This game is so broke now

No thank you, I’ll take bugs over delay

Honestly, wait.

That’s the answer to most of the problems everyone is facing. Just patience and time will solve like 90% of the issues. Some will remain, as they always do but I am hopeful that most will be resolved within a week or two.

It’s not the answer you want or like, neither do I. I do hope you find some kind of fix soon but if not, I wouldn’t fret over it until they have a couple of additional days.

Now, as for the fact that your game is totally unplayable until then, that would be something to take up with Customer Service if you do choose that path. Idk what the outcome would be, though.

You my friend are a life saver!!! I went and checked my resolution, and it was totally borked. Game is fine now. Didn’t even think about checking resolution.


Its not just bugs the game isn’t working that’s why we got one free day. Blizz hasn’t done that since the TBC era.

No problem! Differences of opinion aside, I want to make sure I can help where I can.

This Prepatch does seem to be way more buggy than others I’ve played.

I mean, most prepatch events are lagfest messes, but at least the REST of the game functioned fine.

But I log onto this one, and here’s a world quest that just flat doesn’t work because the target mobs don’t even spawn, warband banks were disabled, which was supposed to be one of the bigger features in the prepatch, my characters’ hotbars are empty and the game keeps hiding hotbars 2-8, like FFS, did none of these issues come up on PTR and/or their internal testing?

Or how about every single time I log into the game, my guild keeps earning the Ambassador and the other related achievement EVERY SINGLE TIME I LOG ON.

Like, seriously, stop with the spam, jeeez.

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I mean… I’ve been playing just fine.

And they gave us time in wod, so well after tbc era

Surprising…have you seen this?

Well there was that bug I ran into where none of the items in my inventory had icons and I couldn’t move anything. That prevented me from doing anything involving my inventory.

Somebody else has mentioned the DK starting zone and weekly quest bug and of course one of the major features of the pre-patch, warbanks, is currently disabled because it was bugged.

Working out a few issues is understandable. I wanna be clear that I’m by no means expecting perfect patches from them.

This is beyond “a few issues”. On top of that, they still have placeholder content in place.


/rubs hands together gleefully, sarcastically

I’d rather they just wait and make sure crap is ready to launch, than having to say sorry and slip us a pair of quarters.


YAY! My 50¢ discount! LOL

That is nice of them, though.

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Lol one day?! That’s almost more insulting than doing nothing.

It’s being tested right now



This is why Blizz can’t win. People ask for this and it’s still not good enough.

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I suppose it’s what we get when they let half of their staff go awhile back. We know who got the axe, the internal testers and QA personnel.

Because seriously, ever since then, we get more and more buggy patches and just plain borked stuff.


I think most people don’t care about a day or two gametime.

Only a very few minority of people ever ask for a day or two of gametime, because the rest of us understand that even 2 days is only a whole one whopping dollar. Most people aren’t smart enough to do the math on that.

No, what most people who have half a brain want, is for them to just wait until it’s ready instead of shoving it out the door with just its knickers and nothing else on.


Qa barely got hit, they have like 200-300 ppl in qa

And what exactly were the QA people doing?

Because I can tell you what they weren’t doing, was playtesting this prepatch before it went Live.


Unfortunately, higher ups and marketing won’t allow for this. The devs and designers never want to shove it out that fast or unfinished. But they aren’t given a choice.


I’m sorry, I thought I was paying each month to play a finished game. I don’t see them paying ME to test their product, nor did i volunteer to be a tester. I pay money to play a game, not be a game tester.