This game is Really Bad Without World Buffs

Yeah, that’s really going to happen. Did you just want to cry about it? lol


Look, everyone!


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Run tell Mom then, Johnny Carwash.
Cope harder.


Yeah nah get good

It’s been a great investment

Era has World Buffs.

I love all the people who are afraid of trying raids without being carried by world buffs. Lol.


For someone who claims to be “attuned to reality,” you believe some pretty dumb things.


Game’s 1000x better without WBs and I wish they’d remove them from Era servers as well. I might be more inclined to play there again if they did.


I clear MC as horde currently with zero wipes every week without world buffs. How is it I am afraid without world buffs?

Biggest earlier issue seems like threat problems, with the pvp ranking system being significantly more toxic, and lower pops on many servers, a lot of potentially important items for threat seem scarce, plus fury tanking without WBs is only semi viable, since you may just randomly get splatted by a boss, couple that with low geared / small mana pool healers and big oof.

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Parroted answer per usual. So the warriors and rogues are being carried by the hunters with world buffs. Just because you aren’t an adult and can’t decide if world buffs are something you don’t want to participate in, doesn’t mean they need to be removed.

It’s easier to just say you can’t think for yourself.

So if you aren’t having fun, no one should. You must be a real joy to be around.

It’s just easier for you to go play the version of the game with WB’s.

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Which I am currently doing. What I’m not doing is advocating that SoM includes WB’s.

what you said has to be one of the most clueless comments iv ever seen pretending to act like he knows how things work. People like you are the #1 problem in the world and they should just be eliminated. They are dangerous, hinder operations, and in general just piss people off.

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WB meta was trash.


Another parrot who can’t think for themselves! :wave:

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It was definitely.

Must be getting desperate, I see.

Just remember. Everyone who has advocated for no world buffs were not adult enough to find a guild that didn’t require them. Instead, they forced themselves to do something they didn’t enjoy for the sake of keeping up on parsing/progress.

Or didn’t take the time to figure out when to get buffs and not get griefed. People were selling DMT buffs, summons, and if your guild was decent, would be advertising times when everyone else was getting buffs so it could be stream lined. Would take 30 minutes to get all of em.

Instead they stop their feet and cried to the forums until they got their way.