Wait. that’s not an argument, that’s just backing up that there are still things each can learn from the other.
I honestly did like the FFXIV crafting, it was a bit tedious at times but it was nice to level up anything, add gem sockets at a cost of failure and consistently have twinky gear for my lower leveled classes… The only down side was yeah it was a bit more tedious at times but it has 1000% more value then the wow profession’s… It was kind of crappy you could only have like 10 auctions up though, after crafting all of those goodies it felt very limiting… Mind you, this is probably the only point I agree with op on, if WoW had half the crafting value their system had you’d definitely have more people striving for something or even some little aspect of solo progression.
Multi-classing would be okay if you were limited to one additional class. Being able to do literally everything is where I take issue
If you tried to be proficient in everything you’d realistically just be bad or mediocre at all of it.
It’s just not a good system for video games. It works in table top rpgs because you do end up bad at basically everything if you multiclass too much or do so poorly. Most video games don’t have that feature though (I can think of a few that do. Pathfinder Kingmaker, for example but it is heavily based off of the table top rules and you can easily make your character really terrible.)
Dude, it’s a fantasy game. You’re reading just a bit too far into things.
Posting in a Preheat thread, who I thought quite after being bullied or something. But whatever, I’m going to instead address the points:
This works because in the Final Fantasy story, you are the chosen hero. You don’t belong to a race, a city, a faction, or anything, it is YOUR story. So you can make it what you want. Like it or hate it (and boy do I hate it) Blizzard has instead chosen the route of us being adventurers that hail from a specific location/specific race/specific faction. As such, our characters are built for that.
Another reason this works in FF14 and likely wouldn’t in WoW is there are a lot more buttons in WoW when it comes to perfecting a rotation. They also have more flavor spells compared to FF14, which seem to not really have any. The classes are meant to play differently.
FURTHERmore there are only 17 jobs compared to 36 specs. That is quite the staggering difference to allow one player to have all of. We can already choose to be three specializations on one character; unless Blizzard removes specializations and reduces classes down to only being a class and play the exact same as others of the class, I don’t think this would work.
See above regarding the story. We are beholden to the cultures of the races we play. That’s how the game was set up, and that’s how I prefer the game to remain. The only reason I would support this restriction lifting is if Blizzard decides to give the player character more options and choices, and that would also mean removing the faction barrier and simply letting people play with whomever they want. Otherwise, the restrictions are kept in due to how the player character exists in WoW compared to the player character in FF14. And I support them until factions are also up on the chopping block.
Meaningful solo content is something WoW lacks, that I can agree. I’m enjoying the world in FF14 right now, though the world will eventually end, so we’ll see how I feel when that does happen. But WoW definitely needs better solo content in general.
Eh, ups and downs to this one. The daily queue system ensures high levels will queue up and be put into low level dungeons, trials, raids, etc. but the downside to this is every dungeon is a rush fest. People complain about dungeons in WoW being “gogogogogo”, but in FF14 the leveling stuff is so much worse it’s unbelievable. And that’s because it’s rewarding high level players by giving them stuff for current content. It’s a blessing and a curse.
And people have reasons to run old content when it comes to dungeons and raids; mounts and transmog (something WoW does multiple times better than FF14) being the key points, but also pets and toys for those interested.
17 jobs vs. 36 specs. I mean…Blizzard has to balance twice as much stuff even without adding in borrowed power like these last few expansions.
You also have to realize most fights in FF14 are single target, whereas in WoW there’s a variety of different encounters. The comparison is pretty weak here.
You can’t make “meaningful choices” because there is no choice. If you’re a Gladiator, you play like every other Gladiator. If you’re a Summoner, you play like every other Summoner. If you’re a Red Mage, guess what? You aren’t special.
Can’t comment, also don’t really care as much about this.
This is the other point FF14 has WoW beat, the crafting and gathering is better, yes. Nothing else to say there.
Over all: both games have their ups and downs, strengths and weaknesses, perks and problems. Turning WoW into FF14 doesn’t fix all of the problems, and introduces others. So no, I’m pretty much against most of what you said here outside of world content and professions.
And yes, I realize I put a lot of effort into a Preheat thread. But this conversation is something that pops up often enough.
Only reason I ask is sometimes I’m looking for a melee instead of a ranged. Druid you can’t tell at a glance.
