This entire expansion has been anti-pug

You’re 100% right OP.

It’s also a fundamental mistake for the design team to make the game anti-pug. Because it’s the pugs who have kept the game alive all this time. Cross Realms, and early group finder add-ons where what kept this game rolling.

The current pug scene is very hostile to off meta specs, and 10-13 keys are virtually devoid of good players as they have nothing to gain from running them. So pushing your own key has become way more difficult than it ever was if you happen to play off meta specs.

I had a 13 key this week. I invited people to it with good IO scores, lots of runs on their characters. What happened? The healer left before the final boss because he didn’t like how the tank made a pull. Now I have a 12 key. Guess what kind of players I can find to join my 12 key? Not ones capable of clearing the content. I can sit there looking for well over an hour for players who know what they’re doing. Good players have no incentive to run this content with the low item level reward.

I had close to a 2100 io score in BFA, running 15 and 17 keys. Now I can’t even get invited to 15’s. Sometimes I’m able to sneak into a 13 but it’s almost always because they want me to mind soothe and that’s it. And only really pro players are going to invite me for that reason. MOST other groups aren’t smart enough to know I can do that or they have something else that can do something similar.


Bad player tho


We got a regular Ben Shapiro over here

yep like the game being horribly unrewarding to play, including to pug

Somehow here I am with none of the problems youve been crying about. As the same class you claimed were unfun and undesirable. How odd?

Yep this expansion is definitely anti pug.





looks like your precious devs actually looked at the numerical data and agree with me lol


Idk they really didn’t touch much of heroic which you swear up and down is meant to be easy for pugs.

They did indirectly. Nerfing M+ means people will be doing higher keys and getting better vault rewards, and that will make heroic go more smoothly.


They are going to increase gear rewards as well soon. If you look at all the rage, it is pretty clear they will do something.

I win.


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That’s some serious mental gymnastics. Definitely gold medal for you.

Thanks. But while I won the battle, the war rages on. Next, we must all lobby Blizzard for more gear. Keep fighting the good fight! Do not let up! Victory shall be ours!

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Man, last time I lobbied blizzard I just got a forum vacation, definitely not more gear.

I’ve almost exclusively pugged up to 14s and 9/10 heroic.

It can be draining at times, but overall I’ve found the experience fulfilling. I don’t think I’m going to be able to pug heroic sire or 15+ keystones any time soon, but I don’t think it’s necessary for the near-highest difficulty content to be easily puggable.

This expansion has been anti everything except time gated grinds, which is a contradiction but still accurate somehow.

I would kick out more Mythic + but the pugging has been…exhausting.
I just do not have it in me anymore to crank out hours and runs to get my IO score up for pugs to even acknowledge me. I regret sometimes making this one toon my sole effort for all these years. I just love warrior too much to switch over.

I’ll just continue sticking with the occasional Mythic + guild run and raids.

I completely agree with the Op and Im laughing my butt off at Gutsmack who has absolutely no idea what he is talking about regarding pugging in actual endgame content because he doesnt actually do the content. Your only key is a +2 and you barely stepped foot in Nathria in the 2 months its been out. You should shut your smug mouth. You have absolutely no idea about the state of pugging right now. Heroic Nathria and higher m+ especially this time around are overtuned for the rewards provided. Pugs are worse than they were in BFA by a mile. Ive never had this much trouble getting Aotc. Pugs and all the random trash guild discords I join are basically struggling hard and the low drop rate and low ilevel rewards make meaningful gearing all backed up in the weekly vault to inflate sub time. Spending 3 hours in Nathria wiping with pugs is what made me unsub.

Most people who played since release are stuck between 210-215ish praying to the vault god each week and doing pvp because Nathria is dry as hell and m+ end of dungeon rewards are a joke. I changed specs to elemental as a last resort to rekindle my interest but lost so much equiped ilevel in the process that I dont have the heart to pug more overtuned content for 35 anima a piece.

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This expansion, like literally every expansion, is anti pug, anti alt. Could really take a leaf out of other MMO’s books (eg SWTOR legacy system for alt friendliness) but then they’d actually have to have enough content or compelling story to get players to spend time on instead, as it is now, kind of a log in, raid, log out kind of deal.

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Yep. Officially worse than bfa for alts. In bfa we had warfronts and world bosses that dropped upgrades for alts. In SL we got…nothing. World bosses don’t drop loot anymore really and there’s nothing comparable to warfront ilvl gear. And thats without mentioning trying to grind up anima on a new alt lmfao. And people wonder why everyone has dropped pve and are now buying carries for pvp rated gear.

I’ll be praying all night. I’ve lit at least 150 candles already, Oribos is about to catch FIRE.

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Imagine using pvp gear lmao, as if you’d use pvp gear when perfectly useable gear drops from raids. Every item I’ve gotten from raid has been useable. I’ve only gotten conduits though

What are you rambling about? 1600 rating pvp gear offers the same ilevel as the heroic raid. 1800 is 220. Thats significant. In some cases, versa benefits some specs that values it as a stat priority. The raw ilevel increase gives you the ability to patch up a low ilevel slot with a high ilevel pvp piece of your choice (conquest currency is deterministic). Its great. In an ideal world everyone would be rocking perfect pve gear from raid to raid. In the real world people who do both types of content supplement raid gear with pve gear and vice versa.

Or you could pug with slackers rambling about their lives on discord for hours while wiping to orbs on Lady Inerva.