Things FFXIV does better WoW should learn from

Nobody is talking about FF7 though. We’re talking about FF 14. They’re two completely unrelated games, aside from both having ‘final fantasy’ in the name. FF7 is a single player RPG. Final Fantasy 14 is an MMO.

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7 and 14 are absolutely nothing alike, honestly none of the individual FF games are anything alike. They’re all separate games entirely. And 14 is an MMO so it’s set apart from all of the rest except 11(another MMO)

Vulpera have knowledge from zandalari outcasts which span multiple classes and even fel, they also seemingly have no magic biases which opens up even more class options.

But the lack of any forest spirit etc is making sure they arent going to be a druid anytime soon.
They havent even shown an interest in drudic magic at all in all their screen time.

Also what about taurens screams priests or paladins to you? They worship the sun and they sure have a lot of heat and sun in vol dun. Hint hint.

That’s an inference, and you know it.

Allow me to turn it around:

You can’t say talk about cultural identity defining a race’s class options, but turn around and justify existing options because “they borrowed a bit of culture from [insert convenient race].”

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I aint pleading for an exception and it isnt something you can turn around, this isnt the same logic, high moutain tauren dont even have experience with orcs the way horde tauren do.

We are talking about different races amd cultures, you cant just throw in tauren or high moutain like its some gotcha moment, its completely illogical to the scenario.

Fine. Regular tauren. You can nitpick my hypothetical all you want, but the point remains, if we went strictly from core cultural identity for class selection, we’d have a very different game.

Orcs would be Warriors, Shamans, and Hunters. Maybe Warlocks and Death Knights if you’re feeling generous.
Gnomes would be Hunters, solely, restricted to guns and mechanical pets.
Draenei would be Priests and Paladins (Note - not even Shamans, as that isn’t inherently cultural. They can be NPCs.).
Night Elf males would be Druids and Demon Hunters.
Night Elf females would be Warriors and Priestesses. Maybe Hunters, too.

The goalposts on what is “culturally appropriate” for class selection have shifted to become more generous with each passing year.

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ok he asked me a question i said i dont like the story/lore which is why i wont play 14 cus i didnt like 7 ur on some other crap

And we’re both informing you that the games are completely different so comparing them is pointless. It’s like saying you won’t play Pokemon because you didn’t like Witcher 3.


But… FF14’s story and lore aren’t at all related to FF7.

Like… at all. Completely different world, universe, characters, storyline.

This is a franchise in name only, not a single story continuing through from FF1 to FF16.

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that doesnt mean i never seen the mmo are you bored or something like nor does it change the fact that the mmo does thigns better than wow and vice versa

You’re the one that started participating in a conversation you apparently have no knowledge of whatsoever, and now you’re getting defensive about being corrected lol


OP good points. I agree with you.


Put yourself in Blizzard’s shoes. Try to understand what they’re thinking. They don’t want people getting bored. Also they dont wanna just outright copy FF just yet. They can always do that later…

… like they did with XP in BGs. Warhammer Online did that. It was a great idea. Thank you, Warhammer Online!

The drama caused by forcing you to choose is exciting, because it’s uncomfortable.

defensive of what i said i dont like the theme/lore of the game so i dont play 14 how ever i seen the game mechanics and said wow can do things 14 does better

i looked at the game i dont like the theme which i stated and i dont like the lore a
so again the man asked me a question i asked and you went on some completely different thing because you have nothing to do

it happens :man_shrugging:

me liking or playin the game has nothing to do with knowing stuff like player housing something wow should of done instead of garrison is options we need in game

trophy hunting make rare killing would open world more to place trophies of our favorite rares around our house stuff like that

It works well in ff14. And it is balanced around inventory. You really only want to pick the classes you will play. Because you won’t have enough space for all the specs. Lorewise we are heroes. We are champions. We are exceptions. Gameplay wise it is already sort of treated like this in some facets. Lore can still be lore for npcs. Player characters should have more leeway.

Mind if I ask which specific components of the theme and the lore don’t appeal to you?

I’m very curious as to what it was that you saw about it that made you think ‘this definitely isn’t for me!’

Feels to anime is all i like the cartoon style of wow

Oh so it’s just the art style? That’s fair. Maybe next time just say ‘I don’t like the art style’ in stead of pretending you actually know something about the game and trying to play it as something more than that.

Not liking something for its art style is perfectly reasonable. There’s nothing shameful about that.


the combat is also pretty anime lol but w/e i dont like what i dont like the raids /dungeons etc looks fun and wow can def take some pointers so my statement stands :slight_smile:

They have some similarities and some shared plot threads. As the final fantasy multiverse is said to be connected by beings such as Gilgamesh. Some final fantasy games share universes. For example ff10 is an ancient sort of prequel to ff7 in the same universe. It is a debate wether it is the same planet for example. Some final fantasies share locations. For example ff12 universe is the earliest mention with Espers and have other games tied to the universe.

It’s somewhat true. FFXIV does occasionally pull bits and pieces from lore of previous games. Cloud of Darkness from FFIII had a raid, although it took place in a parallel/alternate universe… and Omega pulled characters from previous FF games for its ‘alternate dimension tournament’…

Oh, and FF6 had espers well before 12 :wink:

The only FF games that DEFINITELY share are 12 and Tactics, which both take place in Ivalice. The rest are all theories.