This game is so broke now


If I wanted to be a playtester, I’d log onto PTR and sign up for Beta.

I didn’t do either of those two things, though.


what qa? they fired most of them.


Often what happens in these situations is that the QA team noted all the issues and said “this isn’t ready for release” and somebody higher up the chain pushed it through anyway.

Though I guess I’ve heard some insane stories about QA, so there is legitimately a chance they just didn’t test a lot of stuff.

The staff was getting drunk and playing CoD while they were coding this expansion…

The other guy is claiming they have 200-300 of them.

That is either a complete lie, or the 200-300 QA that supposedly exist were on vacation or something.

It’s definitely not unplayable.

I cant even make it past the char selection screen without getting nauseous…

Because it’s a ca company we have documents of who were fired and what department, over the last few years we know barely any qa were fired, lot of people who were fired in the last wave were just redundant

I would call having to redo your hotbars every single time you log on as “unplayable”, lol.

Oh, and how about the number of people who had to wait like 3 days before they could fly because of that glitch that made ALL flight impossible if your character never logged on during DF?


just accept the fact that the customers are now the testers and we willingly pay money to do it. it’s a genius business plan i must say.

I refuse to participate anymore. When it’s done and finished testing, then i’ll play again.


This person you’re arguing with will defend Blizzard and this game until their dying breath I’ve seen them do it 1000x on here. Nothing you can say to them is going to get through.


lol, that’s ok - i feel better for blowing off some steam, so it’s all good :slight_smile:

You have a unique name, I wonder if I know you from outside the game…

The weird for me thing is all my hotbars were intact, they were just disabled. None of my other settings got reverted to default, just the hotbar ones.

Of course I re-did a lot of them anyway with talent changes and I guess that was pointless because they said these aren’t the final talent trees for TWW.

On the bright side, the expansion isn’t out yet. Let’s hope they sort this out before the official launch,

It’s an old celtic name, but no I usually go by Sophi in my gaming life. :slight_smile:

The story of Dierdre is a tragic one… like most Irish stories!

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My goblin mage, her hotbars are always empty when I log onto her, and all of them are disabled (and so are all my other characters).

Or at least that’s how it was when I last tried either yesterday or the day before.

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Anyone else having a problem where you click doors or quest objectives and nothing happens? I had to relog 3x just to get through a door.

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Unless you know what a chakat is, then you’re probably not the Dierdre I know.