Things that are... Too Strong?

Literally just look at the pvp leaderboard for each spec in solo shuffle.
Less played specs such as augmentation, devastation, outlaw, frost, etc do not have enough players to populate their full spec leaderboard. This puts their low end at players who have queued 1 game. More popular specs like ret, disc priest, arms warrior, have their lowest rating at 1600-1700. Taking an average of the top 5000 is going to be wildly different for specs that have enough players to put #5000 at 1700, as compared to only having 3000 players total.


Which is why you don’t go top 5k, you do players over 2.4k. :slight_smile: Ty

I find it funny how the dude called out people who are multi/current glads and said we want things to be in our favor to get glad like bro we’re done with it - and hes struggling in the 1700s.

Like I really want to be a positive entity in the community but its rough with people like that who have zero self awareness.

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completely irrelevant to this discussion, and also carries its own drawbacks.

Not at all, it shows the specs that are overperforming.

Augmentation has 126 players over 2400 in solo shuffle. Arms has 131. Is arms better then augmentation?

Hm. Right about the same in shuffle, interesting. Provably in 3’s, yes.

Hey do me a favor, list the things that are way more broken than 1 min sac pls.

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Meanwhile augmentation has some number less than half the amount of players arms does, giving them at least double the spec representation above 2400 as arms.

Doesn’t say that in the stats.

If 131 of at least 5,000 arms warriors are above 2400, and 126 augmentation of 3047 are above 2400, that means less than 2.62% of arms warriors are above 2400, yet 4.13% of augmentation evokers are above 2400. The exact number for arms is going to be a lot lower, since we don’t know exactly how many play arms, just that the number is at least 5000. Even assuming only 5000, Augmentation has almost double the spec representation of arms above 2400.

Use your noodle. This is a signifier that Augmentation is far more powerful than arms is.


Is that PEMDAS?


its common core math without the squares

i’m hardstuck A tier on magnusz’s tier list


we’re gonna need a good ole fash gutting of mm hunter not gonna cap


– Grove Guardians talent (3 treant charges, each lasting 15 seconds, with a 20 second recharge time, and off the gcd), or in other words, the 15-20% free healing done by npcs.

– Aug evoker being immortal and preventing most games from ending for any reason other than damp/mana.

– Elemental shamans being able to solo 100-0 people in a second.

– Sub rogue damage for how much cc/control they have.

– WW monk damage + defense/mobility.

– MM damage.

– Arcane mage damage combined with the rest of their kit.

– Lock port frequency.

– Cyclone in general for druids, mainly rdruid and moonkin.

I’d put hand of sac after at least these.

go ahead and delete this one for me buddy

Healers can 100-0 people at 1100mmr. That’s about the highest mmr anyone gets 1 shotted by ele. Brain dead make sac a 180 second cd for that

That’s exactly what sac does