They/them pronouns

Once again you make my point, how it is okay to make fun of one side and not the other. Guess you had your tall glass of hypocrisy this morning.

All I did was explain how a couple words are used with examples. How is that hypocrisy?

Let me make a derogatory comment about liberals and see how quickly I get a vaca from forums.

What derogatory comment? I’m simply stating facts. By definition a “Republican” government is a government that has no monarch yet I hear a lot of conservatives taking the side of the British Royal Family against Harry and Meghan.

Now if you want to criticize Democrats for believing in Democracy then fine go ahead.

Of course that’s just a trend. If you disagree and you are a conservative but support Harry and Meghan over the British Royal Family just say so.

You aren’t you are making assumptions because a large group of people vote different than you. This is the kind of post that should warrant a vaca but wont.

It has nothing to do with how I vote, I’m simply observing what people have said. Now I added something to the note above. If you feel I’m wrong and that you and conservatives support Harry and Meghan over the British Royal Family then say so.

Why would you care about any of the family? Asking for a friend. They’re all rubbish.

This is “ignored content” I love it.

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I don’t, I was just pointing out something I saw to try to explain how words previously mentioned were being misunderstood.

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Well your not doing a good job of ignoring.

I was just pointing out that I cannot see what they said and it was funny to me.

You’re on a roll.

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your pronouns are bro, dude, boi, fam, homie, dawg, sh*tter, dumpster fire, and the list goes on. stop tryna beta everything

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And you are calling a large part of society stupid based on your posts, thank god for the report button.

Lately a lot of people tell me what I said, which doesn’t come close to what I said, then argue against that. Really strange.

I never said anyone was stupid and you won’t show me where I did.

Op will you just go the hell away, always throwing this crap down our throats every friggin day,you are getting tiresome

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I dont know if this would be good for the game but if its added I wouldnt care


Whose cell phone is this? SOMEONE probably forgot it.
There, fixed it for ya.

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Or how bout this: Hey dude, how ya doin’? And if I don’t know their gender? Hey, how ya doin’? Or just: How ya doin’?

See, that’s not hard to do, now. Is it?