Dude, it’s an rpg. Which is why I was comparing it to other rpgs, including table top ones.
I was just expanding upon why I do not like systems like the one FF14 uses. They are silly.
Now shoo with your snarky self. (I say that with all of the love. Just being a bit silly. )
Oh please, be not quoting Proving Grounds as important or meaningful. Do you know what beating PGs proved - that a player was good at beating PGs. It had zero relevance to being able to usefully participate in an Heroic dungeon. The most problems I’ve ever had from anyone else in Heroics is dumb player behaviour, and being good as single-beating a PG doesn’t fix that issue.
You’re making folks cry, OP.
Don’t bring up other games here.
WoW will likely never allow us to play multiple classes on one character, it’s not how their world works, and they’ve devoted so many resources to leveling alts now, that it would be a poor investment. Personally, I like leveling different race/class combos in this game.
There are certainly things that FFXIV does better than WoW that I’d love to see them work on. Those things are:
I just want to see better WoW professions with some time investment, progression, and payoff, even in the form of prestigious cosmetics and collectibles. It doesn’t need to be ilvl and really, it shouldn’t for the most part. -
WoW’s holidays are ridiculously dated. FFXIV does a new holiday thing every year I hear. Also, why the F*** don’t we have a broom mount to add to our collection yet!? -
Class fantasy
No, not that “class fantasy,” but I love in FFXIV how each class has a story to tell and an identity. There’s so many gear options for classes. Legion got this close, but, damn, class identity has been a struggle with this game. The only real pro that we have with WoW is that we have the illusion of options with our talents and such.
Other things like housing, customization (glyphs cough), etc… I’d love to see more of in WoW, but I’d want it to be WoW’s version. You can never go wrong with more character investments.
All classes on the same character is one of the worst things I have ever seen in an MMO.
I will die on this hill.
I saw a topic from you asking a legitimate question and I thought there was a glimmer of hope.
But back to normalcy we go, because of course you have to pit two completely different games released at different times and developed by different companies against one another for attention again.
But on the other hand, to level alt jobs can be very egregious especially early on. In fact, I would say making a new character in WoW and leveling to max takes shorter time than leveling a new job. Especially in terms of gear as well.
Especially when EXP to level an alternate job:
- FATE Farming (grinding)
- Levequests (grinding your daily allowances)
- Daily Roulettes (which are severely limited at early levels for a job; and lock out rewards if you do them on another Job i.e. getting max level rewards for your 80 job).
Old content is already alive because of daily roulettes.
All relics did was force people to do old content, but the current content ways (in Bozja) were astronomically bad.
Would you rather grind CT for a 100% drop of a memory vs. do critical engagements for a non-100% drop?
But also BLU at higher levels is group content as well. People seem to forget that full groups of BLU doing raids is a thing for achievements/mounts.
Thats actually false.
If you do any higher content, people will take specific jobs over others all the time. Its why you will always never see BRD or DRG or SCH or DRK or WAR in higher content.
You really gonna tell me having one set of 510 gear from tomestones in four months is a good rate?
1: ability to play any class on a character means nothing because wow shares everything account wide. If you play a gnome warlock and tauren druid there’s no difference then playing dragoon drk because you’ll have your mounts and all. In fact I prefer having 2 different characters then looking at the same one 24 /7. You can’t make alts in 14 cause they share NOTHING (not even stuff you bought with real money). You won’t have mounts minions reputations NOTHING. And you’re forced to re-do the several hundred hour longs msq as well.
- Sure I guess, doesn’t really matter to me.
3.Pretty much everything you mentioned is not progression. Anything that isn’t a raid or tomes in ffxiv is side content that doesn’t empower you in any way, like pet battles. The only thing you mentioned there that’s soloable is relic and if you try to do that alone you’re going to suffer. The current one has 100% drop rate in alliance raids while fates have what… a 10% drop rate maybe?
3.2: wow has timewalking, and it’s a million times better because it scales up to you instead of the opposite. Imagine timewalking just brought you back down to lower levels took away all your abilities and gutted your gear… That’s how you play ffxiv 90% of the time and that gets EXTREMELY boring. They sync your ilvl down even at max level content making all your gear useless. (bozja unreal level80 dungeons pvp etc) The game severely needs content that uses your hard earned gear otherwise what’s the point. Well there is no point, which is why a new patch over there is often dead within a week.
