They/them pronouns

According to whom?

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Keep in mind that I gave you leeway here for referring to Blizzard as a singular but calling the company “They” or “them” even though grammatically it’s a singular ‘they’ because sure, you could’ve been talking about the developers as a group. Even though that’s not how it was used in the sentence. But okay. That happened about a billion times, most people who vehemently insist that “they” can’t possibly be singular or all grammar will collapse typically do the same.

Further, in reading your posts, my guy, grammar isn’t really your strong suit. I don’t know if this is the hill you want to strap in on.

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I mean, if you super want to stick to your guns for the principle, I guess. No matter how awkward it is. Fortunately, you don’t need to do those kinds of linguistic gymnastics, it’s completely permissible to use a singular “they” in the English language and has been since the 1300s.

If you’re talking about “someone” you’re talking about one person. The identity is uncertain, the number isn’t. Grammar!

I wouldn’t count “clicking two things to find your posts to prove a point and then doing a ctrl+f search” as stalking, but if you want to have a gander at my post history that’s not hard either.


Are you sure that someone who admittedly struggles with English grammar due to not growing up a native speaker should be presenting themselves as an authority on whether or not the English language uses a singular “they”?

Now, am I enough of a pill to keep calling you a dude when you’ve specified that the gender that you identify as is female for the sake of making a point? Maybe not. Tempting, though.

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You need someone to figure out how to learn?

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the so called lfrnouns are heavily chastised by these "pro"noun people, like as if these “pro” noun folks are somehow better just because of internet video game levels. These "pro"noun-ers arent even at the CEnoun level, but still act like they are the bosses of the universe

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They is still used as a plural, it’s just that it’s also been able to refer to an individual. It’s been that way for around 700 years(seriously, feel free to look it up unless you also think that everything that you don’t agree with on Google is propaganda)

Yes recently people have decided that it’s now a pronoun they wish to be called, however insisting that they cannot refer to an individual is simply being factually wrong about English.

Which if people are gonna use a semantics argument on the internet, they should at the very least not be technically wrong.

no crap, life is a battle for survivance, only toughts live

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Doesn’t even call us proper names.

I’d take lackey, go for, peon. its what we are…lets not use pretty language to hide that.

Champion go hunt 10 animals for food for this camp.

hey camp commander…I outrank generals at this point. go send 2 troops to hunt. this is what I’d like to say lol.

Why not just rename your characters and add your pronouns to the end or the beginning. That way everyone will know and will still just call you “priest”.

It’s not trolling, you can choose your pronoun now.

Even this statement is no longer true.

Basically english is fried, “He” and “She” doesn’t mean anything anymore.

But you are one person?

For centuries? If you are going to make bogus statements do it the right way.

They have been using this for Millenniums.

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I dunno . . . I’ve seen some ‘progressive’ stuff that kinda oppressive.

Oh, it’s still true; it’s just that more people imagine that it’s not.

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There is the “Progressive” party and there is the word “progressive”. The dictionary will help with that.

It’s sort of like “Republicans” being more supportive of the British Royal Family than they are of Harry and Meghan. There are the Republicans and then there are republicans.

So you are essentially going from thread to thread on this subject matter and being a trolling douche,

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stop calling me names it OFFENDS ME

it’s like low tier bait too, it’s pretty boring

Funny how moderation on these boards is automated unless someone actually widely reviled gets flagged.

These mods, man.

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I am laughing so hard right now. Good job and thank you.