This expansion is being rushed

Yeah like no hate at all… but really… shared reputation and bank tabs is really the feature you’re dying to see.

I’m hoping the delves are actually an interesting new pillar and the hero talents are actually interesting but there’s really no pinnacle features being added so it’s hard to build genuine hype.

Patch 1 will give us some allied race rep to grind, new delves and a new raid but meh. … really think they dropped the ball not adding a new class. It’s wierd how i hate ffxiv but at least they give a new class every single time

Yeah I am not a debbie downer on people if they like it or find it QoL improvement. But QoL improvements are usually saved for patches really.

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:

I except this to be nothing but Zarlek Cavern on steroids.

people said they wanted content faster and when they get faster content they complain it’s rushed.
also - every single piece of content in the history of wow has been rushed. They scratched together the first raid, Molten Core, in a week.
There will be bugs and balance issues after launch and they will steadily get addressed. This is nothing new.

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it’s also to provide feedback on class design and hero talents, some of which are still basically the same as when they were revealed because those classes have hardly been touched the entire beta


Community cries for years about “borrowed power” and when its gone now it’s “no real features”
This is why devs are tempted to think they know better. Players are fickle.

Also warbands are a real feature, delves are a real feature, a complete overhaul of the mplus affix system is a real feature, hero talents are a real feature.

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I don’t want borrowed power.

Ap grinds made me quit wow.

I’m just saying if the wotlk trailer years ago was just big bullet points like



It would have got negative feedback. Those aren’t expansion features.

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I agree it’s probably being used for feedback but I doubt it’s feedback that comes through the forums. It’s probably feedback from the statistics they are gathering themselves through scanning software built into the system.

Apparently they are satisfied with what they are seeing which is why they are not changing it.

Sounds like you simply don’t pay attention to what Blizzard says. They said awhile back they want to put expansions out earlier than they have in the past but they will be a little shorter and only have 3 raid tiers. This expansion and last expansion only had 3 tiers. It just had to take a bit to get their process down which with TWW sounds like they are in the spot they want to be.

You seem disgruntled though and guess what? You don’t have to play then nor pay for the expansion since you seem to want to make snide comments about it. As if Blizzard is the only company who does this.

Class feedback is almost always ignored unless you’re a mage.

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You’re being intellectually dishonest about what warbands are and conveniently omiting the other features.
Also to use your example, what expansion features did Wrath have?
Objectively fewer than TWW.

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and that is a terrible way for them to do it because it completely ignores feedback on gameplay, which is kind of a massive part of playing the game

Nothing you care for, you mean. I only object to the idea of one person speaking for everyone, claiming there is no new feature, when there factually is at least one. I’d say delves, and the NPC crafting order mechanism are also features.

You can be unsatisfied with the features, I’m very unsatisfied with the TWW priest situation for instance, without claiming they aren’t what they clearly are. Simplest idea is that if you don’t like the expac, then don’t buy it, because it is what it is at this point, its not going to be changing anything substantial anytime soon.

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Demon Hunters and Rogues were ignored all of beta.

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:

But they are getting feedback. In that video we saw about how Ion doesn’t want us to use Affliction Locks he talked about how carefully they look at the statistics. They know exactly who is playing what, which addons they are using and how everything is working as it happens.

They don’t need us to tell them what they can already see for themselves.

Let me reword my point. Data like that ignores feedback about how playing the game feels. It doesn’t matter if they can see what rotation someone is doing, how much damage it is doing, or what addons they have helping them if they aren’t listening to the vast majority of players for a spec that are saying it is an incredibly unfun playstyle that the players dont want for the spec.


  • 11 new zones
  • New class
  • 2 new battlegrounds
  • 2 new arenas
  • Vehicle combat
  • New profession
  • Dual talent specialization
  • Barber shop
  • Achievements
  • New iconic talents and abilities.

Warthin we are getting shared reputation, shared bank, talent passives that just buff/interact with our current talents( no new abilities) and delves. I’m sure delves will be exciting and fun, not super casual participation trophy pve content to help people feel like they’re getting more from their great vault

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They talked about doing this during legion as a future gameplan. The initial one failed, its a bit spooky to be honest, it makes me fear the game will lose a lot of its charm by simply trying to push out stuff faster and faster.

I understand that but keep in mind, they have people playing the game themselves. If they get a few hundred more of the millions of people who play the game to tell them how they feel that may or may not be representative of the player base in general.

They are concerned about things that cause crashes and they can see what is and is not balanced from their statistics. That information is super useful. Knowing about how a fraction of 1% feel when some will feel one way and others will feel the opposite doesn’t mean very much.

Basically what they would be hearing is “My favorite spec is not strong enough.”
They already know that.

ok so now I know you just aren’t serious. Adding death knight was a legit big deal, but you can’t add classes every expansion. Evoker was just added in DF. New zones don’t count, all expansions have new zones. TWW will also have new battlegrounds. Vehicle combat sucks. A new profession? Sure. Dual Talent spec, barber shop, achievements? lmao
You really said “new iconic talents and abilities” like it’s more than hero talents. I think you just asked chatgpt for wrath “expansion features” and copy pasted without thinking.

If you don’t wanna play TWW no one is going to force you. Its cool that you used to love wow more. No one is saying you can’t love wrath. But don’t get on the forums and just embarrass yourself like this.