Things FFXIV does better WoW should learn from

1 - Totally, 110% disagree with this suggestion.

2 - Some what agree, there are some lore reasons for certain cases (like DHs) but in most causes they can add in events which change that. Like they did with Bolvar creating a new generation of DKs.

3 - I agree to an extent but people need to get this dream of being able to attain the same gear as people doing top tier content from solo content. That’s just not going to happen but that doesn’t mean you can’t PUG content that offers better rewards. Not all gearing paths require you to play 8 hours a day 7 days a week.

4 - I wouldn’t mind seeing some of it updated to current time but in general this content should never be a replacement for the current stuff. I mean there is not actual Arthas in sitting on the Frozen Thorne any more.

5 - 100% agree that they need to do a far better job with balance. But let’s be fair, FFXIV has had more their issues in this area as well…

6 - It would be nice if they stopped leaning so heavily upon “borrowed power” and work upon the classes themselves. I don’t mind things like the covenants but I feel between those, soul binds, conduits and legendary gear we are back in a situation where too much of our class growth isn’t actually with the class.

6 - Disagree, SL did it right. Anima is completely optional as is stigya.

7 - It would be nice to see crafting have a greater impact but if you are looking for crafting top tier gear you are going to have to accept that they would require you to do that content for materials or recipes.

Honestly, there isn’t a game there that can improve itself by looking into what others are doing. I bet the same applies to FFXIV as well.


I would say there is 5 fights per raid tier cause there is always an extreme primal for a weapon. Most raid groups get the weapon before beating the 3rd fight cause usually start hitting dps checks at that point.

Then you could just make an alt. You aren’t required but you have the option. What if it were a warrior who wanted to be a hunter as well? Sounds a bit more reasonable. I’d assume a warrior would be pretty familiar with hunter weaponry to a degree. The idea of multi-class characters have been around forever, while I don’t agree with meshing them together to create some hybrid class.

Seriously, what’s stopping someone from learning new things? If someone wants to devote the time and resources to “learn a new class” why is that a negative?

Thats why that character has to devote the time and energy to level up that class so he CAN be a mage.


you saying you actually like XIV’s crafting system? you litereally set up a macro and windup doing asome stupid complicated “rotation” to craft a piece of gear? yeah, thats fun.

now, the questing involved within the gathering/crafting jobs i thought were okay, but honestly i prefer wow’s gathering crafting


They aren’t. They want it to be FF14, but that game already exists. It’s called FF14.


I would usually agree with making fun of him, however, he is right this time and to be honest all his points on this post are just spot on.

I don’t like the FF universe and I don’t like the atmosphere of FF games but if wow kept its lore and style but added the qol FF offers it would become a much better game that more people would play for fun rather because they have to or because they’re just addicted.


FFXIV is not really a raiding focused game. There are harder raids yes but cause the majority of the playerbase is casual the game has a ton of casual content. Interacting with someone who is only into fashion RPing, and decorating their house is so annoying. The amount of housing items in the game is crazy they waste dev time on this stuff rather than making a lot more raids.

People who beat raids in FF14 is like 2%.

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I guess that counts. It’s usually on par with the first 2 floors and a lot of groups do have to use it for progression. It’s just a bit separated because Extremes are farmable, so ideally you’ll kind of just do it a lot once then be done with it.

What I wish they’d do one of per tier is Ultimates. I’d probably still be playing FF14 if there were more, but the engagement for them is so low that it’s not worth it for SE’s team.

Preheat, please stop giving FF14 players a bad name by posting this stuff here. I know this isn’t the first time you’ve done it, either.


Posting in a Preheat thread.

SE doesn’t care about ultimtaes or high end raids since they just canceled one. They say its a delay but its a cancel cause Endwalker will probably only have the ultiamte that was suppose to be in Shadowbringers.

I thought you quit?


If XiV could do meaningful endgame content they’d be set but they won’t.

Always playing it safe, and now cutting out endgame content to cater to the easy money.

I’d love if WoW would steal how they present their story/narratives but gameplay wise I’m good here.

All you’ve done is slap meaningful onto a bunch of stuff when the only meaningful thing in your list are the professions.

Is this poking fun at “meaningful choices”?

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BLM? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

black mage

ha. i see what you’re doing there

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They play those stupid commercials for Final Fantasy online throughout the day while at work at home. I still don’t want to play Final Fantasy online and I hate those commercials.

“You know what free trial doesn’t suck?”

No and I don’t care. I’m going to play WOW.

Actually I was generally curious.


Not going to read your post but things WoW does better than FFXIV is a WAYYY longer list and FFXIV should learn from WoW.


if we could just get a baby from ffxiv and wow, i think id love that game.