This “new world” game by Amazon

Its only dying because so many companies only go at it from a money perspective instead of making a awesome legendary game. I’m hyped for ashes of creation though :smiley:

So I watched the gameplay and it’s… not for me.

The ambiance was very relaxing though. I put the 30 minute gameplay video on and fell asleep. Loved the Anglo-Saxon vibe, too. Reminded me of visiting the Viking Museum in York.

Anyone even heard of this game yet?

Its PvP trash
It will either:
be unbalanced causing playerbase rage
People will rage about losing
Chinese Zerg Rush

Man was I excited when they said the setting and then Amazon Games was like lol its an open world PvP game with crafting and such.

I seen people are angry because it no longer solely caters to PvP players anymore. It became more PvE friendly… There had been some very toxic words exchanged when they made that announcement.

I can’t even exactly tell why

You’d think an mmo would attract more people than open world pvp games

I don’t even know the game of an open world pvp game because they seem to launch then die instantly

Because the PvP crowd wanted another rustclone PvP griefbox.


I think they changed the direction to turn it into an mmo and not a rust with swords

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I don’t have a lot of faith in Amazon Games. The released Crucible a few weeks ago, then did something nobody has ever seen before, they put the game in Beta AFTER it was already released. It has terrible reviews on Steam and it seems like there is no real direction. Maybe it’s different for this game but I wouldn’t hold my breath.

Check out the Reddit on it.

It is getting a lot of less than stellar feedback.

Like they stated x was the goal but only made it to s.

I hope it does well as competition is good for WoW and makes it evolve.

But, not holding my breath.

I would hate to try to develop an mmo these days

Even I’m looking at stuff like it’s crap until proven other wise

However I do like the look of new world simply due to the fact it’s got a pretty simple combat system

Like ESO was fun but the combat system in that game is complete garbage and I really really disliked it

Someone mentioned it to me several months ago, and I checked out the website. Very bizarre premise, some kind of weird timeless isle kind of thing. Overall, it does not seem very interesting at all.

Dead on Arrival.

Too bad. Funny how the devs destroyed it before it even released with their ideological panic.

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It looks alright,may give it a go if I can go back to work soon and feel more comfortable to where I can upgrade my machine a bit and get the game. Could be good,could be bad honestly given it’s not out yet it’s too soon to judge. Seems the only people doomsaying the game are the more extreme camps of PVP nuts who are salty that it isn’t mandatory anymore which honestly is a smart move IMO. Outside of BDO,any mandatory PVP game I’ve played has either become a toxic cesspit or declined in population pretty fast as many progression quests would be in heavily contested territory where griefing by maxed out players could occur [It’s what put me off of AION which sucks as it was fun otherwise] Let’s be real here,who wants to risk getting caught in one sided curbstomps by overgeared people?

Comes out soon so we’ll see how it goes.

Honestly. I think this should happen more often. If a game isn’t working the way it should. It should go back into beta. Granted those who already invested in it should be compensated in some form.

Its gonna be a Sh!tshow.

Been following it for months. Devs initially wanted it to be hardline wpvp. The first Alpha there was so much ganking the devs stopped promoting the wpvp idea.

They have since been working on PvE content in a rushed way as pvp was central to the initial design.

They have backpedaled and basically have plans for a “war mode” just like wow.

The combat looks great but still feels clunky according to people with access. The crafting, skill development etc are actually all supposed to be really good.

Have to wait and see but I think their hard switch from pvp to pve and a subequent lack of investment in pve will lead to a game with little to do beyond the instanced pvp that will occur… which you have to queue up with with your “guild”. Yawn. GW2 wvwvw still seems better.

Edit: If you want to get excited for a new mmo keep your eyes on Pantheon. It will be a return and expansion of everquest ideas.

Then theres Camelot unchained and Crowfall if you like pvp. Crowfall could release next year. CU may never release but dear god does it sound amazing.


Nah man obviously keep your eyes on Chronicles of Elyria… totally next WoW killer.


I wouldnt bill any of these as “wow killers”.

Pantheon as I said is closer to everquest. Its style will be slower and more methodical with all open world content mostly.

The others are primarily siege and wpvp based.

These are too niche to offer a threat to wow but may interest other players nonetheless.



Oh I was just teasing cause there was a long time back a statement that CoE would be just that thing.

What happened to it? 3 Years later… They do a Massive sale of land… GRAB IT QUICK BEFORE ITS GONE they said. Huge announcement. 2 weeks after the sale they close the doors saying they can’t fund the project.

Biggest scam in MMo History. over 7.9Million dollars taken from peoples pockets many people who invested over 20,000 dollars on their own.