Chronologically ff12 is first in that universe’s timeline for example.
The combat systems usually change. They have similar themes and plots for example. Every final fantasy is about the world ending. As that was what the first game was about. People like the final fantasies so they started making different stories about the world ending which is how we got so many.
Combat systems vary. Although the first ones were often turn based. They have inovated in later generations which is nice. Some people don’t like the changed combat, sometimes I didn’t like it in some games like in Lightning Returns myself. The timer system wasn’t fun when it affected the story for example.
Yeah, they all play like JRPGs but they’re all really different. And 14 is completely different from them all, that’s why it’s ridiculous to compare one of the main line games to it. Especially the 7 remake of all things.
Some aspects are comparable. Like graphics. Quest design, engine systems, combat styles. I like how ff14 for example has fan service and has transmogs based on popular final fantasy characters. I like the bosses that are tied to other game universes. FF14 was said to to be next reincarnation of the ff13 universe after lightning returns. There was a little event tied to it I believe. I may be confusing that with the ff15 event.
We’re getting a little off track lol. My original posts were just saying that 7 and 14 are absolutely nothing alike and they can’t be compared, is all. it’s obtuse to play one and talk about it as if they’re the same, because they’re not.
And I hope 14 and 13 aren’t connected, I couldn’t stand any of the 13 series.
You logic is not correct for my statement or any past statements, vulpera dont have lore dissing dark magic and the like while tauren and high moutain do.
You could make a case for high moutain warlocks because of blood totem though, and thats working in the confines of the lore, not this strawman arguement you just conjured out of the twisting nether.
point still stands and you affirmed what i mentioned. What’s more silly is when people feel the need to argue or compare wow to another MMO that’s barely 8 years old and experienced no where the same success wow formerly and currently has in those 8 years.
Stand back, there’s a lore hurricane comin’ through.
This’ll be fun.
Tauren say hi. They got inspired to wield the Light by a different source, but until that point they had no ‘Paladin Experience’. Also, Kul Tirans and Gilneas both fielded Paladins. Yet NEITHER of their people can be Paladins!
Weird, that.
So then the non-elf DH sought out training and proved themselves. Hell, magic in general is considered Elven prowess yet Jaina blows every single Elf on both sides out of the water on a daily basis.
Then they get curious. One of their racials is ‘Nose for Trouble’ after all.
The Night Elves were against Arcane magic and shunned Mages until they didn’t anymore. C’mon, are you even trying?
I dismiss the ridiculous assertion that you can’t learn something because you were born with horns, or Mommy and Daddy don’t like That Satanic Music.
theyve been worshipping the sun since forever, an’she always gave them the power of the light and only til cataclysm did they hone it with their sun cult. the lore is there for tauren paladins
whos gonna train them? the legion is defeated and theres no longer a need for new demon hunters, and the ones that we play were trained back before BC
human potential TM
then they got obliterated for all we know
but they existed, in shren’dalar, they didnt just spring up… unlike demon hunter vulpera
^This right here! How DARE you try to give ideas to improve WoW! Your temerity and arrogance are astounding and offensive! OP, I am so flagging this post and inflammatory!
Compare FFXIII to FF9 in art style. Or FF12 to FF4. And tell me there’s a real ‘graphical similarity’ between them.
Or hell, FF7 to FF7R. There’s very little artistic similarity. There are some that look similar, but across the series they’ve tried more realistic like FF8, more stylized in FF9, sprite based in early games, etc.
Quest design: Please tell me how the quest design of Lightning Returns is similar to that of Final Fantasy 6? Or that the quest design in Final Fantasy 15 is similar to Final Fantasy X? Or even X-2 to XIII-2.
Combat Style: We have pure turn based in ff1, vs pure action in ff15, vs ATB style in FF6. Full party control in early FF games vs controlling one in FF15 vs controlling one but having AI styles in FF13.
The series really isn’t that uniform. Probably the most similar throughout is music, at least for the games Nobuo was involved in, but… aside from that…
I wish I could just play 1 character that can be all the classes, I wish transfers and race changes were affordable like XIV and not a racket like WoW and I really wish I had as much fun in WoW as I do with my main job in XIV, Machinist. I have tries a bunch of specs in WoW and just nothing feels even close as fun as Machinist does.
And, what, the Kul Tirans and Gilneans just slipped on a rock, hit their head really hard, and went ‘Light? What Light?’ Paladins are not exclusive to Stormwind and Lordaeron, every Human kingdom fielded Paladins, even Dalaran.
Also, you’re right. New lore sprung up that allowed Tauren to be Paladins. A wonder how that works!
Not according to Shadowlands, Legion is a Chromie-time artifact which means your DH is brand-spankin’ new despite there being no Legion to face down with anymore. As far as who’s gonna train them… Anyone that’s currently a Demon Hunter? I know there’re DH trainers out there, and Illidan wanted DHs to go beyond elves. He just got blinded by ‘only elves can do this’ due to longevity, despite the fact that, again, Humans and Orcs at least would boil down the lessons to the fine necessities and go from there.
I mean, yes? That’s what a PC should be able to do. Protagonist Potential. Hell, lore-wise, my Tauren Warrior is literally the greatest warrior on the face of Azeroth. Per the game’s own words!
And then some didn’t. The PC being one of them.
And they were also KOS until Blizzard decided ‘nope they’re friends now with the tree elves despite a couple millennia of revulsion, y’know nbd’.
Lore has no bearing here at all. Before Shadowlands, my Vulpera could (and canonically DID) take orders direct from Garrosh Hellscream. No Chromie time, no illusion, a Vulpera Priest that should not have been able to exist was able to take orders from an orc that was dead almost a decade before the dune foxes learned of continents outside of Zandalar. How’d they get past that?
They invented lore to address the issue. It’s EASY.
Yes lets look at Torghast You have the lottery of powers as the first thing and there was no way you knew that you were in a no win(which blizzard is fixing) till you got to boss. Then some classes could not progress because the power they got SUCK. So take off those rose colored glasses.
The only reason i don’t play it is the every quest has a story they have to tell you no matter if main or sub quest.
This has been a gigantic point of contention for me for basically forever. WoW’s service prices are absolutely ridiculous compared to the competition - it seems like they only charge so much because they know people will pony up, regardless. Kinda scummy.
… And I don’t buy that “It’s meant to prevent abuse!” argument, either, seeing as with enough money, you can transfer your entire character roster with no cooldown whatsoever.
Sadly, unlikely to change, as again, they know people will buy it at this price. Hell, people are still buying boosts, despite the insanely fast leveling now. Paying the price of a full, new retail game, just to skip it. It’s nuts.
Again, nothing you said has had any merit and again is mostly ignorant of the lore, not totally like last time though.
Don’t see why tauren were brought up? yeah they have paladins and lore to explain it, vulpera dont.
Night elves have a magical history, even a big lore snippet about the return of the highbourne, them leaving the nightelves the first time is what became of the high elves. Night elves returning to that is cool.
And no, vulpera aren’t just going to become demon hunters because they got curious, its very specialized training and again no one is seeking them out. Its not that they can’t become demon hunters, its just they have no cause to subject themself to that.
So yeah, I don’t know where this lore hurricane is, because everything you said can be explained rather easily.
Its not that they can’t learn it, its that they are following their peoples ways, and unless the grim totem and blood totem become more involved, their isn’t going to be tauren mages, its that simple.