Things FFXIV does better WoW should learn from

1.) Ability to play all jobs/classes on a single character.

Because nothing screams as unfun to me as needing to name and make from the ground up 5 different characters to play what I want to play.

And no, doing the exact same monotonous story and unlocks and achievements on a second character is not adding replayability. It’s a chore and a bore and discourages me from trying different classes in this game.

Eg: Why would I level a paladin to try holy paladin when I already have a priest? I don’t want to subject myself to that regrind of boring story.

I should be able to swap from priest to mage if my composition demands it without punishment. In FFXIV I can-- why won’t WoW let me? “BECAUSE REASONS”.

Because “reasons”???
That’s :clap: Not :clap: Good :clap: Enough :clap: Anymore

This is a relic of the past and poor game design for the modern 2021 era.

2.) Ability to play all classes on all races.

And no your lore doesn’t matter. Not sorry about it either, I have yet to see a SINGLE WoW streamer actually sit through the lore and justify it.


And the fact that the lore cripples the gameplay makes even less sense.

But if you really want to be so hung up on it?

Explain lightforged death knights. Yet they still in game still can use their racials which is to do with the light. Ok then.

Now that you’ve managed to come up with a potential contrived answer / justification for that realize that every single race and every single class can have the same sort of wonky arguments applied.

So no, your lore makes no sense.

3.) Meaningful solo content and meaningful solo progression

Imagine being able to play a game casually where you can take part in other activities other than 20 player recruitment simulator raids, highly organized and competitive (and punishing) mythic dungeons.

And no pvp doesn’t count. And no pvp in ffxiv is not better than wow. PvP appeals to a very small demographic in mmorpgs.

And you wonder why the casual player is moving to FFXIV.

Relic weapons, housing, world altering events (eg: ishgardian restoration), gold saucer (Which is like 100 different things), extreme trials, social events, yada yadda.

Actually let me do this.

3.2) Reviving old content

FFXIV’s relic weapon revives old content like old alliance raids, old dungeons, old maps with FATEs.

Or FFXIV’s special “toy” class the blue mage that revives old content with neat rewards like mounts, achievements, titles, glamors and is just flat out a unique experience.



4.) Better balance

The balance between the highest and lowest specs of any role in this game is an abhorrent stain on WoW.

I don’t care what you say, in no situation would anyone logically take a survival hunter over a fire mage in m+ or raid. Impossible, do not peddle these lies to me.

Yet in FFXIV the balance between the top and bottom performers in any piece of content is extremely close-- to the point where people genuinely encourage people to play anything and everything has very much been taken around.

In b4 people bring up old monk during heavensward. In b4 people bring up old AST in heavensward.

Look at it right now. The balance is so razor’s edge close that when you look at warcraft logs it’s almost laughable.

5.) Meaningful CLASSES (rather than “choice”)

In FFXIV you don’t need to feel punished for making a “meaningful choice”. What a tonedeaf obtuse mess of a phrase “meaningful choice” is.

Try telling me you actually have a choice between necrolord druid or night fae druid. Oh yes, the choice to be massively suboptimal and rejected from groups. I love “meaningful choices”.

And let’s not forget that if things are buffed/nerfed heavily each patch then you need to swap covenants or risk being severely undertuned.

9.1 is coming soon and it’s going to be brutal.

Let’s not forget for your “meaningful choice” you will need to when you swap.

-grind renown again
-you lose all covenant features such as mission table, mission table companion levels (yeah rip everyone), any sanctum unlocks.
-you cannot use your unlocked covenant armors /weapons anymore

So can’t wait for 9.1 to “shake up the meta” and invalidate ALL actual progress.


6.) Meaningful currency rates

Anima. Too stingy.
Stingya. Too stingy.

People calculated it’d take literal years to get all the anima you need to unlock stuff.

People happily defended it as “you aren’t meant to get everything ikmmediately!”

I however wrote it off as an abhorrent joke.

-Mission table missions give 30 anima.

-World quests can give 35 anima at the lowest rank (so flight time, doing it and flying back for 35 anima? ROFL)

Yeah um. Stingy. Not a meaningful currency rate.

Combine this with changing covenants wipes your current progress and yeah… why are we caring about / farming this currency again?

Even the worst grinds in FFXIV (which we no longer see today in any shape) like ATMA grinding for ARR relics BEFORE it was soon nerfed… yeah… Not even that was this stupidly bad.

7.) Meaningful crafting/gathering

People talk about transmog competitions in this game and I am always shocked. Why? There isn’t that much diversity in gear and if you really think there is then please do identify where you can wear a suit and tie in WoW, or what about slippers? Or what about even 1/4th the options FFXIV provides.

The sheer amount of glamor craftables alone in FFXIV makes crafting relevant and provides people with more options.

