Things that are... Too Strong?

usually, yeah

the only clear tell i’m aware of is SWG giving aura mastery to a lava burst cast, no ele is doing that if they’re not cheesing. you have until that castbar finishes to make sure that everyone on your team in range of the ele presses an immunity(or stacks all their defensives), or someone dies

i haven’t seen it with any of the other specs that can solo you for defensive overcommitment but it’d shock me if the build can’t win even series games with something like ret or sub that can cheat to win 2nd go after forcing you to react to the first one

Ret paladin, WW, unholy dk, balance druid, aug evoker, arms war, ele sham, dest lock. They’re actually backed up by stats on needing nerfs.


they’re backed up by STATS
links representation


Deff add hpala to the list and ww dmg is nutty.

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I hear what you’re saying. But I’ve had many games where I purged both alters the mage used and my team still lost. Alter changes alone are not going to make mage killable. Making it a buff that cant be purged just makes it easier to use for the mage cuz they have no concern about positioning while they use it and can just pump or go for cc for the 3-4 seconds it’s up with impunity. The mobility/unlimited slows are what needs looked at primarily. Even with alter left alone, making them touchable would make them more manageable.

Yeah, you ever notice the increase in representation when classes get buffed? Crazy. The last time you debated you linked basically everything to confirm my stats and then gave reasons why they were ‘not accurate’ including, but not limited to things that I disproved like ‘more people play warrior that’s why it’s always so high represented’. Forums just need to go ahead and add a “ignored players can’t see/reply to your posts” so I don’t see ‘1 reply hidden’. :slight_smile:

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yah your 2019 census definitely disproved everything my bad

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Are we talking about rss or actual 3s?
Sure hpal is king in rss but in actual 3s I think rdruid, being on par or just slightly ahead and hpriest,pres give it a run. Mw not far from those with disc and rsham trailing behind by a decent amount.

People are just mix and matching what they feel.
We need to actually clarify what when where who.

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If you are getting one shot by enhance now its 110% a skill issue nothing more nothing less.

they said ele, which definitely can go about 100-0 globaling people

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Must’ve replied to the wrong post he said enhance first and foremost and that’s not really true either saw it once but I let it happen and deserved to get one shot

how you gonna say they can’t do it in the same sentence you say you saw it happen


gaslight gatekeep girlboss


Except you can still hit 250k single target on procs with lightning build. Had a Enh sham do that off rip to my survival partner the other day. Match ended in 10s and my partner was dead in .5 seconds. So the skill issue is what exactly, because I’ve heard you and other Enh/Arms/Fury/Ret players go on about how rogues are ‘god tier’ but they don’t delete someone in .5s. So if its a skill issue for dealing with Enhance I’ll just go ahead and expect that you never bother to write another word of complaint about rogue damage, as they both fall under the category of ‘skill issue’

See what I did there?

I’d rather see Enhance not rely on gimick, but if you’re cool with it I guess you won’t be having anything to say bout the new Assassination execute.

These obvious nerd polotic threads from Turbo players need to stop. Remi has a similar trash post in here somewhere, obv that war/sham players just want tuning superiority so they can get glad at this point cuz hard stuck.


“Not really true” = never happened? ? ? No it’s an easily avoidable possibility just like enhance. When you see an ele or enh once every 50 games and find yourself getting 1 shot. You need to do some reflecting and realize it’s a skill issue in your behalf

me: it can happen
you: that’s not really true
what do you think your sentence means?

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This is not really true because if you are getting globaled by either you lick windows and eat crayons. Not sure what’s so difficult to comprehend here buddy either way you suck im out of here

this is the main reason im disagreeing with the MM thing though arcane shots/explosive/chakrams can be pretty ridiculous on plate

my guy you have the same exp as me


shadowstep in the general tree, should be burst of speed