they brought Dragonriding to most old mounts, I was like “uh, some of these mounts aren’t even designed with that in mind, did they add new animations for all of them?” shoulda known they didn’t (or they half-baked them if so)lol

I have to grimace every single time a pre-patch comes out and I check on the forums.

It’s always the same complaints.

… and the same ‘promises’ that are broken in advance. Such as unsubbing…

That’s what I did. Funny thing is a few weeks ago I posted about beta not being reportent close to being ready and it was mass reported. I can tell you it’s going to get way worse.


Stockholm Syndrome

This is testing. We’ve had alpha test, we’ve had beta test, now think of this as gamma test. They have a month before the expansion goes live so they will probably get things fixed in time.

So we’re paying them to work for them.

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FF14 gets the fun bugs. There is a new visual glitch with the raid armor chest piece that doesn’t load the upper part of the pants on those Mad Max looking sets so it makes everyone look like they are running around in leather banana hammocks :rofl:.

That’s just my guess. We pay for Alpha test, we pay for Beta test, how would this be different?

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I’d gladly take that over my character having empty hotbars, or not being able to fly, or world quests being impossible because mobs won’t spawn.

The only issue I’ve had is sometimes my game crashes using the mailbox. But it’s only happened 2-3 times.

Sucks some of you are having issues, but it isn’t the same experience for everyone.

As opposed to zero lol.

Its gotten to the point where my general recommendation is to wait until .1.5 patches or even as far as .2. The .0 releases are just way too buggy or have a bunch of half baked systems designed with completely disrespecting player time. They always get changed later and we get some messages about them listening etc. I’m convinced its just their business model anymore. Release too soon, fix a ton of issues and make the systems less tedious/idiotic, apologize a couple times, continue to collect sub/token money. Wash rinse repeat.


QA gets treated like crap in most industries and software development is no different. And Microsoft was notorious for laying off their entire QA department and attempting to replace it with automated checks.

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