This “new world” game by Amazon

Why thank you kind Orc. May your path to glory be paved in …um…gnome blood. Mechagnomes will work as well.

Love punting them!

It isn’t a theme park mmorpg so that’s definitely going to be a flop.

As it stands right now it is very mediocre.

WoW isn’t the mother of mmos, lots came before it lol It just happened to grow to be the most popular, that’s true, but definitely not the one that started it all.

resounding DUHHHH!

It is like those Amazon dudes were incredibly naive, making that thing. Like they never heard of what happens in games like Wow :wink:

Even before WoW. EverQuest pvp servers. This isn’t a new concept. Its how PVP games have been played for what…20…25 years?

Yes, but I did not mention the naivete of Blizzard; I remember them once saying that you’d receive no honor/benefit from killing lower players, so people won’t bother doing it. Then, of course, that was all people mostly did :wink: It took Blizzard until BFA to fix it, adding an ON/OFF switch for being on a PVP server.

I played EQ, but never on a PVP server? I can’t recall hearing much about it.

Such a development process. Honestly even if I was interested this would put me off.

What happens if people get access to the beta and then go “this is garbage” literally a month to change anything isn’t enough time.
It’a basically like saying we don’t care how the community feels about this, we are developing it as a company with closed alpha testing.

The purpose of Beta is not to make wide sweeping changes. Its to find bugs, stress test, brute force test, make minor tweaks.

The playerbase has no standing in the design of a video game. They never have.

They had rules like being able to loot coins, some had a 1 character limit, they had various ways of making “factions”. A deity faction, for example. Based on Good/Evil/Neutral alignment.

And considering there was next to no pvp balance, they just did it at the last moment. Things were…interesting.

..Cause theirs always one person to bring it up in WoW and think it's a new wow killer...


Let me know when New World has Offline-Singleplayer in it though. :slight_smile:
It does look sorta interesting with the 17th century’s colonialism, but the pvp stuff (and even the general online nature of it) did mostly put me off.

Looks like Conan Exiles mashed Elder scrolls Online and Albion Online with some Rift elements.

Could be cool it will really depend on the quality of the netcode and servers.

we need a serious shrek themed mmo. rated mature, heavy nudity and foul language. no blood though please.

Took one look It, seems to get like 2 posts a day

That forums dead so I’m going to continue to pump every topic I ever made into GD because it’s seems like this spot is the only place with an active forum population

I mean… I wouldn’t advise ignoring forum guidelines or blatantly saying you are going to ignore forum guidelines…

Careful, trolls might flag you man like they did me for asking about FF 14, even though I didn’t bash anything or promote anything either.

Like anyone goes there. Please.

Yeah look it’s the risk I’ll have to run if I plan on using a forum to communicate with people as opposed to a forum that seriously lacks any forms of communication

The combat, storyline, and endgame are going to make or break the game.

Hes such a terrible scrooge I couldnt support his mmo out of principal of giving a man who treats his employees like dirt more money.

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