13 had a scifi futuristic design with gods as machines. And magic being derived by machine gods. Ff9 had more old classic designs. Espers/summons as buildings similar to ff13, they affected society and had big powers. The artstyles are different. Combat systems are both sort of turn based and have a magic base. 13 had a focus on faL’cie- players given magic powers by gods. 9 had some normal characters and a protagonist that was given powers and godlike potential. Had more early scifi themes with the plot. Vivi too had some good moral ponderings compared to the old fal’cie who were resurrected by the gods to destroy coccoon. All to end the world and summon old gods. 9 was more of a scifi creation turned evil that wanted to destroy the world.
ff7 had a current for the time scifi fantasy vibe. With “modern technology”. FF8 sort of as well with a more school theme and time mage villian that made you think about interesting concepts.
When mentioning quest design I was more talking about the related ff7r to the ff14. If you do sidequests they feel like mmo base quests. Not that different. I got ff14 vibes when I was playing ff7r. I havent played 6, but if you play the more modern versions they have similar quest designs for their sidequests. ffx and ff12 being similar. Some innovation was seen in 13. 15 felt very mmo world ish.
Combat style always changes but similar themes are always present. Always a base attack, magic system, summon system, kill/reward system, experience system, party management system. They usually aren’t that different, even the shooting ff games are sort of the same with some aiming required like ff7 vincent spin off, or ff agito.
This is true but something’s remain constant. We usually have returning enemies, names, tropes, class tropes, sort of the same systems, same plots to end the world, magic system either high fantasy or scifi combined magic system like magitek and crystal usage. Similar themes throughout the games. Materia ff7=spheres ffx= crystals = magic= magitek weapons/armor= fal’cie tattoos. ff14 is more mmo based but it still feels like a final fantasy series. The closest to an mmo I would say is ff7r, ff15 and ff12. Final fantasy has made 2 mmos. FF11 and ff14.
Then where did Kul Tiran’s and Gilneas’s Paladins go, smart guy? They just happen to forget a class for some ‘lore’ reason? C’mon, hit me with it.
Night Elf culture was ‘Arcane magic is bad. We’re tut-tuting you other races for using it but if Tyrande finds out you’re a NE user of Arcane she’s gonna Starfall you on the spot’. Then, suddenly, it wasn’t, because Blizzard wanted NE mages. Despite it being made extremely clear that Arcane practices were extremely not-OK for NE to do.
People don’t have cause to subject themselves to getting hit in the face over and over as a Warrior, or cause to subject themselves to sleepless nights and constant anxiety as a Mage, or constant tests of faith as a Paladin. Until they decide that they do.
And your explanations have holes in them large enough to be measured in AUs.
Yet my Warrior that systematically slaughters every last living thing in Mulgore with bombs, rockets, and other unsporting weaponry, is somehow following her people’s ways? I didn’t know Tauren ran on extinction-inducing trophy-hunting.
FF7 remake and call of duty may have similarities in technology. But they are making a final fantasy 7 battle royale… https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=orsHm-1nIBI
It’s definitely in the same universe! Same world.
paladins cant be cursed and still be paladins from what i know so gilnean paladins wouldnt be possible due to the worgen curse
are you sure about that?:
[Tauren Seers have been in the lore since before World of Warcraft: Cataclysm, and even Wrath of the Lich King, when Tahu Sagewind and Aponi Brightmane explain why tauren priests and paladins will become playable]
> (https://wow.gamepedia.com/An%27she)
ok? and? want a pat on the head?
and them some didnt exist ftfy
you sure about that?:
[The Highborne in particular were treated with suspicion and even open hostility.]
uhhh yes it does lmao
no, they did not. canonically they did not. just because YOU did that does not mean your vulpera did. vulperas werent a part of the horde politics or even in the main alliance v horde sphere of influence until BFA, which is WAYYYYYY after Garrosh’s death
just because a DH player can go into the black temple and kill illidan for transmog does not mean that they did lore-wise.
they didnt invent jack, just because YOU dont know the lore does not mean it should be thrown out because YOU want it to when a lot others actually appreciate it, some retcons here and there are NOWHERE NEAR the level of scale of lore sacrilege that is vulpera DHs
i can actually link lore bits that pre-date cataclysm and ive only started playing in legion, can you?
Sure, because you had a set levels to invest into your character, but you COULD sue cross skills you actually have the ability to play a multi-class as opposed to someone who can swap between two.
I mean I don’t see your issue other than “I don’t like it”.
You’re running a dungeon all of a sudden the tank or healer bails, it could lead to the group just completely falling apart. Sometimes you find a multispec class decide to fill that role until it’s actually filled. You have an issue with that? Cause I don’t see it being any different than that.
Blizzard totally missed the mark on this. Which is sad because so many people made really good points on why this didn’t feel good from the players prospective. What’s sad is that they make these mistakes time and time again and never seem to learn from them.
I had a lot good will for them during the Beta. They engaged with the player community and listened to feedback. But then wasted it all making Covenant choice a punishment for how you wanted to play your character.
Choices like this shouldn’t be meaningful. They should be fun and create greater player immersion. Meaningful choices come from picking the class and spec you play.
So they created some new lore, which fit neatly with the old lore, an expansion before their introduction. It’s quite reasonable, but it’s not as if it has a long and storied history stretching back to WC3, either.
So long as there’s a decent, ingame explanation, it doesn’t matter if they pull new race/class combinations out of their butts. It can be made to feel natural within the lore, as your example demonstrates. All they need to do is lay the foundation beforehand, and give a few clues.
There are a few combinations I’d have a hard time justifying, even with a made-up lore reason to justify them - like Goblin Druids - but there’s a fair few you could work into the WarCraft universe without so much as a hitch.
It really doesn’t you just wander around doing fates for 20 minutes spamming a single button to kill everything, and boom, your trained enough to start your special class, get a cut scene, get a special soul, boom, continue doing fates ad nauseum because you burned through all your quests on your main class, and continue spamming the same button all the way to 70.
There is no special training, you swap weapons and maybe a soul item and boom, now your training a completely new class with completely different abilities.
You can try to pretend it’s more extravagant than it is, but it’s really nothing special.
I love tanking in FF14 a lot more. Tanking in that game is just a lot of fun, especially compared to WoW, imo. Generally, that’s mostly what I play in FF14 as a result.
There is no special training, you legit just level a few base classes spamming a few base ability and run a quest at 30 and like every 5 levels after that to be drip fed your abilities.
Acting like that’s something special is you exaggerating. Nothing more.
if aggressive expression (obviously non violent and civil discussion with or without harsh tone) is enough to prevent smooth brains from thinking about other opinions or in this case things that can be proven true and have their results reproduced, then you shouldn’t be part of the discussion.