Things that are... Too Strong?

Recently started queuing again after not playing for about 3 weeks.

This is what I think feels a bit too strong rn

  • Aug Evoker
  • Rdruid
  • MM Hunter
  • Arcane Mage

Did I miss any? What do you guys think.


I imagine Paladin or at least Holy is going to get an adjustment to Blessing of Sacrifice or its talents.


Is this an overall list or can we add like honorable mentions? I think WW is strong enough to the point that fist parry shouldn’t exist anymore and HPal is still too much imo with sac cd so short.


Kennie beating me to it again. The foxman is on top of it

yeah you missed:

  • warriors
  • WW monks

Neither Arms nor Fury seem out of line.

Perhaps a bit off their defensives? Turbo fists is something that’s brought up from time to time.

I’d also add displacement for mages and I think alter has a bit too long of a duration and too short a cd but idk if thats a universal feeling or if I am just an annoyed melee player.

OH lock port - impish instincts cdr and the freedom is fried.

I know you said classes but :man_shrugging:

Warriors are fine imo - they are strong sure, but they are farrrrr below everything Mud listed

Hmm. If they were to adjust Warlocks I imagine it’d be reduce the duration of the freedom or its movement speed buff, like 6>3 seconds and 50%>30% or something.

completely right it should be a 3min cd and duration should be between 5s to 7s and ability that let you ignore all damage taken for the last 10s is just massively absurd

DKs IBF has a 3min cd, 8s duration and usually all DKs die thru it cuz is a 30% damage reduction, basically a feint but with 9x the CD :smiling_face:

I’d be cool with that like give movement increase but no freedom so like they cant just nascar away and have port again in 10 seconds

game feels pretty good right now. no complaints here. enh does feel terrible in shuffle tho, that could use some kind of buff.

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idk about this take my dude, I hate mages too but Im thinkin like maybe 1.5min and 5 sec but not purgeable if we’re being realistic

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My only complaints really is Augvoker and pally Sac. Other than that game feels alright.

Mm really just feels so miserable to fight


yeah, data does not agree with you

h ttps://


I would say Aug is the biggest one for me. Seems like every aug team are triple terribads who run in circles all game and somehow manage to win.
Aug comps are just designed for babies.

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Yea, agreed. Every match against an Augvoker i know its gonna be a 7 minute snooze fest. Win or lose its frustrating

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mages need some tuning

otherwise ww monk burst is a bit high