This game is Really Bad Without World Buffs

Why do you care if there is a fresh start for Classic Era if it doesn’t affect you, SoM, retail or anything you are unfortunately tied to?

It’s my nature.

Too hard for ya son?

Didnt you hear? All progression ceases once Naxx opens. No one can reroll or run RFK and the door to MC is bolted shut. If you were level 37 youre stuck there.


I didn’t get banned for exploiting. I have never been banned. I have been silenced only.

That’s not what Glinda said.
The person you quoted is the subject of the comment. But context is hard.


What? You can absolutely play both for free. Are you mad that you can’t play your TBC character there for free? You can’t do that with SOM either.

I see you’re still “attuned to reality.”


Hit 60 and raid or rank before replying to any of my posts. You are currently irrelevant in end game conversation

Fixed that for you.

at p6? most guilds will disband because they won’t be able to fill with active players, if the game will even survive to p6 LOL…welcome to real vanilla experience

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PvP isn’t end game.

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I thought they took away that attunement for SOM.

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Guilds on Era are thriving, and the players there are having loads of fun. More and more players are coming back to Era every day!

The people playing SoM do nothing but whine and complain about how bad the experience has been so far.

How many more weeks until Era is more active than SoM?


I see you’re ignoring the vast majority of people actually playing SoM and focusing on the sads who didn’t get their EZ PvP ranks.

There are fewer of them every day

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Is it difficult to stay on topic?

That must be frustrating for you.

Or, maybe you don’t notice.

Ahaha your go to.
Cope, nerd.

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I mean he ain’t wrong tho

You can’t say cope if it’s not cope. Be more original in getting bored of your 2/10s