This game is Really Bad Without World Buffs

I can’t wait for phase 6 of the game where it takes most guilds more than 17 hours to clear naxx every week.

Bring back world buffs for naxx.


17 hours but don’t forget about the other 3 raids and 20 mans lmao !

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Most guilds that are even above average only do naxx for the first 2-4 weeks of naxx being released. Even when everyone had full access to world buffs, a lot of guilds were just clearing naxx and skipping AQ40 entirely.


this already exists…its called classic era. why would you need this in SOM?


Can’t say that I’ve noticed.

No one plays classic era, your point is irrelevant.


proof no one wants world buffs…no one plays where you can have them. ez.


No one plays classic era because blizzard didn’t give the free option to play on both TBC and and classic era for FREE, that’s why most people just choose TBC, because they could choose TBC for free, and there was a lot of TBC hype at the time


Im not sure I understand what you are saying. Most good guilds skipped AQ40 entirely? Like they took that phase off or just didn’t do the current content in that phase? They went with BWL gear and without world buffs and cleared Naxx?

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Not true.

On the west server group alone, there are two active raid guilds on each faction. SRs, GDKPS, world bosses, regular world buff schedule, DMF themed raids (speed runs, pumper raids, etc), weekly BG days, you name it, we got it!

Many of us who enjoy Naxx, and enjoy world buffs are having lots of fun playing Era!


The best gear in the game will be more difficult to get.

Working as intended.


They need to just delete som and launch fresh regular classic server with Chrono boon in. maybe the lotus change too because honestly farming for flasks was cancer but that’s it.


My point was Naxx took so much time the first 4 weeks of naxx being released

that guilds just opted out of doing AQ40 when Naxx comes out

That’s not proof bro, quit capping. No one plays era because it is perma p6. People want fresh, are u this dense?


Thanks for the clarification, I misunderstood your initial statement to mean that Naxx was so easy that guilds didn’t even need the previous phase gear to clear.

You are right for the most part. My recollection was most guilds needed 2 nights of raiding (at least until the end), but AQ40 was def a popular GDKP dungeon during P6. Probably driven by so many guilds not being able to raid both Naxx and AQ40 during normal raiding hours.

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This is a perfect example of Blizzard appeasing complainers that only want changes for personal benefit. Only looking for instant rewards, not even thinking about 6 months down the road.

“You think you do but you don’t”

But that’s even considering SoM lasts that long. BWL isn’t even out and there is already a player drought.


I still play CE and we killed KT yesterday. For some reason it’s still a challenge so I can’t imagine how hard SOM KT will be buffed + without world buff. I’d like the challenge though but I don’t want to reroll again and for one year.

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Fresh vanilla servers are still perma phase 6 servers lol

I know that, what’s your point ?

I was responding to a different poster who said no one was playing classic because they want to play classic.