This entire expansion has been anti-pug

It’s honestly not rewarding to do. At all. There is no worse feeling than some random mistake someone made ruining the entire run.

Clearly not! You must only be friends with the people you were friends with before!


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The two aren’t mutually exclusive. OP is at exactly the heroic raid item level. Heroic nathria drops 213 item level.

My post did not insinuate that you can only clear the raid if you reach this item level. Limit cleared most of mythic nathria well below 213 item level

Then maybe go over the dungeon before you pull? Build a group of like minded players like I mentioned?

If you dont like the rewards and refuse to make changes to how you approach pugging, I dont understand why youre playing the game.

edit: and it takes a lot more than 1 mistake to ruin any run in the game currently. If a single wipe on a boss is enough to break it for you, you already were not at a good pace. Sometimes the answer is simply to get better. I had to adjust my talents and conduits for M+ before I really felt I was doing my best and what those are changes.

Read their responses in this thread and you will understand why they can’t make friends. They are the very toxicity they are complaining about.


And you made this about gear, and it only tangentially has anything to do with gear in that gear would make the content easier in some ways.

People like those ITT are why I have no intention of joining a guild again.

This is right. If you made a DPS 90% of your party but the mobs didnt die, that’s a failure. And worse is if you wipe. You get all the TImer penalties and delay of running back.

How about this scenario? You did 5% DPS but all the mobs died and there’s no death on your party… no timer penalties. I prefer this scenario.

Interrupts, Stuns, CC to cover the mechanics is way better than your SELFISH high DPS. That differentiates a veteran PuG player from the noobs. But in actual, a Veteran PuG player can do Interrupts, Stuns and CC while still doing HIGH DPS. And that’s what you call “Carrying the PuG” group. Again, to OP, you have to carry your group if you dont want to be frustrated with PuGs.

Randos have been ruining runs since Vanilla. What’s your point? Why are you putting so much trust in random people you invite and expect them to be top notch players?

You can huff and puff all day long and the reality is never gonna change. When you have to rely on randoms to finish content, said content is going to be harder than I’d you have a group for that content.

Having a reliable group of people that you know you can depend on is going to help you achieve your goals

In vanilla/bc, it usually didn’t really ruin your run. I used to carry people all the time.

They also completely ignored that communities exist and you can build a group of players who solely are there for M+ groups with people of a similar mindset. You dont have to join a guild to not deal with most of the issues pugs have.

These people don’t exist.

Pretty easy to carry in Vanilla when there are literally zero mechanics, most of your dps is autoing or wanding, and the bosses had low health lol

I’m in some communities. They are completely dead. Because everyone quit. Because BfA sucked.

Exactly. It was easy to carry and that made it fun. I could play with anyone. I didn’t need to vet people, and I didn’t feel my hour was wasted because we would win.

Ok you are the pinnacle of the WoW pug world. Everyone else is garbage and no one compares to you.

Get over yourself. If you were a fraction as good as your acting you wouldnt be on the forums crying that a semi-regular group didnt ask you to join them.

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Ok? Will you address my questions?

Between Covenant Gear and PvP gear you can got to 190+ in less than a week. I’m so tired of everyone whining about gear. Listen, if you want to do M+ and Heroic Raids, good for you, but you’ll need to work for that top end gear not get it for free. However gearing for LFG and LFR is a joke.
This is the most alt friendly expansion I’ve seen ever. The game gives you 9 pieces of 197 gear just for doing a few dailies and the story line.
Everyone I see running around sub 140 is a joke. It takes no time at all to hit 190+

Go farm a few Epic BG’s for 10k honor and you’ve got your Weapon, neck, rings, and even decent trinkets. All your armor is free for some anima.

Way to hide your profile btw. Either you’re lying, or you’re embarrassed by your lack of skill. Either way your post is garbage.

I don’t expect them to be top notch. And the game shouldn’t either. It should be less penalizing. If someone sucks, it shouldn’t mean you lose all your time.

Yeah, all those raiders pushing cutting edge are just a hodge podge just of randos that you absolutely do not trust each other at all

It just sounds like you want to never be able to fail. If you (and by extension your group) sucks, you don’t deserve to succeed. Full stop

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Classic content could be carried by anyone sufficiently geared. Sorry group content requires… a group now.

Your attitude here is showing why you are failing. You think youre above others. You refuse to update your communities that were set up for an expansion that ended months ago, and you are not listening to a drop of advice from people in this thread that are succeeded while pugging in the very content you claim you cant do.

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