Or relevant crafted gear (Which no an i510 piece will never compete with an i535 weapon. If you think it does then stop trolling and get real. It isn’t even remotely the same power wise.)

Or relevant crafter/gatherer objectives like ishgardian restoration, their own unique relic weapon lines and so much more.

Yet WoW spits in the face of crafters and gatherers.


I like how any race can be any class. And that all you need to basically do is visit the class trainer. I wish wow had that. Especially since main heroes get to multi class. The wow version would be nice to unlock other specializations of other classes.


Everything you said was right.

WoW will never do it.


Then go away and play that game instead.


ya stop trying to make wow abetter and more enjoyable experience!!


I’d love to see it, but considering how much of a %%%%storm happened when Proving Grounds had even the slightest amount of importance, it is had to imagine the player-base getting behind this.

Look at Torghast. Most of the challenge has been nerfed out of it. Only twisting corridors has any real amount of challenge and it’s 100% optional and people are STILL whining about the mount. It’s a completely optional mount, you don’t need to mount in the Maw, but people are freaking out because they feel they deserve it just for subbing.


How is this manifest?

What does it look like?

If you take a character that was following the solo progression path and compare it to a character that followed a group content progression path, what do they look like when they top out? and how long did it take?


Posting in a preheat thread. Carry on.


No. That is one of THE things I dislike about FF14. You should not be able to do everything on a single character. If I want to be a mage I should be a mage. Not a warrior that can be a mage when we need him to be.

Agreed. Class restrictions are largely archaic. The obvious exceptions being void elf/undead anything holy (but they can already be priests which is weird but w/e.)

This WoW lacks but I prefer the way ESO handles it as opposed to FF14.

Again, WoW could definitely do more on that front. It is a fine line to walk though because it would be very tedious if we had to run old raids to get specific spec’s BIS gear.

Goes without saying really.

Borrowed power systems really need to go the way of the Dodo. Make good classes/specs that work and leave them alone. Why Blizzard is obsessed with constantly changing everything I will never know.

These are largely fine. Especially if you completely ignore then. :grin:

How many bullet points do you have? Jesus.

Crafting should be improved too, for sure. Currently it seems it is only useful to be an alchemist, and enchanter, or engineer.

7 the answer was 7.

Edit: And why are you a troll now?


Yes? There are very good reasons why FF14 is more balanced.

There’s 36 specs in WoW. There’s single target fights, cleave fights, AOE fights, fights that need on demand burst, and the value of execute damage varies a lot between fights.

FF14 has 17 DoW/DoM jobs in comparison. There’s only 4 fights per raid tier (5 if you count door bosses), and those fights are overwhelmingly single target. Also, the game is designed so jobs are interchangeable with jobs of the same role for the most part via role skills.

FF14 also has slower secondary scaling and no borrowed power to balance around.

FF14 is only more balanced because SE has an easier field to balance as well content that it’s easier to balance around.

I just typed this out for a Preheat thread. F. :clown_face:


It’s okay. I individually responded to every bullet point before noticing who it was.

I think the race change to troll is fitting!


If you’re so in love with how that game does things - go play it instead OP? Not trolling, just saying it’s an obvious solution. The game you’re describing exists. Stop wasting your time trying to convince others that the way you think is the correct way and just let the two games be different.


just curious. ive been told raid groups will fill their team with different jobs. they dont job stack because of reasons im not familiar with. does that not become an issue?

technically, this means balance is good for sure. i was just curious how difficult it is to get into a raid if you only play blm.

If nothing else, once it gets plopped into the Raid Finder instead of being Premade-only, you can just queue and pray. Though a couple of the FCs I know over there really don’t brood too much over potential stacking if it means they have warm bodies who know the fight lol.

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Just play where you have the most fun OP :hugs:

Hey look Preaheat showing their true race. At least they have finally accepted it is all they are.

Thought you were quitting? This doesn’t look like quitting.
Get’em outta here.


1 & 2 never going to happen.

But everything else, is probable and I’d be okay with.

Also being aggressive with your opinion, isn’t a good way to convince players. Even if some of things you’re saying are true. Just saying :slightly_smiling_face:

Since you can level all the jobs on 1 char in FF14 I have every single job in that game at level 80. Here I only have my Paladin level capped. I don’t want to have to do all the story rep whatever many times.


I mean, I’m a ffxiv player too, but yeesh this is not the way to go about convincing people, much less bringing up the subject

I’ve had several people whisper me asking “balance?” when I apply to their groups, but no one has ever asked “Fae?” Unless it’s in Mists or Side so I can open doors or break urns.

That said the necrolord cov ability for balance was laughably bad and increasing the numbers doesn’t really fix it.