4: It’s balanced because everyone is the same (and it’s still not balanced ranged physical is crap). I’ll take specs and fun gear over every healer having one 30 second dot and 1 nuke, tanks all having a 20% sec dr on 90 sec cd a 30% dr on 120 sec cd etc along with gear that’s only +5 strenght the entire game’s lifespan.
Ffxiv is the perfect example of what balance obsession does, it turns everyone the same, they don’t even dare experiment in their raid encounters either cause they’re afraid a class might be left out. Every tier is just stack markers proteans knockbacks dodge aoe that are so predictable people literally map out their entire fight rotation. You never see anything like prophet skitra there or flame leviathan or inerva. It’s just molten core cranked up to 11 (don’t stand in the fire).
5: what choice does ffxiv have? if you’re a drk you’re a tank period. The game has zero choice so of course you can’t screw up a choice you never had. You could ‘choose’ to use skillspeed tenacity and piety but that would be the same as someone being a necrolord druid, meaning just flat out bad.
6: Don’t know what to tell you here. What currency? Gil is even more worthless than gold. I can play wow for free with gold atleast, in 14 I have 124 million gil and nothing to use it on.
And I don’t know what you’re playing but the relic grinds are insane. The current one (not even counting previous tiers) Is 15 alliance raids, then another 18 alliance raids, then another 15 palace of the dead, and that’s the FASTEST way of doing it. God have mercy on your soul if you try doing it with fates. There’s nothing casual about relic grinds whatsoever.
7: Crafting is only meaningful week 1 of a new raid release, and that’s if you’re going for very fast week 1 kills, otherwise it’s useless. Current crafted gear right now is 510, while tome gear (the casual one) is 520 and will be boostable to 530 soon. If you raid you’re already at 530. I agree wow needs crafting that isn’t useless but 14 isn’t really anything special, it’s just a money maker same as wow.
I agree with you wow could vary transmog looks more, but I definitely don’t want the weirdness of ffxiv that has wizards with pointy hats and people who look like they’re living in modern time clothes.
Worst things because its not WoW.
If WoW did it tomorrow, you would swallow.
It really works in FFXIV, where the game itself is main-story-driven, and that main story is a big time investment. That’s the only reason it works in that game.
You do the main story, and then every (job) class has its own story, which eventually turns into a role story, I hear. But, while the main story is great, I don’t think I’d ever want to have to do it all over again anytime soon, so alting in that game with different characters is completely out of the question for me.
Come to think of it, that’s one reason I didn’t want to level alts in Shadowlands so much. It was all on the rails after 50 and that would just grow repetitive. Earlier expacs had different paths to spice it up, and rarely did it ever require the entire story each time. The other option is cool, but it wasn’t the same either.
And that’s only like 8ish hours of gameplay for 10 levels or something. Imagine doing that for, like, a month in a game like FFXIV.
So, yeah, one toon works for that game, but would feel really out of place in this one.
I would be incredibly disappointed and seriously consider moving on.
And if Blizz did some of the more egregious things SE has gotten away with, people would be calling out Blizz HARD.
Again: WoW fans are overly critical and FF14 fans are under critical. Everyone knows this by now.
What egregious things??
No one could match some of the swizzle Blizzard has done to their employees and fans in the last four years alone (dunno how this was even brought up)
No, WoW fans think everyone else is inferior to us and get antsy when ANY other game is mentioned…anywhere. It has been that way for years. FF fans don’t care about ANY other games as they only care about what is happening there.
Ill start with the easy one.
Id say two races that are incomplete:
- Both have no opposite gender
- Cannot have helms displayed on their heads
- Get promised to have new hairstyles in the same expansion, then never get any new ones (even though they released new hairstyles over all).
- In the case of one of them, having to pay real money to even change your hairstyle because its tied to face.
Like we saw Alliance players berate Blizzard for Mechagnomes; and you dont think Blizzard would get called on any of what I just said, even though this is all something in FF14?
Come on dude.
Thats some cope if I have ever seen some. You arent going to tell me a game with a lot of ex-WoW players and current WoW players arent going to talk about WoW at any point of time.
This is levels of “League of Legends doesnt talk about Dota 2 ever” delusions.